Time to ourselves

Maria Granger

Well-Known Member
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
After their practice duel, Maria and Hamza decided to spend some time by the lake. No matter how many times you may come, the beauty and serenity never gets old. Hamza and Maria walked side by side. It was late afternoon, and there weren't many students around, it felt like the lake was all to themselves.
It was fun practice dueling, but Hamza thought was more amazing was The Lake. "Wow, the lake view is very beautiful, especially during afternoon times." said Hamza with a big inhale. "Boy, I'm kind of tired after that practice duel." said Hamza laying his head down on the grass.
Maria sat on the grass. ' You got tired after that little duel?' Maria teased. Maria wasn't tired, she was used to physical because of the many sports she played but she decided not to bring that up. She wasn't the bragging type.
"Well, not really, but falling on the ground many times does get to you after a while. If you had slammed on the ground when I launched my first spell, you'd be tired right now too." Hamza said with a laugh. "So, Maria, I was thinking. I want our relationship to last forever, do you see us having a family of our own someday?" said Hamza.
Maria laughed at Hamza comment. ' So your goal was to make me hurt?' She joked. Maria was a bit taken back by Hamza s question. ' Its hard for me to give you an answer, I mean we re both very young. I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow and I haven't thought that ahead.' Maria replied carefully. She didn't want to hurt his feelings but this was her honest answer.
No way! My goal wasn't to make you hurt, I was just playing a fair duel, that's all. Hamza said with a laugh. "Yea, I had a hunch you would say that. I'm in no rush though, we are young, but when the time comes, we'll be ready." Hamza said with a smile. "Man, this is so beautiful and serene" said Hamza looking at the sky.
Maria was happy that Hamza understood. At tomes he remnded her of Alex, the way he laughed and the way he smiled but it was time to move on. Maria too laid on the grass and looked up at the sky as clouds floated by. She closed her eyes and began to push aside all thoughts of her friend.
Hamza saw Maria laying down next to him and wondered what she was thinking. "Hey babe, everything ok?" said Hamza. "Oh yea, I almost forgot. I heard your friend Eleona is going out with a buddy if mine, Xavier. He was telling me that they hit if pretty well and are in deep love with each other. It's good to see Eleona found someone and same with Xavier." said Hamza with a smile.
At the word love she realized that she had loved Alex. They known each other since they were in diapers, and did everythig together. He was there in every ups and downs in her life and she shared everything with him. They both shared the first kiss, and he was the first person that she ever called when she lost her favourite doll. Maria wished she could tell him all this but he was gone and now all she had left were the memories. Maria opened her eyes and answered Hamza ' Im glad she found someone that she s happy with, hopefully it ll work out.'
Hamza was looking at Maria and noticed that she was hiding something from him, so he said, "Hey Maria, is there anything you want to tell me?" said Hamza with a curious face.
Maria didn't want to bother Hamza in any way so she simply said ' Its nothing, I was thinking of an old friend and I just realy miss him that's all.' Hamza had been nothing but nice to her ever since they met, so she certainly didn't want to trouble him. What was done, was done and dwelling on the matter would not make it any better.
Hamza got the feeling that someone in Maria's past life, maybe a boyfriend or someone's memories were troubling her, but he knew Maria was a strong girl, she would pull through on her own and if she needed help, he would always be there to help. "Oh, ok. Well, if you need anything or something, let me know." said Hamza with a smile. "So, have you met Xavier yet, Eleona's boyfriend?" said Hamza.
Maria turned to Hamza and gave him a half smile. She decided to keep her mind busy andreplied to Hamza ' I actually haven't met him, what's he like?'
"Well, he's a good friend of mine. He's a pretty nice guy and I think him and Eleona would fit together pretty well. He's rick, confident, determined, pretty much like me." said Hamza while looking at the sky. Aren't you glad that she found someone that truly likes her for who she is and not be cheating on her like that Kai kid did I believe?" said Hamza.
Maria listened intently, this Xavier guy seemed really nice. ' it's better for her to stay awa from Kai and that other guy, don't remember his name. I didn't know he cheated on her!' Maria said shockingly.
"Yea, I think Kai cheated on Eleona I think, as far as I know. Xavier was telling me about this." said Hamza with a serious face. "Man, I hate it when guys try to work out a relationship and then end up cheating with other girls. It's very sickening and makes me very angry." Hamza said while he punched his fist to the ground.
Maria held his fist so he wouldn't punch the ground again, ' Dont hurtyourself because of someone else s problem.' Maria said looking at him. Hamza really cared about his friends and it seemed like cheatng was one thing he would never forgive. Just out of curiosity Maria asked Hamza ' What would you do If someone ever cheated on you?'
"I'm sorry babe, but I just can't help it. All of the anger inside me just comes out when I see someone doing something that I never forgive." said Hamza with a mad face. As Maria held Hamza's hand, he started to calm down a bit and said, "I would never let them see my face again, nor see that person's face again in an entire life time. I might duel the person as well taking out my anger, but that would depend on the situation." said Hamza "What would you do if someone ever cheated on you?" said Hamza.
Right then Maria knew how dearly Hamza held on to those he loved. He did not forgive cheating and that was acceptable. After Hamza began to calm down down Maria let go of his hand and put on her hands on her stomach. ' Cheating is something I can't tolerate.' She said looking up at the sky. ' I'm not willing to listen to any excuses. As soon as I know that it's true and I have been cheated on, then I ll walk out right there.' Maria finished.
Hamza was glad to hear that she had the same thinking as he did, he was well amazed at how much similarities they both shared, pretty he thought that they were perfect for each other. "You know, we both have the same interests, same thoughts, and what not, I'm really glad I got to meet you." said Hamza with a smile. He leaned over to give a kiss to Maria.
Maria felt Hamza give her a kiss. She smiled at him. ' I'm noticing the same thing.' Maria replied. It was true they both had alot in common, but for some reason she would think to her frien once again. They too had everything in common. Maria made a mental note to give Alex a visit when she went home. Whenever she goes to visit her brother Jason always comes, but this time she would go alone. Maria closed her eyes and took in the serenity.
Hamza was lying down on the ground enjoying the wind when all of a sudden, he started to feel a lot of pain in his chest, and his head. "UUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHAAAAA!" said Hamza screaming out loud. "What's going on?" said Hamza grabbing his cheat and his head.
Maria sat up like a bullet when she heard Hamza scream. ' Hamza! Are you ok?!' She asked with great concern. He seemed to be in a great deal of pain and it just started suddenly. She helped him sit up, looking at him and trying to figure out what was wrong with him.
Hamza was in very serious pain, he could not bare the pain. "I don't know what's happening to me. I just feel so much pain inside of me." said Hamza holding his head. Hamza thought in his mind instantly that this had only happened to him once in the past, only when people close to his heart are in great deal of pain. "I'm not sure, but someone is in great deal of pain and has a lot of anger inside him, someone who is very close to me" said Hamza screaming.
Maria had no idea how to relieve Hamza from this pain. Her father was a doctor but for muggle illnesses, although this wasn't any kind of illness. ' What can I do Hamza?' Maria pleaded. She was scared and frustrated because there was nothing she could do. 'Who could be in pain' she thought.

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