To Build A Home

Dymetris Kozlov

Al. Hufflepuff 🌿 Healer ✨ Part Veela ✨ Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Faxen's ❤
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Dymetris finished with his last orderly patient. Making his round of recommendations for Mr. Witherspoon. Reminding his advice were to be followed, or he warn him he'll be seeing him again. Dymetris bid the old wizard farwell, before he apparate from outside the cottage steps. He appeared right inside his black gate, and a sign that read Kozlov's Residence out front. A mailbox hung from the black metal, emptied as he noted every afternoon, but he checked it out of habit. He closed it shut not seeing anything, then walked in his front door. Charm of the day wore off, recognising the owner was home. Every morning he'll set up a new one with the help of Faxen. He never forgets, he never goes a day without being cautious. Some would say he was being too overly protective, there a line when enough was enough. Not for him, tell him and he won't believe them. Say it again, and he'll remind it was his family's safety that matter and nothing more. Faxen would say he was too much, in which case she hasn't and he hope he's not. Because, honestly it would never be enough to him.

Dymetris smiles, hearing a distant noise coming from within the house. Was she singing again? He tries hard to listen on, but his mouth can't help it. He walks down the hall, announcing that he had come home. "Papa home! Where's my little family? Oh, where, oh where can they be?" He sang, almost like. He could carry a tune if he wanted. Though he left the singing to Faxen. His smile widen, because he had a surprise for them, really cute furry one. He reached into his pocket a small box resized as he set it on the ground. The box had holes in them, for obvious reason that he alone knows. Pay any close attention to the box, they would see it pivot, they would see it move. He announced again, crouching over the box. He waited until they found, bending like that with a surprise on the floor.
Two tiny brunette heads ran circles around a laughing Faxen Lowart as she did her best to convince they to take off their soaking wet clothes. They had been playing in the backyard together when a surprise storm had caught them unaware. The former Gryffindor had happily obliged to the children's request to continue playing in the rain. The rain had only lasted a few minutes, and she quickly put a drying charm on herself. However, the children wouldn't hold still long enough for her to do the same to them. It had turned into a game as they ran through the house dripping wet. It was amazing how much love she felt for these two tiny humans who were the best parts of herself and her love. They had completely taken her heart by surprise. Faxen had not expected to have children when she did, so soon after finally getting back together with Dymetris. She would never say she regretted it though. Dymetris had taken the shock much better than she had as he had quickly secured this perfect little cottage for them, close enough to apparate to shop for work.

Faxen heard Dymetris calling out for them all as he must have just arrived back at home from work. The slender woman looked at her children with excited eyes. "Daddy's home with a surprise! Go give him a big hug!" She said wickedly to her wet children. The four year olds went running through the house with Faxen close behind them. She laughed as Alexei and Anastasiya enveloped the man in a hug. She leaned in to kiss Dymetris. "A surprise? What did you bring us?" she asked curiously, looking down at the box that appeared to hold some sort of love creature.
Two little wet humans went running for the man. He grabbed their wet little bodies up and snuggle them close, laughing. He could tell he would need to be change soon. By the looks of their hands and face, they had just enjoyed playing in the rain and the mud. He smiles up at Faxen, leaning up to kiss her lovely lips. He smiles, going back on their level. What a way to be greeted, he laughs some more. He could never get enough of his little family. "Well it's no fun if I just told you, dear? You'll have to check it out for yourself!" Dymetris pushed the box forth, the twins surrounds it quickly.

Dymetris took out his wand, without much a verbal command the box sides fell away. In the middle of the ground, a white boxer puppy whimper towards his new owners. Tiny little body with big black eyes, padded his way towards the twins. They reacted as expected, gleefully squealing over their new pet. "Now, becareful. Listen to papa, he just a baby like you two once were!" Dymetris spoke firmly to his twins. He scoop the puppy up, and let them pet and coddle him with adoration. Dymetris looked over Faxen. "What you think love?" He knows they didn't previously discussed it, he decided on his own. Dymetris hoping it wasn't wrong he decided on her behalf. They were a growing family, after all. He kinda hoping their family with expand within a year or two, maybe. Some decisions he just couldn't make alone.
Faxen waited until the twins swarmed the box to move where she could kiss her boyfriend. She watched as Dymetris knelt down to talk to Anastasiya and Alexei. They were eager and bouncing with excitement to see what their papa had brought to them. Faxen smiled at them warmly. Five years ago the brunette would never have imagined that this was possible for her. She would have never thought that she and Dymetris would be here, living together and share children. Life didn't always turn out the way you thought it would, sometimes it was better.

