Closed Time to relax.

Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer ♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 25
It was time to rest and also to make an important decision that Thomas had been thinking about since the birth of the boys and now since Allison was expecting her third child made their relationship official. He found a great rest house where the four of them could rest.

He organized everything secretly so that Allison would not know about it, but a few days before going to Huko Lodge, Thomas told her that he was preparing for a week long vacation. Of course, they have to go there by car, because teleporting was out of their mind. He took her hand as he got out, then asked her to close her eyes. The boys walked ahead of them, but Thomas watched that they both did not stray from the path, calling out to them every now and then.

"We are here. You can open your eyes.'' he said to Allison and waited for her reaction. Thomas hoped that Allison would be surprised, but he also hoped that she wouldn't be too angry that he had arranged all of this in secret.
Allison never would have guessed this would be her life. She worked as a werewolf activist when she had a free moment, which was turning out to be fewer than she'd like. She had become more of a stay at home mom then she'd ever anticipated, and she couldn't say she regretted it. Even if the twins hadn't been planned- or this new pregnancy- she was happy. Thomas had really stepped up, he was a good man, a hard worker and a gentle soul. She was often reminded of how much she loved him, or perhaps she fell a little more in love with him.

She was surprised when Thomas had approached her and told her they were going on a trip, but she was eager for it. She loved seeing new things, loved being out there to see the world. She was wearing comfortable flats and a pretty sundress, letting him guide her to wherever it was that they were going. She opened her eyes when he let her, her eyes widening. "Oh wow," She breathed, looking around. She brought her hand up to cover her heart, unable to help the way that she teared up. "Oh, Thomas, this is beautiful."
Thomas couldn't help but smile as he stood next to Allison waiting for her to open her eyes. She opened her eyes and at first he couldn't understand Allison's reaction, but like a stone he wished from his heart when he heard the words it's beautiful. He kissed her forehead. "It already seemed that you would like it. We all have time to rest together. Especially for you, my love.'' he said, then looked at the twins who were playing in the hall.

"Let's go inside, you can rest from the long journey, but then we'll go for a romantic dinner together." It will be a special dinner. Shall we go inside?'' he said, extending his hand to go inside the house. Thomas beckoned the twins to come to them. What Thomas had planned was discussed with Abner tonight and had told the man that he wanted to finally officially marry Allison and therefore asked Abner for his daughter's hand in marriage. All that remained was to propose to Allison.
Allison chuckled, placing her hand in his and letting him lead the way. "Well, you certainly sound like you've got it all sorted out," She teased him gently. "Are the boys coming to dinner with us?" She asked him, peeking ahead to keep an eye on the twins as they wandered about. She walked a little closer against Thomas' side, enjoying his company.
Thomas really hoped that everything would go perfectly, he held her hand in his and slowly walked forward. ''Yes, it is. I decided we needed a break before our daughter was born. '' he said. ''I've arranged a babysitter for the boys''. he looked at the twins as they both ran up to them and Volaine grabbed Allison's arm and Dante grabbed her arm.

So slowly they came home and at the reception Thomas took the key to the room he had rented before, it was big enough for all four of them. "Let's go to the room so you can rest and freshen up after the road, but I'll be with the twins in the meantime." he himself also had to prepare for the big night.
Allison giggled, letting the boys take hold of her and lead her. She smiled warmly at Thomas. This was such a nice life, the one they were building together. She chuckled at his suggestion, turning a bit towards him to try and steal a kiss. "Stealing away, are we?" She teased gently, even though she knew he'd planned to go out. "Shall I dress up for you?" She teased him, already deciding on what she'd want to wear.
Thomas smiled at his lover when she mentioned stealing the boys. ''Yes of course. I'll steal away for a moment while you get dressed.'' he said then looked at Allison. "You have to dress nicely, because we are going to a restaurant." revealed a little about tonight's plans. Thomas didn't say anything more, then walked up to Allison and kissed her. After that, he took the twins by the hand and went out for a walk with them. "We'll be back soon."

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