Open Time To Dance

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Liusaidh Styx

100% defeated styx
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Kalif II
Knotted 12" Flexible Chestnut Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
7/2040 (21)
Liusaidh didn’t know why so many of the other girls ended up asking the heta omega to get them dates. Mostly she didn’t understand why any of them wanted dates, boys and dating in general was so boring and overrated. Who on earth wanted to do that. Liusaidh was not interested in dating, in dates. People weren’t fun enough for that. But she wouldn’t not go to the yuleball. She could have without anyone. She always managed it. The slytherin got to the great hall and made a beeline for the snacks. She grabbed a good handful and just began eating, she’d get some juice after and then dance a little. Maybe find someone to dance with. The night was young.
Natalia knew she couldn't skip all the school events, even if she sort of wanted to. She wasn't part of Heta Omega so she couldn't sign up for the blind dates thing, and she was honestly glad about that. But it did feel a bit lonely to just stand around here on her own. Natalia scanned the Great Hall for anyone familiar, her gaze finally settling on Liusaidh. She was a bit reluctant, but then headed over to the girl who was eating a bunch of snacks. Really, she was so uncivilized. "Good evening, Liusaidh." Natalia said primly.
Liusaidh was half already eating a cake when she spotted Natalia. The girl had definitely put some effort into her dress, but it suited her. She gave a half smile, her mouth still filled with cake. She never knew what to think of Natalia, she was pureblood but boring, which meant Liusaidh HAD to be nice but she definitely didn't want to be. "Hey Natalia, no date?" She asked with a little smile. She didn't have one weither but she got the impression Natalia might care more about dates than she did.
Natalia forced herself not to grimace at Liusaidh's lack of table-manners, nor her rude tone. She really wondered how Liusaidh's family could be so important if their daughter behaved like this. But she kept those thoughts to herself. "Clearly." She said, an edge of sarcasm coming out despite her best efforts to be as polite as usual. "I see you don't have a date either." She said, then looked at the girl's cake-filled mouth and bit back her next words. But she could see why Liusaidh was here on her own, despite being a third year already.
Liusaidh gave a little smirk at the tone, and then shrugged, ”Aye wasnae interested in date and stuff,” she had taken another bite of her snack as she finished speaking. ”It’s all pretty gross in ma opinion. Could dae without,” Liusaidh clearly wasn’t bothered by her lack of a date, probably finding it pretty good. She didn’t need anyone to be date. ”Ah’m assumin’ ye dinnae dance?” she said, she didn’t want to say it but compared with her sister, Natalia was pretty boring to Liusaidh, so politely, so well behaved, uch, gross. But this was a dance so perhaps she could be better behaved.
Natalia frowned at Liusaidh's words. It was getting more and more difficult to hide her irritation with the girl. "Why would you say it's gross?" She asked, looking around the room at all the dancing older couples. Natalia thought it looked rather nice, and she wondered if she would ever go to a dance with a boy. "Can you do without it because your parents are making you a match?" She couldn't help asking, remembering that had happened to Liusaidh's brother. Natalia crossed her arms. "I know how to dance. I had lessons." She said primly.
Liusaidh shrugged, "It just is," she replied. She just wasn't that interested in people like that. She shrugged at the statement, "Nah, ah mean if ah ask them they will but ah dinnae need tae be matched up," Liusaidh just wasn't interested in people like that. "Is yer da looking fae someone fae ye?" she knew that Natalia's family was a relatively new pureblood family so maybe didn't have the connections for it. "Is that why yer alone?" She wasn't too surprised that Natalia had gotten dancing lessons, she was just so by the book.
Giselle was going by herself to the dance. She had been the past years and she was fine with it. She didn't got time for boys or something romantic, she got sick of those girls desperate for an date. So as she walked into the Great Hall, happy with the way she looked she made her way to the drinks table. Making her way through the crowd. Grinning about some of the dresses girls wore, really people had no taste. She was trying to find Jenna and spotted her with an boy. Rolling her eyes, for an moment. As she moved further to the drinks table she poured herself some juice. She than spotted Lius and some other girl from Slytherin, who was not in their year. She overheard their conversation about dates and stuff. Giselle grinned for an moment. She was wondering which boy would ever want to go with the lighthouse Lius to an dance. She put her arms over eachother and got closer to the two girls. '' Perhaps you can ask Styx. He's such an fan of you.'' Giselle than said sarcastic with an grin. She hated Lius very much of how much fun she made of her anger to Quidditch, she played quidditch also. And that was automatically an dislike but one day she had liked Lius and the girl could entertain for sure. And it wasn't like she had something else to do now. '' But don't make me laugh. Which boy would want to go with you.'' She than added towards it.
