tools of the trade


Centaur, Groundskeeper, Intrigued, Lonely.
OOC First Name
a bow, arrows and a dagger
48 (08/2014)
Open after anna

It had been over two years since Aspen had started working for the school looking afterthe grounds. she had grown used to the jobs she was expected and even was making her way into the great hall for food on most days. though she still caught and gathered her own food too.
today it was mid October. and an almost perfect day. it had rained in the night and the ground was soft. and she knew what she needed to do. she headed the the tool she to collect what she needed to weed the pumpkin patch. she couldn't have any weeds chocking the pumpkins that thefirst yers had been busy growing ready for the feast even if it was a long way down for her to the floor to pluck the plants from the ground the vines. she just needed to work out what would be best for her to do the job.
The month of October meant spring was well underway, frosty mornings warming up to create shiny, dew laden plants that had begun to bloom with the welcomed sun. It meant more work for Ignacio in the school gardens than in winter, needing to preen and guide each flowering shrub early to prevent overgrowth along the pathways, and coaxing away any climbing roses or ivy before it developed to constrict the castle's stonework. It was a task calling for shears, both large and small to preen any dead leaves and branches that could begin to grow askew, shears Ignacio knew had been left in their allocated spot in the groundskeepers' shed. He approached the shed in question whistling quietly to himself, not unphased by the sight of Aspen who was likely also seeking out tools she needed for her own tasks. "Hey." He greeted gently, nodding in recognition to his co-worker. While some would have been intimidated by working alongside a centaur, Ignacio instead welcomed the opportunity. Aspen understood different parts of the forbidden forest and school grounds more than he ever could, and he was appreciative for the chance to learn from her as they worked together. "Is it the crops you're working on today?" He asked casually, waiting in place for a moment to give Aspen space to find whichever tools she needed.​

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