Closed Time With You

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Allison Jusantrea

Queen Shark
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Sycamore Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
3/9/2038 (23)
Allison had to admit she was happy. Happier than she'd been in a long while. Thomas was sweet, and kind, and she found herself relaxing often with him. She was early tonight, and was leaning against the wall, waiting for the older boy to arrive. She hummed softly, running her fingers lightly over the hem of her dress. She let her eyes wander the crowd, her brow furrowing when she spotted Augustus standing by himself. Where was Addison? She knew how her sister felt about Augustus, was Addy really leaving him there by himself? She bit her lip, wondering idly if she should go investigate.
Thomas felt happy that his heart seemed to be throwing down the rolls of happiness that overwhelmed him. He was a little late as he searched the chest for a special gift for Allison and until he found it, hurried to the Great Hall so as not to make the girl wait for her if she was already standing by the hall. After descending the last steps, he saw Allison, then went straight to her. "Hey, Zoa! Hope I didn't make you wait too long?" he asked, then held out his hand to the girl.
Allison's eyes lit up as she saw Thomas. She stepped a bit closer, her heart thundering in her chest. "Hey, no, I haven't been here too long." She reassured him, before laughing lightly and tucking her hair behind her ear. "If I said I had, would you give me a kiss to make up for it?" she teased him, taking his hand and lacing their fingers.
Thomas's gaze was on Allison. When she replied that she did not wait long as the stone was late from her heart, because she could not make the girl wait long, especially the one she liked. The next words made him smile. "Yeah, if you said you made me wait long, you would make up with a kiss." he put his hand on her waist to pull closer.
Allison giggled lightly and let him pull her closer, reaching to lay her arms over his shoulders. "Well we could pretend you were late and we can kiss anyway," she teased him, smiling and brushing her hair back.
Thomas smiled, then winked at her as Allison put his hand on his shoulder. He looked into her eyes for a moment, hesitating to give an answer. "If you want to, you can pretend, but get a kiss anyway. How many kisses you want? '' He whispered the last words of Allison at the right ear.
Allison giggled softly, blushing as he whispered in her ear. "Three," she told him easily, winking playfully. "But I get to decide when I want them," She gave him a sly grin. "I'll take one now, though," she told him, smiling easily.
Thomas smiled when heard her answer. He was ready to fulfill her every wish. ''Three? Just?'' He asked, looking at him and laughing quietly. "Yes, you can get all three at once, or each all night long," he said with a sly smile on his face. "As the young lady wants," he leaned over and kissed the girl. After a few minutes, she looked away, then looked into her green eyes. "How many dances can I hope for tonight?"
Allison giggled softly, kissing him back easily. She ran her fingers through the hair at the base of his neck. "Let's start with one, see where the night leads," she told him, laying her head on his shoulder, nuzzling close a moment before stepping away and offering out her hand. "Shall we?"
Thomas smiled, then put his hand on his chin and neckline, gently stroking it with his fingertips. "An agreed, hopefully night will lead to something wonderful." He said, savoring her close, when she stepped down and handed the hand he took it. ''Let's go dance.''
Allison laughed lightly and moved to go into the Great Hall, lacing her fingers through his. "And what would be your idea of something wonderful?" She asked, looking up to him with a warm smile.
He was silent for a moment as they walked into the Great Hall. Allison then asked him a question that made him look at the girl and a sly smile appeared on his face. "First of all, so that you don't forget this evening, but secondly, dance all evening, and thirdly, you will see later. I have something special for you.'' He said, kissing him on the cheek.
Allison couldn't help but giggle as he kissed her cheek. "Well, we can start with dancing," she teased, turning to face him when they reached the dance floor. "Did I mention how handsome you are tonight?" she asked, giving him a warm smile as she lay her arms over his shoulders.
''Of course. Let's start with a slow dance, but then with a crazy fast dance.'' He refused when she turned to her until she came to the dance floor, where a couple of students also danced. ''No. I also didn't mention that you are delightfully beautiful tonight.'' he refused, smiling him a sincere smile, then put his hand on her waist.
Allison giggled. She was doing a lot of that lately. "Yeah, that sounds fun," she agreed, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at him. She giggled again as he called her beautiful. "Sweet talker," she brushed her thumb over his jaw.
Thomas smiled, this has happened quite often in recent months. "Did you manage to talk to Stan?" he asked, maybe it wasn't the right time, but he wanted to know because she was very much through it. He grabbed her hand and then kissed it. "Will we go to the cliff later?" he asked, turning the girl under his arm.
Allison easily followed the boy's lead, falling back into his arms easily. "I did," she smiled, pleased with the thought of Stanis. "He teased me about you, actually. We agreed to spend some more time together," she laughed lightly. She blushed as he asked to go to the cliffs in a bit and nodded, pressing up to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. "You and me, out under the stars? Sounds perfect,"
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