@Liusaidh Fergusson
Natalia sighed when Liusaidh said it was just gross, wondering how someone older than her could be so immature. She wasn't sure why the girl said she didn't need to be matched up, when apparently her brother did, but she didn't pry. She shook her head at Liusaidh's question, blushing a bit. "No." She said, not adding that she was fairly sure her father was expecting her to find an acceptable match all on her own, which was a rather intimidating task. "I'm alone because there's no one I wanted to go with." She said. Some girl approached and Natalia looked at her with a frown as she rudely interrupted. Natalia knew Giselle Rosenberg by reputation, she was the girl with the distasteful habit of protesting at Quidditch matches with horrible signs. She was clearly as trashy as she seemed. "To be fair, I don't see any boys who wanted to go with you, either." Natalia said coldly, making a point of looking around for anyone who could be her date. "If you'll excuse us, we were talking." She then added, raising her chin. She wasn't going to be ignored by some unimportant person.
Liusaidh smiled a little at Natalia’s quick response. She had no one she wanted to go with. Sure. Liusaidh rolled her eyes as ever, Rosenberg decided to make herself known to them. ”Kalif was busy,” she retorted, she was obviously talking about the younger one, the one in their house and not the elder one but she’d leave Rosenberg up to decide that. She laughed lightly at the statement, but smiled as Natalia was the one to respond, retorting and not necessarily standing up for Liusaidh but standing with her. ”Aye Rosenberg, yer disturbing a conversation thats meant only fae people wae status and two parents,” Liusaidh had been curious and found the information about how Giselle lacked a mother. She hadn’t found the why yet, but she was close.
Giselle watched the both girls with an grin on her face. Before Lius could answer that little brat who she didn't even knew answered and Giselle watched her and put her arms over eachother. '' Did I speak to you? No.'' The blonde than said harsh and rolled her eyes. '' I don't need an boy. And that romantic stuff. Everyone on this school is stupid.'' The blonde than answered. She ignored the girl, and looked at Lius. And as Lius opened her mouth, Giselle was directly irritated again and remembered why she hated her so much. This had to do with her boggart perhaps, but how did she know! She made two fists and looked at her angry.'' What are you talking about lighthouse?!'' She said back and was ready to attack if the girl was aiming for what she thought she did. '' I don't see people with an status here. '' She than rolled her eyes and tried to calm herself. But she was not afraid of hitting her again if needed. '' Only the status of an baby. Who cries to get an trampoline.'' Giselle than added and took an sip of her drink.
Natalia hoped the intruder to the conversation would leave soon, but she had the feeling she wouldn't. At first she was glad when Liusaidh seemed to agree with her, but then she took it a step too far, making Natalia look at her sharply. She didn't know anything about this Giselle girl, but it seemed like Liusaidh knew something about her situation, something she didn't hesitate to weaponize. She now wished she hadn't so clearly picked Liusaidh's side, but she had no real other choice. It felt like things were about to escalate, and Natalia looked around to see if any chaperones were nearby in case it turned into an actual fight. "Look, we don't want to talk to you. You clearly don't want to talk to us either. Why don't you... find some of your friends and leave us alone?" Natalia asked, hoping the girl would listen.
Liusaidh knew that this would go south. It also did with Rosenberg. She couldn’t help herself, and it didn’t help that Liusaidh was always egging it on. She knew that the statement she gave about the girl’s parents had struck a nerve. ”A little birdy telt me that you’re half an orphan,” she joked, she knew that half an orphan was not a particularly true turn of phrase but it was what she said and she would stick by it. Liusaidh laughed lightly. She looked to Natalia as she spoke. ”There’s a bit ae a problem there Natalia wee Rosenberg here doesnae have any pals. Ah’m the closest thing she has tae a pal and Rosenberg hates me,” Liusaidh smirked at her, ”But ah mean, ah believe Rosenberg should leave us alone too, unless she wants every tae know about her mum….” Liusaidh didn’t know what had happened, but Rosenberg didn’t know that and Liusaidh did know about the fact she was dead and was seeking out the information she wanted about it.
The blonde watched the younger girl speak. She spoke in a we thing. Was the girl so stupid. Giselle wondered why Lius could make people win over. Or let people speak for her. '' We?'' She rolled her eyes for an moment and grinned. Seems like Lius had an sidekick or whatever. She wouldn't be pleased if someone answered for her. Giselle was bored and just stood here and overheard an conversation. '' Whatever. You can't tell me what to do little brat. I can stand where I want. Overheard your stupid conversation. '' She answered back to the girl. As Lius opened her mouth again Giselle watched her. Staying silent for an moment but feeling her blood boiling. Little birdy? Giselle only focuses on Lius again and she seemed to be asking for something now. '' Shut up lighthouse!'' She than warned her.