Faxen's hazel eyes widened as she saw the box open and reveal a tiny puppy as the twins squealed in delight. Clearly, they were already delighted with the new addition to the family. Faxen had always loved animals, and the puppy was extremely adorable. Any annoyance she felt at not being asked melted away. Besides, she loved surprises. "He's pretty cute. Does he have a name?" she asked.
"No" Dymetris shook his head. Alexei petted the top of his new puppy, brainstorming a name from the top of his little head. Anastasiya kept her little arms secure around their little puppy. She put her little face right up against his fur, hugging him. "How bout Pluto papa!? Like the tiny planet, because he so tiny!" Dymetris smirks. "Why not? That's a great name!" Dymetris poke his nose, smiling down at his twins. They were everything to him, everything to Faxen. So was she, without her forgiving heart they wouldn't be here.

Dymetris stood up, giving his family, mostly the twin some time with their new pet. He figured with a new distraction in their little faces he could speak to Faxen. "He was a gift from one of my clients. Very generous man." Dymetris grew quiet. His expression dropped, trying to hide the wizard's trouble was harder than he thought. But she knows him, he like an open book to her. Dymetris can't act, he was terrible at it with Faxen. However, the moment past. He went around kissing her lips again, smiling. "What's for dinner?"
The brunette mother smiled at her son. "That's a perfect name, Lex." she said, affectionately. Of course, she knew the puppy wouldn't stay so small forever. He would eventually grow up. No need to bring that up now. Faxen watched as Dymetris stood up and made his way over to where she was as the twins swarmed the puppy. She watched, making sure they didn't overwhelm him. She would step in if she needed to. Faxen placed a hand on Dymetris' face as he stood by her. She could see the troubled look that swept over his face as he talked about his client. She didn't have to ask to know there was more to the story. Faxen knew that Dymetris had one of the kindest, gentlest, most generous heart that Faxen had ever known. It was one of her most favorite things about him. He truly cared about people.

The brunette kissed her boyfriend lightly on the lips. She loved him and thanked the heavens for bringing him back to her. "I actually haven't started cooking yet." she admitted, hoping he wasn't starving. "Are you in the mood for anything specific?" Faxen asked her love.
Dymetris kept his expression subtle, cupping her face. "I would say you, but that would be too inappropriate...right now." He leans over, trailing up her neck. Gingerly kissing her there. His favourite of spots, where he capture pulse and her scent all at once. It's soothing soft beat and the way she smells it's his little own heaven on earth. His solace when he sad, and can't let it show like right now. Dymetris sweeps her in, hugging her close.

"Anything, hun. I could help?" He suggested in a mumble. Having two mothers did have his advantages. He no chef, but he could make three or four dishes from the top of his head. Dymetris pulled back, only to kiss her lovely shoulder. Their twins still very much occupied with Pluto, Dymetris tries to be a little more quiet than usual. There something more on his mind besides dinner, or his client. He unstill, brushing his hands over her arms not quite able to speak up to what's on his mind. "There something I want to say....something I have to say to you, Faxen. I just can't quite....words what are they?" He says more troubled and bother. More nervous, if he had to pin the emotions running through his entire body. Nervous and uncertainty, both feelings he dreaded having at the moment.
Faxen knew that she would never, ever grow tired of kissing Dymetris. As he touched her and kissed, she found it just as intoxicating as she had nearly fifteen years ago. She wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and pulled him tight against her. She was aware of her children nearby, and they wouldn't let things continue as she might like them to right now. Faxen loved Dymetris. She had loved him every day since their first kiss and nothing would ever change that.

