Closed Tough Luck

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)
Seamus had just managed to watch the game, it hadn't been a very long game and given that his brother was the seeker for the other team, he was sure that Hamish would be disappointed with the result. And it had ended so quickly before he could really do much. The teen had lingered by the changing rooms waiting for his brother to emerge. He knew things between them were not as good as they could be, but Hamish was still his brother and he would check on him no matter how badly things were between them. So he was just waiting, getting the odd glance from the other team members as they walked out of the room, probably all having forgotten the fact Hamish had an indentical twin brother. He would go in there if Hamish took any longer. Needing to be sure his brother was okay and not like having a breakdown or anything.
Hamish felt awful. He sat in the changing room, still in his uniform, his head in his hands. If any of his teammates saw him, they didn't say anything. He wasn't crying, but he felt like it. He felt useless. His grades were awful, his relationship with his brother was strained. He couldn't even make a decent attempt to catch the stupid snitch. Why was he even on the team? He hadn't moved in what felt like hours. Part of him was aware he was lingering, but the larger, more dominant part didn't care. What was he even good for? He used to think that as long as he could keep an eye out for Seamus, he was worth something. He was Seamus' brother. He belonged somewhere. But Seamus didn't need him. His parents certainly didn't. He was sure in that moment the team would be better off without him, too. Hamish tangled his hands in his hair, but otherwise remained unmoving.
When Seamus was sure that no one else was possibly leaving the changing rooms, and his twin had not shown his face, Seamus went in. He glanced about the changing rooms that were not that different from the slytherin ones. Seamus spotted his brother easily in the room, he was sitting in the room, clearly crying. Seamus walked over to him sat down down next to him. He put an arm around him, tentatively touching his shoulder. "Come on, it was dumb luck that he caught it that fast, no talent involved," he assured him.
Hamish tensed automatically at the sudden touch, but relaxed when he realized it was Seamus. He let out a frustrated sigh. "Sure, this game. I didn't catch anything in the last game, either." He grumbled, refusing to cry despite how badly his eyes were burning. "I'm useless. I have no friends. My grades are non-existent. When I'm not with you, I'm nothing. Our parents don't care. I can't even look out for you anymore. I can't cook. What good am I?" He ranted, feeling emptier the more he spoke.
Seamus frowned slightly, "Yeah, and I'm still a bench warmer, it's just a bad couple of games." he told him, perhaps it hadn't been a good couple of games, but as seeker it was all or nothing. If he played and hit one out of four he still hit something. Perhaps he thought that Hamish should try to switch position. Seamus stopped himself from saying any more as Hamish continued. He knew that this was a problem. "I don't need you to look for me Hamish. You're my twin, not my mother," he told him with a little shrug. "You don't cease to exist because I'm not around, so you aren't nothing either," he added, perhaps he could be more delicate about it, but that had never been his strong suit. "Find other hobbies, when you do you'll make friends and it'll all be easier."
Hamish sighed at his brothers words, shutting his eyes. "It's all I've ever known. I don't know what to do." He ran a hand through his hair, sitting next to Hamish. "The classes at this school are all bogus. I want to cook. I don't know if there's anything here that can help with that." He put his head in his hands. "How do you do it? Just go on like you rule the world?" He asked softly.
Seamus couldn't help the little eye roll at his words. "Yeah but it shouldn't be all you'ver ever known," he retorted, perhaps it was because Semaus was more like his parents that he had more managed to go against all they'd been inadvertently taught. "The arts club sometimes do cooking stuff, and if not, just do it yourself," Seamus replied with a shrug, at the question he just sighed. "because what else can i do? If I don't keep moving forward, then all that happens is I get older," he wasn't the sort that wanted to make his mark on the world, nothing so grand, but just to...not be alone and sad.
Hamish sighed and sat down with his brother, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. "You make it seem so easy," He offered with a tired but wry smile. "I... I am trying, I swear," He promised. "...Thanks," He spoke quietly after a moment, leaning his head on his brothers shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm such a mess," He offered softly, shutting his eyes. "It's just- a lot of change in not a lot of time."
Seamus shrugged lightly. "You've always been the caring one," he replied simply, Seamus had never been the sort of person to care much about other people or how they percieved him so he found it easy to just keep moving forward. He shrugged, "It's fine," he replied. but didn't offer any other comment on it, because he thought it was plenty time, but there had been a lot of change in the last few years and though there had been time to get used to it, it had been a thing which had happened suddenly.
Hamish sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Alright, that's enough sulking." He stood, before looking to his brother. He offered out his hand. "How about a game of football?" He asked, thinking it would be a good way to clear his head and actually enjoy himself for a bit.
Seamus nodded lightly. "You know you played good today right, everything aside, you're a good seeker," he decided to tell him, he wasn't sure in everything else that he had actually called his brother good, and even if he had, now was certainly the time to say it again. But he nodded."Sure, finally a sport where I can kick your ass," he replied jokingly. He liked football, fractionally more than he liked quidditch but it wasn't the sport of this school.
Hamish hesitated as his brother spoke, and couldn't help but smile softly. "Thanks, Seamus, that means a lot," He said, meaning every word. Seamus' approval meant a lot to him, it was part of why he'd become a seeker in the first place. He laughed at his brothers next comment and started out of the lockers. "Hey, I'm a good seeker, I'm gunna destroy you," He teased.

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