In a way perhaps Giselle searched for Lius and these confrontations, because it was an moment where she could let her anger come to the highest level and explode. And than she had an good reason for it. If it would happen out of nowhere it would be something else. It was the perfect target to let it all go. She kept looking at Lius as she spoke to Natalia. Which seemed like the name of her. Speaking about having no friends made her an bit irritated, but didn't hurted her. Rolling her eyes to mention that she was her ''pal'' which was ridiculus. But as Lius said the word mom Giselle dropped her drink hard on the ground and made her way to Lius getting closer, almost running. She couldn't remember what she was saying before. Like she was waiting for the go-ahead this was the push she needed. This was the thing which made her the most angry ever and she felt her hands shaking out of anger as she came closer. Wanting to wipe that terrible smile of her face. She didn't cared about everyone else. '' YOU'RE DEATH!'' And she made her fist move towards her face with full power, of all the anger and sadness she felt of losing her mother.
Natalia's eyes widened as Liusaidh doubled down on her earlier insults, shooting her a shocked look as she went on about the other girl being half an orphan. She immediately regretted not just choosing to go elsewhere as soon as the confrontation started. Liusaidh was going way too far. Natalia almost felt the urge to apologize on her behalf, but all she could do was stare in muted shock as the other girl got angrier and angrier. When she finally attacked Liusaidh, Natalia let out a little scream and jumped back, her hand flying to her mouth.
Lydia had been enjoying a pleasant conversation with Lena and Yvonne when she caught sight of one of her favorite Slytherin students getting into a physical altercation with a housemate. She hadn’t seen if Rosenberg’s fist actually made contact with Fergusson, but the damage was done either way. “Rosenberg, Fergusson, break it up.” Lydia’s voice was direct, authoritative. If they didn’t separate themselves, she would take care of it on her own. She noticed a younger girl, Novak, off to the side. Maybe she was involved, maybe not. Lydia quickly turned her attention back to the two third years and hoped they would make the right choice so she wouldn't have to make it for them.
Liusaidh knew what she was saying would rile Rosenberg up, it wasn’t hard really, she was quite easy to rile up and Liusaidh knew that her in general riled her up. She glanced to Natalia as Rosenberg got angrier, the younger girl didn’t seem too pleased with this turn, but Liusaidh didn’t care, especially as Rosenberg after Liusaidh had said her final piece flew at her and punched her in the face. ”OH f1ck,” she said as pain bloomed, not that she regretted it. Especially as immediately a teacher came over to them. Liusaidh looked at Professor Drage, ”Ah didnae dae anythin’, she hit me,” Liusaidh was focusing on the fact she had not hit Giselle and hadn’t been the first to move though she had actively riled her up. Liusaidh was hopeful too that Natalia might have her side in it.
Giselle was blinded with anger, she had one goal and that was to make sure Lius was paying for what she had said. As her fist made it's way to the face of Lius it hit her hard. Giselle felt her fist hurting, she had made an good hit but not as hard as she figured it had. But she didn't cared about her own pain, she had felt worse. She heard that stupid Slytherin girl yelling like an frighted girl and ignored her. Only focussing on Lius. As she made another attempt to hit her. Giselle stood in front of her and she was ready to have another hit as an professor made it's way. Hearing her last name in the background somewhere but like she was underwater. Giselle could not stop she was furious. And she saw Lius had no chance of doing something against her. Giselle let out an angry noice as her other fist made contact somewhere close to one of Lius her eyes. Sighting for an moment but not looking around her. It was just an moment of time before she would get seperated she figured. But it was like she and Lius were the only ones here. '' YOU PATHETHIC BI*TCH. I WILL END YOU!'' Giselle than screamed and was beyond furious. Pushing Lius again hard. '' WHERE IS YOUR BIG MOUTH NOW?!'' She than added to it. Nothing else mattered. Everyone who spoke of her mother or tried to make fun of this would get the same. Giselle felt so angry, she hadn't felt so angry in an long time. Ofcourse she had a lot of anger inside, and never dealt with the grieve in a right way. But in a way she felt very sad too as these heavy emotions took control. Giselle watched Lius and hold her fist up in case she was gonna say something else. '' Pff.. silly chicken.'' She said an bit softer.

*Godmod approved
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