Together at Lunch....

Sofiajade Evans

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sofiajade, together with Meyke, entered the Great Hall for lunch. They stopped at the entrance, she turned to Meyke. "The great hall doesn't seem to packed today." she said as her eyes saw that only a few people are having their lunch."So, which house table? Mine or yours? Or should we go our separate ways?" she asked her.
Meyke walked into the Great Hall with Sofiajade. She looked around and chose a spot at the end of the Hufflepuff table.

Her stomach began to rumble so she grabbed a plate from the middle of the table. She began filling it with pancakes, and doused them in syrup. She couldn't believe how hungry she was. She started to shove a few bites into her mouth and waited for Sofiajade to come and join her. "Here .... I prefer yours," Meyke answered.
Sofiajade walked up to Meyke and joined her. She sat across her and took a plate but didn't put any food in it. She just stared at Meyke. "You really are in state of hunger." she said and smiled.
Sofiajade smiled. Then she saw Meyke put another batch of food unto her plate, she thought for a moment if she'll eat lunch or not, then decided to do so. She eyed at the food in front of her. She was not feeling good, she just settled with a glass of orange juice. "Hey, do you know any twins here?" she asked Meyke. When she looked up, she saw that Meyke's attention was in her food. She didn't seem to hear her. "Uhmm, Meyke? Excuse me?" she said.
Meyke was a little startled when Sofiajade sat down at the table.

"It's perfectly fine. I'm just glad I met you today. I didn't know twins at Hogwarts. I have met some really nice people. I am doing okay. Could be a little better. How about you and your family? How is everything with them? And why did you ask about twins?"

Meyke cut a few more pancakes and put them in her mouth and began chewing. A bit of syrup ran down her cheek. She brushed her wrist to her mouth and wiped away the sticky goop. She grabbed a glass of orange juice and washed it down waiting for Sofiajade to speak.
"It's a little sad at home because my mom's always in the hospital and even though she was home, the hospital calls and she rushes in." she replied then took a sip of the orange juice. "Oh, and about the twins, it was nothing. Just asking, I'm an only child, you see." she added.
"It's a little sad at home because my mom's always in the hospital and even though she was home, the hospital calls and she rushes in." Sofiajade told Meyke.

"Oh, and about the twins, it was nothing. Just asking, I'm an only child, you see." Sofiajade added.

"Ohhh .... I'm so sorry to hear that ... Get well soon for your Mom ..." Meyke said honestly. "Woaaa ... I thought you are twnis so you asked like that," Meyke giggled.
At first Sofiajade didn't seem to understand what Meyke had said, then it hit her! Meyke thought her mom was at the hospital, sick. Sofiajade smiled at her. "Oh don't be sorry! She's not sick, she's in the hospital because she's a surgeon." she told Meyke.
"No, she's a muggle." Sofiajade replied to Meyke.

((OOC:Sorry but I won't be able to continue with this RP.))

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