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Addison Beckett

Shy- Kind- Soft- Full of Facts
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Sturdy Birch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
3/9/2038 (22)
Addy was planning to meet up with Augustus at the dance. She had finally started to settle into something resembling a new normal. She knew a lot of that had to do with Augustus. He had been her rock through everything, and she had thought long and hard about a way to thank him properly. She was waiting for him outside of the Great Hall, the gift in her hands. She would really be lost without him. She hummed softly, looking at the other students that were coming in as she waited.
Augustus had been spending a lot of time with Addison lately, and still, he found himself missing her when she wasn't around. It had been nice to see her over break, but in their OWL year, it was difficult to get a lot of time together. He had really been looking forward to seeing her tonight. He just hoped she didn't mind him showing up in the same suit he had worn to the Yule ball. He headed to the Great Hall and stopped short when he saw Addison. There was something about her that made him feel weird. Like, how Nicole had made him feel, but less scared. She was looking beautiful. He blinked a few times, then approached. "Hello." He said timidly, unable to stop staring at her.
Addy smiled as Augustus appeared, walking over. He was staring, but she was used to him staring. "Hello," she replied in return. "I'm glad to see you. I brought you a present," she told him, holding out the box. "I thought a lot about it, I hope you like it," she gave him a shy smile.
Augustus blinked in surprise when Addison said she had a present for him. It took him a moment to remember how to make his mouth form words. "Oh, you didn't have to." He said softly, but he took the box from her. "I didn't bring you anything..." He said as he hesitantly opened the gift.
Addison shook her head at his first comment, and smiled. "Of course I did, Augustus." She blushed a little and looked away, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You've been really supportive this entire time. I don't know where I'd be without you," She looked back up to him, smiling shyly. "This is my way of saying thank you," She stepped a bit closer as he took out the journal. "This isn't just a journal. It took a bit of time, but," She reached over and gently opened it so he could see. "I filled it already- it's just a lot of facts and tidbits I thought you would like or find interesting." She peeked up to him, smiling a bit more certainly now. "I even got Cas to help me with a few illustrations." She told him, opening up to one to show him.
Augustus shrugged a bit when she said she had to give him a gift. He just felt more awkward when she insisted. "I..." He paused. "I'm glad I helped..." He mumbled, feeling relieved that he had at least not made things worse. He opened the package and saw it was a journal. He looked up as Addison took it out and listened as she explained. A smile appeared on his face as he saw that she had filled it up with a lot of little facts she knew, and he reached to take it from her so he could look at it more closely. "That's excellent." He said softly, looking at it in awe. "Thank you."
Addy giggled softly, pleased that he liked it. She stepped in, lacing her arm through his and laying her head on his shoulder. It had become a pleasant norm now, leaning into him. It was moments like these that made her heart flutter in her chest still, and she would silently remember how she felt for him. She was adept at keeping it hidden, however. She knew Augustus had no feelings for her. At least, none of that sort. She pulled back after a moment, offering out her hand. "Do you want to dance?" She asked. "Or would you like to sit and get some snacks?"
Augustus was flipping through the journal quietly, taking it in. He had almost forgotten where he was until someone bumped into him a bit on the way into the Great Hall. He blinked, realizing Addison had moved closer and put her head on his shoulder. His mouth went dry. He blinked at her, then numbly took her hand. "Snacks sound nice." He croaked, still clutching the journal to his chest with his other hand.
Addison smiled up at Augustus, lacing their fingers and pulling him gently along to an open table. "Here, why don't you sit down, I'll be back soon with snacks." She let go and walked away, gathering up a plate of snacks and some drinks before walking back. She set the things down on the table, moving to sit beside him then. "I'm back," she announced, smiling at him and peeking at his book.
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