Closed Time For Honesty

Gabriella Davenport

Professor HOM at Hogwarts Scotland | Perfectionist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 Inch Ash Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Admin Approval: ID#87341
Gabriella had been having headaches already a few days. She was nervous and had been doubting what to do, but she finally found the courage to face Marcos and tell him the truth, so that they could grow together and be happy. She was really worried about her younger sister Lauren, who didn't came home this break. Her parents had been visiting her, thank god Marcos wasn't there than. Her parents didn't know she had an relationship. And Gabriella wanted things to stay that way, since she didn't want them to meet Marcos. It wasn't like he wasn't good enough, but she wanted to protect Marcos against her parents. The fact that he played quiditch and stuff her father would be acting stupid about. She was never enough for them, no matter what she achieved so Marcos would not come close. But Lauren was the one she worried about the most, she could not reach her she had send an letter to her but she didn't got anything back. It wasn't like her father had done anything to her, because he was searching and he was furious. He had been yelling to her also. But she had no idea where Lauren had been. Her father had been reaching out to Hogwarts and thank god Lauren did arrive there. It was brave of Lauren to have gone anywhere else, hopefully she found some people who cared for her.

When the blonde went sitting down at her couch she waited for her boyfriend to come and join her. They needed to talk and she needed to share something with him, she hoped he would forgive. She had not been telling much about her family, mostly avoiding the subject. But Marcos knew ofcourse that there was something, since Gabriella never really spoke of her family. When she saw her boyfriend arriving she smiled shortly, she was so thankfull to have him. He was the best thing she ever had. '' Hey. Can we talk for an moment?'' Next to the truth she wanted to ask him an important something. An next step.
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Marcos had to admit he wasn’t quite used to the Norwegian winters but he liked their summers a great deal. He liked the quidditch and the ability to have real good coffee. He had picked up norwegian slowly but sure and was far more conversational than he had been to begin with. He was due to head back to New Zealand for a little bit for Ignacio’s wedding, which was definitely going to be exciting. He was happy for his brother, happy that he had found someone that would make him happy, and all the little children, Flavio’s and Ignacios. All of it would be great. He was spending time with Gabriella, things moved slowly but that wasn’t something he minded. He was happy to set himself up, happy to take things slowly and just go at what pace was necessary for them to be able to work. He had finished up way early in the day and went to Gabriella’s, he walked in and smiled at her as she sat on the couch, he noticed immediately that she seemed a little awkward, not quite off but a little. ”of course, shall I make us some coffee or like pour some wine, or would you rather not?” he offered to her. He wondered what this would be about and he hoped it wouldn’t be anything too bad, but regardless he would support her if he needed to and respect her if she didn’t want him anymore.
