- Messages
- 71
- OOC First Name
- Sam
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Age
- 11

Torrin Zayden Langton
Table of Contents:
The Basics Personality Emotions Family
Appearance In-Depth Personality Language Home Life
Style Favourites Goals and Ambitions Education
Photo Album Impressions Beliefs and Values Grades

Character's Name: Torrin Zayden Langton
Pronunciation: [TOUR] + [IN] [Z]+[EH]+[DEN]
Name Meaning:
-Torrin: The name Torrin means From The Hills and is of Irish origin.
-Zayden: The name Zayden means Increasing, Surplus and is of American origin. It is also considered a form of Aiden.
-Langton: The name Langston means From The Tall Man's Town and is of English origin.
Nicknames: T, Zayden
Gender: Boy
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Hometown: Nelson, New Zealand
Character's Birthdate: November 8th
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Zodiac Description: "Being a Scorpio born on November 8th, your personality is defined by your shyness, and determined by your artistic nature. You set goals for yourself and will work hard to accomplish them. You prefer that your efforts remain private however, as you detest being the center of attention. This tendency only adds to your mystery and intrigue. You enjoy and appreciate artistic expression, yet you maintain your shyness even in this area. Your friends and family appreciate your loving personality, even though they are sometimes frustrated with the emotional distance you choose to keep."
Element: Water
Elemental Description: "You are quite at home on the unpredictable oceans of emotion. From your experiences, you gain great emotional understanding, which has helped you develop compassion. At time's water's influence can make you stubborn, but it is also the source of your determination, which is one of your greatest strengths. Embracing water's influence will play a key role in your personal growth, but be careful to avoid the moodiness and instability that accompanies too much emotion."
Wand: 9 inch Flexible, Straight, Pine Wand with a Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Wand Description:
-Pine: Pine wands are often found in the hands of the 'loner', they do not protest creative and new uses of magic and this is perhaps why they seem to be the wands most successfully used with non-verbal magic.
Core Phoenix Tail Feather: Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.
Full Wand Purchase Link
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Preferred Hand: Left
Hair: Brown
Hair Style: Naturally Wavy. Usually wears it medium length down to his shoulders, but he had it cut for his first year at Hogwarts. His hair varies from short to this length throughout the years.
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'1''
Birthmarks/Scars: None
Other Distinguishing Features:
Torrin's hair is usually about shoulder length and wavy. He likes to grow it out. However, for the start of the new school year, his father made him cut his hair shorter to “fit in” more. Torrin also has a chipped front tooth that he is very self-conscious about. Due to this, he rarely smiles fully, more of a little smirk. Eventually, he plans on getting his tooth fixed, but he has not gotten around to it as of yet.
Health: Torrin is in good health physically. He does have a few mental health issues such as anxiety.
Energy: Torrin is not over energetic like his peers. He is often a nervous bundle of energy.
Memory: Torrin has a decent memory for important events less so for topics he finds uninteresting.
Allergies: None
Medications: None
Phobias: Getting Hurt, Small Spaces, Being the Center of Attention, Never Succeeding, Not Belonging Here at Hogwarts.
Gait: Torrin walks slowly and cautiously unsure of himself and his movements.
Posture: Torrin normally has decent posture, but he does have a habit of slouchy when he tries to be comfortable.
Coordination: Torrin has great hand-eye coordination due to his Football experience.
Habits and Mannerisms: Torrin is often nervous so he has a habit of looking down when his environment becomes too much. He also often has to tell himself to take three deep calming breathes.
Played By: Sunny Suljic

Overall Style: Torrin normally wears jeans and a "nice" shirt. He often wears his black jacket, his favourite and most comfortable clothing item he owns. His hair is normally longer, but starting this school year it is cut short.
Grooming: Torrin is well groomed and takes pride in his appearance. He knows he would stand out of the crowd if he ever looked disheveled.
Wardrobe: Comfortable, but Neat. His favourite clothing item that he wears frequently is his black pleather jacket.
Tattoos: None as of yet
Piercings: None as of yet
Trinkets: None

Photo Album Link
*All Quotes come from the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children series. @Copyright Ransom Riggs
*All Zodiac and Elemental Information @Copyright FamousBirthdays.com 2020
*Name Meaning comes from BabyNames @Moss Industry LLC 2020
*All Personality Tests @NERIS Analytics Limited 2020 and @https://hogwarts.nz/threads/torrin-zayden-langton.97635/post-1486725
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