Faxen sighed with a sweet smile as he offered to help her. She nodded her head. "That sounds lovely. Come in the kitchen with me, and let's see what we can pull together for tonight." the brunette said with a tender kiss on his cheek. Faxen was getting ready to move away and to the kitchen when she noticed something seemed off. His expression made the pit of her stomach turn in an unpleasant way. A frown appeared on her face as she watched him intently with her hazel eyes. "What is it, sweetheart? What's wrong?" she asked, concern and worry in her voice. She felt an intense desire to solve the problem. Fix whatever it was that had Dymetris so upset.
He forgets where he is for a second. Everything sort of phases out, except he doesn't want to completely let go of reality. His twins are there, they're still part of his mind. It's a strange of the in between. His memory taking him back to their time at Hogwarts. All that they've been through, plays like an old film. Except it's clear in sound and image, and it starts off slow than fast. Every memory just playing, one after another, but there a voice amongst the noise. It's hers, then it's his client. He could hear her ask what's wrong, but then he hear the old wizard question if he loved her. And he does, very much. The old man sitting upright on his bed, as Dymetris attend to him. Another memory, from not too long ago. He loves hearing stories about Dymetris and his family. Love the way he speaks of him and how he had met Faxen at school. "It was wrong at first....but I felt this love for her. I can't explain it. I never wanted to feel bad for wanting her. Loving her." Dymetris could hear himself say. The old wizard chuckles, and says he should never feel bad what he couldn't help. The old wizard offers some more advice, but then he back to reality. Back to her, embracing her close where he plants more than enough kisses up and down her face. Mostly her lips, kissing her confirm that he was out of his memory bubble.

Dymetris sighs happily, breathing her in. "Remember that thing I asked you before we graduated?" He speaks softly and slowly. Dymetris arms wrapped around her waist, he seems to pull her in tighter. It makes him nervous, but he starts to like the feeling because she close to him. And this time, he thinks they're ready. The nervousness decreased as he held her this way. "Faxen Lowart...." he pulls back to look directly in her eyes. It's the right way to do it. The only way. "...will you make me the happiest wizard alive if you become my wife?" He spoke, his words shaky at the end, so he says again. "Will you marry me?"
Of course, she knew exactly which question Dymetris meant. Faxen had often wondered in the years since she had gotten back together with Dymetris why he had never asked her to marry him. The obvious answer would be that he feared her rejection again because she had let him down when he had asked her that question after they graduated. Faxen hadn't brought up the topic because she was happy. Things were perfect the way they were, and she didn't want to ruin that by bringing up the subject of marriage. She didn't need to be married to Dymetris to know she was committed to him.

Things were changing though, and she could tell as he took her by the waist and pulled her in close. Her arms circled his neck as her body pressed against his. He was silent for a moment before creating a bit of space between them. His dark eyes gazed steadily into her hazel ones as he asked her for the second time to marry him. Faxen felt like time was frozen. She was eighteen again and getting a second chance to change her answer to the most important question Dymetris had ever asked her. She felt wetness trickle down her cheeks and realized she was crying. Faxen laughed and nodded her head. "As long as it makes you happy. I will." she said, leaning in to kiss him firmly against his mouth.
OOCOut of Character:
oh the feels. byyyye.
Dymetris kissed her. Dymetris kissed her lips, kissed her nose to her very soft high cheeks. He couldn't stop kissing her. His heart burst, feeling overwhelmed with emotions. He could literally just die happy now. Because he did it. He found someone he could spend the rest of his life with. Like his mothers found each other. All he ever wanted to share that kind of love with someone special. To him, Faxen embodied everything he wanted and more.

Dymetris took hold of Faxen, picked her up and twirled her around. It was an exited moment for the Kozlov's household. The twins watched their parents, both raced on over towards the adults. They were intrigued to what just happen. Dymetris chuckles, hugging them all closer together. "We're going to have a wedding!" He cries happily.

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