True. My choir director absolutely loves songs in Latin. :tut:

TPBM is having a good day
true, well as good a day is i can have whilst cleaning. i.e. music on full blast
TPBM likes pink (the singer)

TPBM is going to see Titanic 3D next year?
they are releasing the titanic in 3D, (I don't think i have seen it in 2D, shock horror :o)
TPBM: is looking forward to the holidays

TPBM has not brushed his or her hair today.
well i am meant to be packing for holidays and tidying the house, but i have managed to get half an hour off :r
TPBM: is happy with what they are wearing right now.
False. I enjoy reading poetry, but do not write it.

TPBM texts a lot.
False, my phone is often flat.
TPBM: knows where i can find my ipod.
True ish? have you checked in pockets and bags? :)

TPBM Is going to a xmas party.
False it is not a very appealing word at all....

TPBM wants to be a pirate
True that would be amazing!

TPBM likes Snow.

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