Closed To Say Thank You

Ernie Wilder

Eeylop's Owner 🦉 worlds okayest dad 🦉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 10 Inch Whippy Oak Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
09/2019 (44)
Erine was still having trouble wrapping his head around the fact that he was somebody's husband, and that he had a wife. It had only been a month or so and the shine had not worn off in the slightest. He had almost expected it to feel the same to him since he had been with Olivia for years already, but he was wrong. They hadn't had a chance to go on a honeymoon yet with the baby on the way and all the construction that needed to be done on the barn to make it ready in time. Somehow he had gone from living alone in that barn to having a whole family. The thought was overwhelming when he dwelled on it too long, so instead he focused on the task at hand. He made the short trip to the main house to drop off a gift for Kia. They weren't that close despite being siblings of sorts since they had both been taken in by the Wigham's. She had been a life saver and had basically made Ernie his suit for the wedding, and he wanted to thank her. "Anyone home?" he called out as he entered the house through the back door in the kitchen. If Zelda was home he wanted to make sure it got to Kia.
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Kia liked to stop in at the farm when she had time- she loved seeing Waldo and Zelda, and she especially enjoyed catching up with all of the animals. She'd just stopped in to drop off a new dress she'd made for Zelda, leaving the present box on a table in the living room, when she heard Ernie speak. She smiled and walked out with a few of the dogs at her heels. "Hey, Ernie. It's just me, I was dropping off a present for Zelda. What's up?" She greeted, leaning against the door frame with her hands loosely in her pockets.
Ernie was a little shocked when he saw Kia come around the corner. Not that seeing her around the house was that surprising but it was quite the coincidence since he had something for her. "Oh hey!" he said with a warm smile. "Nothing much." he answered. "But I was about to drop this off for you." he said with a laugh as he readjusted his grip on the gift in his hands. "I just wanted to thank you for all your help with the wedding. Don't think we could have pulled it off without you." Ernie set down the rather large potted plant courtesy of Olivia. He had forgotten what it was called but it had some beautify white flowers with hot pink centers. He hadn't been sure what to get Kia but he was currently drowning in plants from his wife's business as she fully moved into the barn.
Kia's brows raised when the man presented her the big plant. "Oh, wow, thank you," She responded automatically, summoning it over and spinning it lightly in the air to get a good look at it. "It's gorgeous," She turned to him with a coy smile. "Are you really saying thank you or just trying to save your house from going green?" She teased him. She set the pot down. "You busy? I was about to head to town for lunch, if you want in," She offered. "Just sold a great comission on some other dresses, felt in the mood to celebrate."

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