Today is Going to be a Drag, but I'm Sorry Anyway

Leviathan Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 10" Flexible Pine Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Leviathan made sure to not wear his best clothes, and just proceeded with an old black shirt and older and worn jeans as he made his way toward the towers to receive the worst day of his life. He had never had detention with Professor Styx before, and it scared him. He did like it with Lola Rowann, but no one knew about that. Levi made his way to the owlery and found it completely deserted of human life. No Ariah, and no Professor Styx. "I guess they aren't here yet." Levi didn't want the punishment, but from what he could tell, Professor Styx had been here. There were cleaning utensils laid out. Levi walked over to the bucket and picked up the tool - if that is what you can call it - to clean with. A tiny...pump brush. "You have got to be kidding me. He really wants to waste the day away!" And what was worse was that he had to spend all day, with Ariah. And she knew that he was her secret admirer. Great.
Ariah decided that she was going try and not let the whole detention thing get to her, she had spent most of the night worrying about how today was going to go for her. But once morning came around she figured she would try her best to ignore Levi if he did or said anything mean to her and just try to get the job done without getting into anymore trouble that she was already in. On top of that from what she knew he was her secret admirer, she didn't know why he did or why he didn't bother to tell her and that made her a little angry at for him for thinking he had something to hide. Once inside the Owlery Ariah stopped and froze when she saw Levi, he must have gotten here before her which was unusual. " what is that?" She eyed the brush thing carefully for a moment before she shrugged and stepped away from him to get a glance at one really cute looking owl that stared at her, she loved animals so this was almost a treat for her...except with a few not so fun adjustments like the cleaning and Levi being here, then again if he was actually nice to her she wouldn't mind him being here either.

"Awh, you are so cute!" She gushed over the owl for a moment longer before she stopped and turned to look at Levi, her mint green eyes all bright and sparkly. "Where's Professor Styx?" Although Ariah would rather not clean and be all bummed out because what a bad kid she was, but they needed to get this done because this place looked like it was going to take a long time to clean. That and she seriously wanted a distraction from asking Levi questions about those gifts, because she was getting to curious for his own good.
"I'm here." Professor Kalif Styx stepped into the owlery, and he glowered down at the younger Slytherins. Neither had given him problems in Herbology, except Leviathan when he falls asleep but other than that, nothing. Kalif approached Levi, grabbed his hand and he took Ariah's as well, and bound their hands together. "You will be using that brush, together, and cleaning this owlery. Perhaps this time together will ensure that neither of you will fight after this." Kalif stepped into the doorway, turned and he leaned against the doorway to oversee their detention.
Leviathan flinched when Professor Styx grabbed his wrist and made him hold hands with Ariah. And he could not let go either. Levi groaned, "Great, just perfect!" He stared at the brush, and he stared at Ariah for a moment with his silver eyes. "You rinse, I scrub." Levi bent down, and he rolled his eyes and he had to wait until she bent down to really get started on this job. First, the floors. Then everything else. Levi put the brush down, and with his wand, he used Accio on the buckets of soapy water and clean water. The skid across to them without spilling. "Ariah, can we get started anytime soon? This is awkward enough."
Ariah stared with confusion when Professor Styx bound their hands together and then told them that they would be using that one brush to clean this whole Owlery together. "Man this blows, I don't want to hold your hand." She stated boldly before she turned her mint green eyes onto Levi and nodded that she would be willing to rinse after he was done scrubbing, even if she preferred not to be near him regardless. Crouching down she rolled her eyes when Levi called this awkward, she had no idea how he find this situation awkward. Ariah found it awkward because this was the boy who had given her all those gifts and who made her feel like crap all the time, she just didn't know what to think of him anymore. "Awkward for me maybe." She commented softly, averting her gaze away from Levi as she tried to keep her head level in case he decided to say something to bother or bully her once again, she was getting good at blocking out how negative everyone one was to her. "Hey Levi...A-are you really my secret admirer?" She asked as she began to play with the bucket of soapy water, waiting when it was time for her to rinse like Levi had told her to. As much as she wanted to just forget about it and pretend it never happened there was something telling her not to let it go so easily.