Gabriella waited on her boyfriend, having some nerves. What if he wanted to break up with her after hearing this? And the fact she wasn't honest about her family? But in some way she knew Marcos wasn't like that. He was way too good for the world, and sometimes she wondered why she ever deserved him. Her work on the Norwegian Ministry was something she was busy with and liked. She had an nice collegue Freya which who she worked together. But also her dad was there around ofcourse, and sometimes Gabriella needed an moment for herself. Her father was everywhere. It wasn't like she would do anything stupid, but her father wanted to have control over her and her other siblings. But the fact he didn't controlled Lauren was something which annoyed him a lot she could tell. When Marcos came inside she smiled shortly, seeing him always made her feel like falling in love again everytime over and over. The choice for an drink was easy for Gabriella, she could use all the help she could get. '' Some wine would be fine.'' She than said softly. And than went sitting straight on the couch and hold her hands nervously. Gabriella waited for Marcos to come back with the drinks, and thought of what she was gonna say to him. How to start. With the positive news, the question she had or the truth of her family first? When he joined her again she first gave him an kiss shortly on his mouth. '' Thanks for coming. I have two things I would like to speak about..'' The blonde than started. '' And don't worry. I still love you, that's not it. I just want to become an better person, you make me. And that's why I want to tell you something..'' Gabriella than touched her hair for an moment and looked at Marcos. '' It's about my family.'' The blonde than added.
Marcos nodded as she said wine, wine was going to mean something a little it easier, if she wanted to be of clear mind to be able to discuss whatever was on her mind, she wouldn’t go for wine. He took his wand and summoned a bottle, the one that had been opened but not finished last night over dinner and two glass. He poured it out and then joined her, handing her the glass and returning the kiss with ease, attempting to keep his face at relatively neutral, but still loving position. He was further reassured that it wasn’t something to do with them. Though it had been in his mind, he had been rather sure that it wouldn’t be them. Since they were stable, they loved each other and things were just good. Unless he just hadn’t sensed something but over time he’d become quite in-tune with her. He just sipped his drink and nodded. Her family seemed a lot harsher than his family, they seemed to be more harshly involved. Perhaps his father would’ve been if he hadn’t died when Marcos had been too young to know him. ”Okay, I’m here for whatever you need with your family,” he was quick to assure her.
Gabriella was glad Marcos was getting her some wine. She could really use it, that was something she did had from her parents. Her father drank a lot, but mostly whiskey. And it made him even more angry. The blonde was not sure how things would end when Lauren graduated. She was now an sixth year and Gabriella was gonna send her an letter. It was dangerous because her father sometimes knew everything but she needed to risk it to help Lauren. She needed to finally do something, but she hoped deep down that Lauren had asked for help at Hogwarts. And if she did not she was gonna send the headmistress or Laurens head of house an letter that they needed to help her. Gabriella took the glass from her boyfriend and than looked at Marcos again after putting it down on the table. Ofcourse Marcos was so sweet that his response was just the last piece she needed to tell him for sure now. She sighted deep one time and than took his hand for an moment, perhaps it helped. '' What I am about to tell you must stay between us. I love you and I trust you, so that's why I am finally telling you. You make me an better person, and I want to be better. Because I have been an terrible sister.'' The blonde than took an picture outside of her pocket. And showed it to Marcos, it was one of her family. '' This is my family. My parents..'' she than pointed them out and did it with the rest of them also. '' And this is my younger sister Lauren, she is now sixteen years old. And my other younger sisters June and Camille.''

