To Your Health

Margaux Martin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 17 Inch Rigid Elm Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Margaux puckered her lips as she put one last swipe of lip gloss on. She had plans to meet with Isabella Chaos. For some time now their calendars hadn't been able to synchronize but they found a rare moment where they were both free from social obligations so the Parisian girl was quick to suggest a favourite cocktail bar of hers in her new home of New Zealand. For a good few years after graduating for Beauxbatons she had stayed in Paris as it was the place she thrived but she yearned for change and so upon her sister's acceptance to Hogwarts New Zealand she had offered to house Noelle in the new country. The sister's both knew that they were a means to an end in this matter as they each were aware that Noelle's education - were it to be in Beauxbatons - would hardly be a positive experience like Margaux's was. Dressed and ready to go, Margaux pet her sister's black hair affectionately and told her to behave - something that she hardly needed to do as she was a good child. Better than most.

With a final instruction to the nanny who had followed Noelle and Margaux to New Zealand, she left her home with a pop. Apparation was her chosen method of transport as flying nor floo was appropriate for a woman of her standing despite having a fireplace which was approved for floo transportation. She had only used it in a bind and this was certainly not that. As she landed - Margaux walked into the cocktail bar expecting Isabella to already be there with a drink in hand but instead found nothing but a crowd of strangers within the wizarding community. Some of them she might have known by name as she received friendly smiles as she walked, a graceful yet sturdy stride taking her to a table she knew the staff would have put together for herself and Isabella. It was the perks of her status - she could make or break a company just as her peers could. Pleased with it, she sat down and waited to order until the older woman was there too.
Isabella Chaos had become somewhat of a nomad ever since her long time graduation from Hogwarts New Zealand. Though she had once called New Zealand her home, she wasn't sure what location her official home was in anymore. She had an apartment for when she ended up in New Zealand, which was at the same time often and yet not often enough, so even if this wasn't her permanent home, she was home in every since of the way.

She was glad that Margaux had caught her at a time when her schedule was finally free so she made sure not to book anything else once the girl had called her to make plans. With a pop Isabella apparated on the corner of the street and made her way over to the bar they had chosen, not having been there in so long so she was quite excited to go there. Once she entered the slightly crowded place, she looked around for the younger girl and once she spotted her she waved happily at her as she made her way through the crowd with ease, not noticing that it parted for her so easily.

"Hey!" Isabella said as she approached the girl, giving her a kiss on both cheeks as was customary. "How've you been?" she said as an introduction while she took a seat beside her. "I haven't been here in so long, I'm glad we chose this place," she smiled happily, looking around with a sense of nostalgia.

[blegh idk!]
Whilst Margaux waited for Isabella Chaos she wondered what the Italian woman had been up to as there had been so many rumours circling around within their circle of friends. From everything to elopement to the ever so scandalous possibility of bankruptcy had gone around but Margaux took no weight in these rumours because she was certain many of them had been said about her but they simply were untrue. Rumours were pointless when the woman could tactfully asked what she wished over drinks. Clearly this option attracted her much more. This was a lesson she wished to teach her younger sister, especially how to read a liar but not over foolish personal facts but for their mother's business which they would both spearhead in the future, should Noelle receive the desired grades and act accordingly. There were many lessons Margaux had to teach the eleven year old but for now, Hogwarts was enough. Truly she hoped that the same disciplinary methods between Beauxbatons and Hogwarts New Zealand were implemented to aid in the Parisian woman's work.

Margaux's thoughts were interrupted graciously by the woman she expected, looking well as ever. A tight-lipped smile found it's way onto her face, brightening her expression considerably and certainly making her seem much more welcoming than before. Rising to kiss her friend on each cheek, Margaux said, "Oh very well, and yourself?" She expected they would each go into further detail as to their recent happenings so she answered simply. As the comment on their local was made she smiled once more, "It's really been far too long. If this had been in Paris, I expect I would have been here much more. Alas..." Margaux trailed off, hoping her accent and imperfect English were well enough for Isabella who had been speaking the language much longer than the dark haired witch had ever dared to. While they had their small talk, Margaux saw out of the corner of her eye a waitress eager to serve their table but hesitated. It was still early into their greeting and it seemed that the girl had enough sense thus far.

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