"Save me the drama, will you?" Leviathan rolled his eyes at Ariah's boldness. Obviously, they were going to be holding hands, for a good while. He was glad that she did not put up a huge fuss about this mess, and she bent down so he could start scrubbing, which he did. Levi did not want to talk right now, but she had to ask that bloody question. He did not answer at first, but he scrubbed harder at the floor. Slowly, it was starting to get clean in maybe one square inch in one spot. "Rinse that and see if I got the dirt up." Levi said, purposely avoiding her question right now. But then, he answered it, "Yeah, I am. Big secret it out. Whoop whoop." Levi rolled his silver eyes, and he shrugged lazily. When he was doing labor work like this, it may be a little difficult trying to insult someone. Levi had yet to master multitasking.
Ariah was already feeling strong tension between the two of them and she absolutely hated it, and to be more blunt she had no idea what Levi really thought of her anymore. She thought she hated him, but maybe that was just because he has been and still is fairly mean to her when she didn't really deserve it from him. "It looks good to me." Ariah answered as she rinsed the floor and let her mint colored eyes shift to Levi for a moment, before she quickly averted them again so he wouldn't catch her looking at him or anything embarrassing like that. Then he answered the question she was waiting to here the answer for and when he did she turned a dark shade of red, she had found her secret Admirer after all this time it was him. "I really liked all those gifts you know. B-but your so mean to whenever your around me. Did I do something to upset you? Were all those gifts just a joke to hurt my feelings?" Ariah had to know what was up and why he acted the way he did to her when he also sent those notes that literally made her heart melt everytime she read one of them. Maybe she had offended him or he didn't like the way she was, there were so many reasons why he hated her but she didn't know which was the actual reason.
Leviathan nodded and he continued to scrub the floor, and figured that she would rinse on her own accord. The sooner he got this all done, the better. This was just terrible though. He paused and he sighed when her works struck him like lightning before a storm. "Look, I took some advice, because I don't know how to communicate with a girl, nor what she liked. Kaleb said to tease you, so I did. Then Kamaria told me to shower you with gifts. I was confused, okay?" Levi continued to scrub, and dared not to look at her. Now that he had admitted this, how could he?
After that whole statement was said Ariah just began to rinse the floor whenever she thought Levi had scrubbed a spot enough for it to be clean, she didn't want him to have to remind her every couple of minute's. When Levi paused and sighed Ariah also stopped and sat up a little so she could look at him easily, it sounded like he was actually going to say something meaningful this time. "So all those times you made me cry and stuff, you didn't mean it?" Ariah asked when she heard that someone had given him advice to tease her, she felt relieved that he only did it because he was told to do that. But instead of looking at her or anything, Levi just continued to scrub and not look at her, which made her a little angry but she understood his reasons. Deciding that he wasn't so bad, Ariah leaned over until her face was directly in front of his, her big sparkly eyes could very easily see into his if she caught his gaze. "If you wanted to be my friend, all you had to do was ask. I did want to be my friend right? Thats why you gave me stuff and defended me?" Ariah was obviously not getting in the big picture, in her mind though she didn't mull over the fact that he may like her or something, she thought that he was only looking for a friend.
Leviathan glanced up to see those minty green eyes and he stopped scrubbing. Her words continued to hit him, remind him of what a prick he was - especially to someone he liked. "No, I didn't. Apparently teasing doesn't work if the girl isn't mean herself. Like Aleyha and Theodore." Levi rolled his eyes and he went back to scrubbing. It was too hard for him to explain. And it had to deal with the fact that he was engaged to her via arranged marriage, and she didn't know. And apparently, she only thought he wanted to be friends... All this was frustrating Levi. Groaning, he stared up at Ariah, and irritated flowed out like butter, "I defended you because I like you. I gave you that stuff to show that all this, this is just how I was raised. Whereas those little notes reveal how I can be as well. Get it through your head. Merlin." Levi went back to scrubbing, and what he said was also coded for 'I'm sorry' but only the truly clever could figure that out. "I have friends. Just not a lot. I don't think and do stuff like give them gifts for them out of the goodness of my heart."
Levi stepped scrubbing and she knew that whatever she said had gotten to him, when she heard that he didn't mean to make her cry she became unbelievably happy. "I knew you were just a big ol' teddy bear in there." She poked his chest a few times. "But why would you try to copy anything Theodore does?" She asked shaking her head softly at him, sure Theodore and Aleyha were really cute together at times, but they were both extremely bad influences to one another and happened to be really mean, definitely not the type of people you wanted to copy ways of doing things from. The next words he said made Ariah shift and move her head further way from him as she turned a million degrees redder than she was probably supposed to be, had that seriously just come from Leviathan Zhefarovich's mouth? " me? You mean like, crushing, cuddly, lovey-dovey kind of like just don't hate me kinda like? Is that why everyone keeps talking about us getting married? What a bunch of nerds." Ariah stated softly as she rolled her mint green eyes and started to rinse again so she could try and keep up with Levi's pace, it almost seemed like he could have been saying sorry too but she had no idea what he meant half the time. The whole getting married thing completely threw her off though, why on earth would she marry Levi?