The blonde than put the photo away. And looked at Marcos and felt an tear in the corner of her eye. She never had spoken about this with someone before, only kept it inside and felt so bad about not ever doing something. The fact her parents had so much power over her, she didn't even got to make own choices. '' My parents.. they are..'' The blonde than felt the tear rolling down her cheek and tried to catch her breath. '' My sister Lauren is getting abused by them for some years now.'' Gabriella than said and felt really scared for saying this. '' I.. I never dared to do anything against them or help her. I've been so unkind to her. But I said she needed to search for help at Hogwarts. And I think she did...'' Gabriella than said and almost didn't dared to look at Marcos. How must he think of her..
Marcos wasn’t sure what he expected her to say, he’d been increasingly aware as he’d gotten to know Gabriella that there was just something off about her family. It was just in the way she would talk about them, how she had used to be with him. He hadn’t ever wanted to push, perhaps it was just how much families were and his just hadn’t been like that, so he couldn’t know otherwise. The man just nodded, he didn’t think she’d been a horrible sister, but he didn’t hide his reaction to what she said to him. What her family was like to her sister. He couldn’t understand that pressure that would’ve been on her to be a perfect daughter, lest that ill attention turn to her. He wasn’t usually an angry person, but hearing that made him feel anger towards her father, towards how he had made Gabriella feel. He reached out and very gently took her face in his hands. He moved her so she was looking at him. ”Sweetheart, I’m so sorry that was your home life. I’m glad you don’t have to live in that environment anymore. Even if they never raised a hand to you, there was never any telling if they would if you stepped in. YOu were a child in an impossible situation. You are not to blame nor are you to blame for not stepping in. Are your other sisters safe?” he asked, they wouldn’t be if her father was like that, but if one who the attention had been on was getting out, would the attention turn? He didn’t want her sisters to be unsafe. ”Do we need to get them get out?” he wasn’t sure what they could do beyond try and remove the others from that care. He wouldn’t mind them living with him and Gabriella. ”What else can we, or I, do?” he just wanted to help.
The blonde was afraid of the reaction she would get. If people would lie to her, she would be really mad. But she was not Marcos, Marcos was the most sweet person in the world. She was wondering if he ever felt something, of her behavior she had been acting so strange ofcourse about her family and stuff, so closed. But when he hold her face with his soft hands she knew it was alright. She listened to him talking to her. He was ofcourse trying to find solotions as she already thought. He was an brave person, she hadn't been. And he thought along with her. First Gabriella had to process the fact he wasn't mad at her at all. It was an big relieve, but deep down she had known. Marcos was always there for her. She looked at him again, she dared too. '' I do blame myself. It's an feeling that will not go away. I could have done something, seek help on school or tell anyone sooner.'' There was nothing Marcos could say to her to change to feeling, she knew. She had to live with that regret, but she could do something now. And she had done it. And agreed that it was better to not be in the house anymore. '' It's not that I'm out of it. My father is my boss as well at work. He wants to control me and everything he can control. Even if I'm away there, he still has eyes and ears everywhere.'' Gabriella explained just that Marcos knew they had to be carefull with stuff, and that he would not do anything stupid behind her back. '' My other sisters just do as my parents pleases. And they are still young, so I don't know what they know or not. They are still there.'' She thought for an moment of her other sisters. She had been so focussing on Lauren that she felt guilty of not thinking of her other sisters too quickly. But she knew June was doing what her father pleased and she was an copy of her father the most in that way. Camilla was so young and innocent. '' It will be better if they will be out of there, but I don't know how yet..'' The blonde than thought for an moment. This was unreal they were actually making plans, and she was not alone anymore. It felt actually really good to have tell someone finally.
Gabriella wiped way the tears and smiled shortly to her boyfriend, he was so sweet to her. '' Thank you.. I can't describe how it feels to finally tell you. To not be alone in this anymore.'' The blonde put her leg over the other and thought for an moment. And than looked at Marcos again. '' I'm gonna reach out to Lauren again, to see if she is getting help at Hogwarts. And to get her permission to write an letter to the headmistress. '' Gabriella figured they had to use Hogwarts for help, she didn't knew who else. '' We have to use Hogwarts for help I think. I don't want to drag your family in this and too much people. My father is really dangerous. So don't do anything please behind my back. I don't want you to get hurt.'' The blonde than said and took his hand.
Marcos knew there would be little to say, little that could be said that might immediately make her feel absolved of any blame, but he would try his best to always tell her, remind her that she was not to blame. ”I know, but I’ll remind that it isn’t. You were a child and you didn’t know that what you might’ve done might’ve helped or not. I know you’ll probably blame yourself for a while, but I’ll always remind you that I would, that you shouldn’t,” He said. He was reminded though that Gabriella still worked with her father as she said ss much and he frowned. He didn’t want them to linger around if she was still caught under his influence. ”Baby, you know my job, quidditch, I can do that anywhere, you say the word and we can move,” he told her with a sure tone, ”We could bring your sisters with us, my eldest brother helped raise me, we can help them,” He was glad that in all of this she felt confident and comfortable to tell him. So much of her behaviour over the years made more sense to him now. So much more sense. But how to help.
”Yeah, I think the headmistress should be told, and we can use those more official channels, if we need to get your sisters out before then we can bring them here, if we need to hide for a bit, we could take a trip to my old home town,” he wouldn’t do anything without telling her, ”I would never Gabriella, I’ll do what you need me to, never behind your back. But, if he comes here, I’m not gonna let him do anything to you, he might be dangerous, he might have the friends in the right places, but I’m not gonna let him hurt you while I’m here. I love you too much to see you be hurt by him,” he told her. It might never come to that, but he thought he should make it plainly obvious to her about what his intentions would be if her father came here to theirs angry.

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