False. I saw an episode but sadly I don't understand anything and that bearded man scares me.

TPBM sings while taking a shower.
Now that you said it, yeah I think it is though it's more fun than dangerous. lol

TPBM is currently owing people reply on threads.
Umm, I don't think so, I usually keep up pretty well with my characters, though I do have one and I'm tending to that right now!

TPBM- Is also owing threads.
Absolutely true. I think I owe three people replies and that includes you Tenilee since I haven't started replying on Samual and Crystal's thread.

TPBM is bored.
Not exactly, i have hw due tomorrow that i havent started.

TPBM is trying to work through a terrible headache.
False, and you should do that homework young lady ;)

TPBM- Has a sister.
False. I don't have any siblings but I absolutely wish I had one.

TPBM doesn't have any siblings.
False - I have a brother

TPBM -is up late and should be sleeping right now
False-ish. It's 9pm and I guess I could be sleeping, but I don't have to be.

TPBM- Is American
False, I'm watching something on my laptop :D

TPBM- Is currently sick :o
True-ish - I am recovering from a cold

TPBM has a cat
True, I love animals :shy:

TPBM- has a large family, but does not see them often :(
False. It's only me my dad and my mom but you're right about the "don't see them often" thing since my mother is in Canada.

TPBM has already read a book on the Percy Jackson series.
false but want to

tpbm has had deathly hallows part 2 since it cam out
Well, since I don't really understand what you just wrote I'm going with false. But if you mean that I've already seen the deathly hallows part 2 then I'd go with true.

TPBM speaks a native language.
Im not sure what you mean by that, but if you mean do I speak a language that is native to a country, well i speak Australian and I am native to australia. But otherwise false.

TPBM has been on HNZ for more than three years.

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