"Can it before I scrub the smile off your face," Leviathan pointed at her with brush before he went back to scrubbing. He did not want to think of himself like that. No, he was much stronger than that. Or rather, he would be once time passes. "No, I did not copy. I did not throw ink at you and did not physically fight you. I just sought out advice." Levi was not a copy-cat. And he knew that if he did hit Ariah, then that would just be trouble because they aren't supposed to do that. At least he was smart enough to figure that out. Levi listened to her words and he gave her a weird look, "What? Look, I just happen to be fond of you, just a little bit. And protective. Maybe jealous of Xavier but whatever." Levi hoped that she wouldn't poke him in the chest again. He didn't like much physical contact as is. But when the whole marriage thing was brought up, he shook his head. She did not know, and he did. It was just weird to think about, but she did have a right to know. That was what killed him. If he told her, then she might pretend to like him to make sure that their lives got along easier. Living in a lie was not what he wanted. "No, they were talking about us getting married because... Let's put it this way, Aleyha and Theodore aren't the only ones in an arranged marriage."
Ariah giggled when Levi told her to can it, right there he proved himself to be a typical make who did not like the idea of being considered soft of cuddly, as he pointed the brush at her her eyes followed it carefully. "Okay, well it's still not a smart idea to listen to anything they tell you." Ariah stated with a soft roll of her eyes, Theodore and Kaleb were far too used to having their girlfriends be a beastly bunch that they must assume that all girls like to be treated like that. Ariah felt embarrassed, confused, and even a little flattered that Levi was fond of her, she didn't know anything to try and purposely gain his affections so she wondered what on earth provoked them. "Why couldn't you have just told me from the beginning? You didn't have to hide it, maybe I would have hated you a lot less if you had." Ariah stated, the hand that was holding or rather stuck to Levi's tensed a little, she hadn't meant to say that she hated him out loud, she actually didn't and was just upset about things, but thats how it came out and she instantly felt bad that she said it. Levi seemed to be nervous around the next subject and when he stated that people were talking about them because Theodore and Aleyha weren't the only ones in an arranged marriage, Ariah suddenly felt sick to her stomach. " don't mean that you and I....come on Levi thats not funny." Ariah hissed after a moment, discomfort clearly written on her face. There was just no way or any reason for her to be in an arranged marriage with anyone.
Leviathan simply shrugged when she said for him not to listen to anything his friends tell him. Next time, he would be seeking out his twin. She seemed far too helpful compared to the rest of the bunch. "Like I said before, I don't know how to communicate with girls. I never really liked a girl before you so I am new at this. Give me a break." Levi rolled his silver eyes and he went back to scrubbing. He felt a little bad that he had gotten her to hate when when he wanted the opposite, but it was his own fault and he would have to fix it when he felt like it. "I wouldn't joke about something like that, Ariah." Levi did not make eye contact, more or less afraid to. What would she say after that? Probably freak out. Levi was cool with it, then again, he had known for quite some time too.
When Levi shrugged his shoulder Ariah decided to drop it and just assume that he wasn't going to ask his friends for anymore advice, whoever gave him him the idea to send all those gifts though was a genius. "I don't mind being teased a little, but when people are mean to me it sometimes reminds me of my...well my mom." Ariah stated shyly, she had never admitted this to anyone else before so she hoped this wouldn't turn out badly between them, she was trusting Levi with a bit of history that no one else knew about her. Shaking her head softly she started to rinse, a blush started to rise to her cheeks when Levi told her that he had never really liked a girl before her before so he was new at all of this, it made her feel a little bad for getting so upset with him for all of this. "I'm sorry, now I feel like the jerk." Ariah told him, her voice was worried and sincere so hopefully he could tell that she was actually sorry for what she said, without doing anything else she swiftly leaned over and gave him a small kiss on the cheek to further her apology, she felt so bad that she knew nothing she could say or do would really make him feel better now. However the thought of an arranged marriage scared her. "What? has got to be a lie. I mean why....would they force me to marry anyone? Why wouldn't anyone tell me, how do you even know?" The tone of her voice had made it sound as if she had just watched her cat die or something, it wasn't Levi that bothered it was just the thought that someone would actually be low enough to force two people to marry one another, especially kids.
