Time to ourselves

"I don't think there is anything you can do." said Hamza while ripping grass of the ground. Ever since childhood, whenever Hamza felt comfortable around someone that he truly liked, he would automatically start a body-body connection with them. Hamza had no control of this nor was he aware of this devil's gift, he couldn't help it at all. "I'm not sure, but I think Xavier is in a lot of pain." said Hamza. Xavier and Hamza had been really good friends for a while and Hamza had grown more fond of Xavier, they shared a lot of stuff, went through sad and good moments together, truly became really close best friends. Keeping that in mind, Hamza had a feeling it might have been because of Xavier. "I think Xavier might be in trouble." said Hamza.
Maria could not see him like this. This pain was taking everything out of him. All o a sudden Maria did the only thing she could, she put her arms around Hamza and hugged him. Maybe this will make the pain stop then he can see Xavier. Maria begged in her mind for the pain to stop.
Hamza was in great pain when he felt Maria giving him a hug. Hamza's eyes instantly turned blood shot read and he was getting a little more angry on the inside, like he had to take revenge on someone or to hunt someone else down. "Why do I feel so angry on the inside?" said Hamza. "Maria, please help me, please, I beg of you." said Hamza while screaming.
Maria started to get tears in her eyes. There was nothing she could do, she prayed in her head to make him better with all her heart. She looked right in his bloodshot eyes and said ' I don't know what to do. I'm sorry.'
All of a sudden, Hamza's eyes started to return back to normal color, his head started to hurt less and his chest wasn't hurting anymore. "What's going on? The pain is starting to go away!" said Hamza being surprised. Hamza could feel Maria asking for me to heal with all her heart, was it Maria that did this he wondered.
Maria could not believe what was happening, as quickly as the pIn had come, it had disappeared the the same way. She hugged him once again because she was so relived that he was better. ' Are you feeling better?' She asked him with great concern. ' Do you want me to walk you back to your common room?' She asked
Hamza could not also believe that the pain was going away very fast, this was the first time the pain was going away at a rapid pace. "I'm fine babe, I'm feeling better." said Hamza with a smile. "No, I'm fine, I'm gonna stick around here with you." said Hamza. Hamza's strength was returning to him at a good pace, so he would feel 100% very soon. "My strength is returning to me and I'm feeling much better now." said Hamza.
Maria pulled back to look at him. How he recovered so fast she did not understand. ' you really scared me.' She informed him. Maria dis not expect herself to have such strong feelings for him in a short amount of time but she had been proven wrong.
Hamza slowly grabbed Maria's hand a gave a kiss on her hand. "I'm sorry if I had gotten you scared. This usually doesn't happen, the process starts of slow, very slow and builds it's way up from there. This time, everything just came all at once that I couldn't control myself." said Hamza. "My grandparent's had taught me a few method's to keep myself in control while to pain is there, but I didn't apply it this time, me being stupid of course." said Hamza with a laugh.
One thing Maria couldn't stop thinking about was why this Xavier was in pain. Did this involve Max?. She thought. Maria answered Hamza and said ' How about you start following their tricks so you can stay healthy.'
"Yea, I probably should." said Hamza shaking his head in agreement. Hamza looked very close at Maria and noticed that something puzzled her. "I'm guessing your wondering how I felt Xavier's pain?" said Hamza.
Maria expected that Hamza would know what was going on in her head. 'Yes do you know what's wrong with him?' She asked looking at him. Maria still hasn't met the guy but he seemed dear to Hamza.
"I'm not exactly sure, but I know for sure that he was angry some something, or someone." said Hamza. "It's not usual for Xavier to get mad at this level, he's only been mad at that level only once before" said Hamza looking at the grass. "Well, you see, Xavier is a very close friend of mine. He more than just a friend to me, he's more of a brother to me, that's why we share a strong bond. Whenever one is hurt, the other feels the pain as well so that the other can help out the one in pain." said Hamza. Hamza tucked in his legs and put his arms around them.
Maria had never seen Hamza like this. He seemed worried which she had never wotnesed efore to such extent. Maria did not know what to do so she said ' Would you like to go speak to him?'
"I don't really need to speak to him, we can telepathically communicate with one another whenever we are in dear need of each other." said Hamza while having his legs tucked. "I just hope he's fine now. To my knowledge, he should be fine seeing as I can't feel any pain or anything." said Hamza. Hamza got up and started to walk towards the water. He pulled up his pants, took off his shoes and took his feet inside the water. "That's the spot. I need to relax more." said Hamza having his eyes closed and his face towards the sky. "Come join me Maria." said Hamza.
Even though Maria thought that he should go see his friend, she didn't want to argue about it. It seemed like he was better and tht was the important thing. Maria took off her shoes and socks and rolled up her pants too. She walked to the area where Hamza was and began to move her feet in the water. ' So have you heard that Eleona and Xavier are engaged?' Maria asked
"Yea, I already know they got engaged, remember, me and Xavier share thoughts with each other." said Hamza with a smile. "What do you think about them getting engaged so soon?" said Hamza.
Maria could not believe how oblivious she can be at times. " Honestly, I dont think they should go through with it." Maria replied. She hoped Hamza didnt have the same plans.
Hamza was quite disappointed at when Maria said she didn't want them to go through with it. "Why do you say that?" said Hamza with a puzzled face.
Maria couldnt believe he just asked her that question. She looked at him and said "Hamza, they re very young. They cant make that big of a decision from a couple of dates." She was serious when she spoke to him. She could sense that Hamza was touchy about this since he seemed to approve of this.
Hamza thought the statement about them being young was a big ridiculous. "Being very young? Maria, do you even know what the word Love means?" said Hamza with a serious face. "Love had no age limit, you of all people I thought would understand this." said Hamza. This got Hamza thinking that did Maria even love him or we she just using him as a tool so that she could have fun.
"My meaning of love may be different from others. How can they be in love already?" She questioned. Maria was started to get warmed up by this argument. Did Hamza expect her to love him in such a short period of time?
"How can they be in love already isn't the question, the real question is, what is 'love'?" said Hamza. "You don't seem to understand that the word love mean, so let me define it for you. Love is a strong positive emotion of regard and affection towards one another." said Hamza with a disappointed expression. "My father and mother both met and fell in love with each other one the same day, and got married 1 month after they got together, yet their relationship hasn't been broken so far, they are going more stronger than before." said Hamza. Out of all the people, Hamza expected at least Maria to understand what love was. "So, that being said, do you 'love' me or 'like' me? There is a BIG difference between the two." said Hamza with seriousness. Hamza was rather disappointed at Maria and was now testing her.
"Love to me means, when a person cares for another to the extent where they matter more than themselves. It doesn't have to be between a boyfriend or girlfriend....it can be between....a friend." Maria replied her thoughts changing direction to her friend once again. When Hamza asked her if she loved him, she was fired up to the max. "Are you giving me an ultimatum now? If I saw I like you, its over, and if I say I love you then its all fine?" Maria questioned him. "And to answer your question, no I dont love you." Maria finished. With that being said she walked back to where they were sitting and started to get her stuff together.
Hamza was surprised to hear when Maria said she didn't love him. That truly broke Hamza's heart in half, so he decided to get up and start walking. Tears were coming down Hamza's eyes and he thought in his mind, "All the time I'm spending with this girl, all the moments we spent together, everything I've done for her, yet she doesn't love me? I guess we aren't mean't to be together then." Hamza started to walk away in disappointed not saying a word nor a peep to Maria.

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