Open Tiredly Enjoying the Best Night

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Leonardo Orr

lonely; serious
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Curly 11" Flexible Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
06/2043 (18)
Leonardo was tired, the days and weeks were passing quickly, but he had a lot of work to do for his classes and there were just more nightmares, and a lot of things that made him nervous. He had never felt like this at school before. He was just nervous, he was worried a lot that the professors might target him. Leo worried that the fact he definitely had strong emotions that he was pushing down, and worried that if he was actually loud about his emotions that he would get cursed. Leonardo had come to the great hall, wearing a small simple costume, a little crown upon his head, and he had filled a plate with snacks and sat down at one of the tables to just eat the snacks he had picked out.
Harmony made her way to the great hall. she was dressed in a green outfit and in her hand was a mask. she had been thinking about people while thinking about her costume and how horrible it must be to always be wearing a mask all the time and to never be oneself. she always enjoyed the Halloween feast. she liked the decorations and the games and the food. and hanging out with leo. someone who she always seemed to spend Halloween with. she hoped this year would be the same as all of her other friends has dates. she was happy for all of them. she really was. besides, she had hardly seen leo all semester. She wandered the hall until she spotted her friend near the food table she held her mask up to her face and walked over. "Hey Leo. Happy Halloween" she said smiling behind the discuise
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Leonardo had been pretty content to sit on his own for most of the event. He could eat his snacks, tired himself out watching other people dance and then be able to head back to the dorm. But he didn't need to actually spend the time alone. He glanced at the person who greeted him. He recognised her voice and smiled. Had she said nothing he would've not known who it was. "Happy Halloween," he replied with his usual serious tone. "Nice costume," he hesitated for a moment, "What are you?" he asked.
When Leo recognised her sky removed the mask from her face. "thank you. i like yours too. the crown is cool, are you a prince?" she said. neither of them were wearing the most impressive or over the top costumes in the hall. but she was pleased that he had put some effort in to dress up. "I am a girl in a mask. someone with two faces" she said leaning forward slightly "Because the scariest thing is not being able to be yourself" she said. it may be a bit of an obscure concept to build a costume around. but it was a costume with a point, with a message and she hoped that people would get it. "how is the evening going so far?" she asked. taking a seat next to him.
Leonardo nodded, "James got it for me," he replied with a shrug, he hadn't put too much more into his costume, but the crown seemed like enough. It would do enough. In pervious years he'd just pretended to be hurt, using paint and make up by an older student. But this was easier and simpler. He listened to what she was, and nod. "That's interesting," he told her, he wasn't sure if there was a reason for her opting for this costume over another, but it was cool. "I like it," he told her in reference to the costume and managed a weak smile that faded quickly. "It's good, snacks are good this year," he told her pushing the plate of food that he had grabbed towards her to share with her the snacks he'd gotten.
sky smiled as Leo said that James got the crown for him. she knew that was who he had stayed with over the holiday and she was glad she was staying with someone who was nice. she had never liked the vibe he had given off when he had talked about his grandfather and after last year's revalation she knew why. "Thank you" she said as he said that he liked her costume. and thought it was interesting. "I figured i had better do something creative and a little different" she said. both because she ran the arts clib and because she had had a good response to her costumes having won best overall last year as a viking and second year as a moth.
she took a couple of crisps off his plate when he offered it to her "Thank you" she said putting them in her mouth and she was glad that they were salt and viniger flavoured. "how is quidditch training going?" she asked. she knew that the Hufflepuff team had their first game coming up and it was a big one gainst slytherin. she was looking forward it it dressing in yellow and being amongst the energy in the crowd as she cheered for renata and leo and the rest of the team.
Leonardo didn't think that she had to do anything, but he could still appreciate that she did put in the effort. Could appreciate the costume too. "It's nice," he replied, though he did think it was more than nice but didn't want to seem un-genuine. He gave a small nod as she took some crisps and gave a little shrug. "I'm playing better than I was last semester," he said. He wasn't sure how interested in quidditch she actually was, but he answered the question. "I think we should do okay in our first game," he was hoping they might win, as anyone who played might, but to avoid any jinxing he didn't say as much. "Hows the arts club?" he asked.
Sky smiled at leo's compliment. she knew he was someone who was fairly restrained with his compliments like her norwegian side of the family so it meant a lot. "Thank you" she said.
as leo said that he was playing better than last semester she nodded. "that is great. I think you renata and Jordie are the best set of chasers in the school. so i hope that you do well against Slytherin. it would be nice to have a Hufflepuff win this year" she said. she was looking forward to seeing the
when asked about the arts club she shrugged. "it is going well we had a few sign-ups at fair day, Eugene wants to run the main event this semester but i am thinking of organising an informal music session. as well" she said. she looked out over the hall and seeing people together dancing and hanging out reminded oer of something she had wanted to ask leo. "Umm, have you made those ball date business cards yet?" she started not quite sure how to ask him what she wanted to actually ask. she hadn't seen him giving them out yet in the entrance hall maybe it was like things in the shops where things suddenly started to become christmasy on 1st November, and she wanted to ask him out first.
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