"Sorry..." Levi uttered out. This time, he really meant his apologies. "You aren't the jerk. I'm the prick. So, no more apologies from you. Not until we get this thing done." Levi continued to scrub, and soon, the floor would be done. The floor was the hardest part, and the rest was basically just a rinse and go thing. Hopefully, that is. Levi sighed and he murmured, "To keep the pure-blood line going. Or ally two families into one. For our particular case, I think it was both. I didn't really want this, but well, I can't help who I like either." Levi sighed once more, as he had a hard time believing this as well. "We aren't going to be married until I graduate. So, there is a long time. You can date whoever you want in the meantime."
Even though Ariah was told no more apologies and that she wasn't a jerk by Leviathan, she was probably going to feel like she was one anyways because of all those unnecessary mean thoughts she had about him without even knowing him. But her thoughts were also being highly invaded by the thoughts of an arranged marriage with the boy right next to her, as hard as it was for her to believe that something like this was happening, she believed Levi completely. Lots of pure blood families did this to try and either unite two families or to keep the blood-line pure, she remembered her mother and father talking about how a lot of pure blood families were resorting to that. "So were just pawns to keep this stupid pure blood line thing going?" Ariah didn't seen any big deal in being a pure blood witch, she felt no different than all the other people out there in the word probably felt, why on earth was she chosen out of all the other Pure Blooded girls out there. "You don't only like because you think you have to, do you?" Ariah asked, figuring that Levi would think the same thing that she had thought at first, that she had to like him because she was being forced to marry him. Ariah wasn't going to let it happen like that though, she didn't want to live a lie so she would just have try and get to know Levi personally. "That seems so far away but so close, I don't think I'm going to go around dating now though. I'd be afraid that you'd beat him up, plus I feel like I should try to get to know you better. Unless your going to go out and look for someone." Ariah shrugged her thin shoulders softly, now that she knew all of this she found that probably shouldn't even if she wanted to, luckily she didn't want to any longer. Maybe if Levi was a bit nicer to her she would be less afraid to talk to him and be around him when she had time.
"Yeah, we are I guess. But look, just to let you know, I am one of those people that look down on others for their blood types. I prefer to keep the blood as pure as ever. There would be a lot more of us if those blood traitors had not become muggle lovers," grumbled Leviathan as he continued to clean the area. It was almost done, thankfully. Soon, he would be released from holding Ariah's hand, even if he did start to like it. "The only thing in the arranged marriage that I have to do is go through with it. If I liked you because I had to, I'd kill myself. But I like you because well, I just don't know why I do actually. Your type of people piss me off actually." Levi shrugged and he scrubbed a little more. "I probably would beat him up, but hey, good while it lasted. I won't date around. I'm not that type."
So he was one of those Wizards that had a thing against Muggle-borns and Muggles alike, that also meant he would be one of those people that called Ariah a blood traitor when he heard of her acceptance of muggles and such. "I don't think there is anything wrong with muggles or muggle-borns though. I used to have muggle friends when I was really little." Ariah rinsed the floor again as she averted her gaze away from Leviathan, he was probably going to make fun of her now and called her a Blood Traitor because of her beliefs. She was sued to it though and felt that he should know her opinion on these things, especially since he was now her future husband and they were probably going to have to try and understand eachother. "My type of people?" Ariah asked confused, she had no idea what he meant by this actually but at the same time she was still sort of flattered that he liked her regardless of him not liking people like her. "See, then what's the point of me trying to date someone if you just beat him up when I do? Wow either your really hooked or just more polite then people give you credit for." Ariah rinsed the floor again after a soft sigh, it's a good thing he had told her now about the marriage thing. What if she had ended up falling for someone just to find out she could never have him because she was already engaged?
Leviathan sighed, so she was a blood-traitor. Well, she could not be one yet until she was with someone who was of either bloods. Levi held his tongue and he muttered, "Hopefully your views will change." Levi sighed again as he realized just how much time had passed. There wasn't much left to do, actually, they were just about finished. Levi nodded once to her type of people, and he shrugged. He decided not to comment on that. Levi gave her an odd look and rolled her eyes. This was going to be one long marriage if she kept on with her...whatever...bubbly and happy attitude. Levi was not really into that, but there was something about her that he liked, a lot. But he couldn't tell what it is. "I dunno. Whatever makes you happy." Levi shrugged again, as he was getting tired. Standing up, the owlery cleaned, he inquired Professor Styx in a soft tone, "Are we done now?"

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