Time by the Lake.

Adam Simons

Well-Known Member
Adam was in a bit of a fragile emotional state. HE was happy he and Angela were almost dating. But his cousin was avoiding him, his family hated him more than the normal, and he was not so sure about some of the other Slytherins. They had hurt Angela really bad, and those were just the girls. It was a lot to handle. He found himself wandering, and after a little while almost fell head first into the lake. His pants were soaked but he could care less. He sat down, in a slightly kneeling position as not to get to wet and looked up at the darkening sky. 'What a pretty harvest moon.' He thought putting his mind in a momentary ease.
Shaylah walked down to the lake with her hands in the pocket of her hoody. She had just got a letter from her dad saying that they had been invited to Junior's wedding and he was forcing her to wear a dress. Shaylah had never even met Cloe so she didn't see why she had to wear a dress to the wedding.
As Shaylah got closer to the lake, she saw Adam. She hadn't spoken to him since before they started at school. "It definitely is. Then again, that's what I think of it every night." She sat down next to him and smiled. "How've you been??"
Adam looked up to see a familiar face, "Hey Shaylah." He smiled. "I've been...busy." He looked at her she looked nice. It was good to see another human being he had been cutting himself off a bit. "What about you?"
"I've been ok. There's been problems with my friends but other than that I'm fine." Shaylah smiled. She loved Hogwarts so far but she still wanted to go home and see her dad.
Adam smirked and looked at her "Me and Angela are going out now." He looked at her. He new she and Angela were friends, and wondered if she new.
Shaylah grinned. She hadn't seen Angela just recently so she hadn't heard this news. "Seriously?? That's so cool. You two look really cute together." She could see the two of them together and was glad that Angela had finally found a boyfriend and a decent one at that.
Adam smiled "Yeah, its really new to us both but.." He paused, "I think it's going well." They hadn't been dating that long but they had grown so close it felt very natural. "I wouldn't call us cute though." He said sarcastically.
Shaylah laughed. "How can you not think the two of you look cute together. The both of you are amazing." She smiled at him. "I'm just glad that she's going out with a decent boy like yourself. I've had one boyfriend in my whole life and he turned out to be a complete pig." She hated the thought of Osiris and wished that she had never gone out with him.
Adam laughed at the decent boy part and frowned when she said it hadn't worked out with the boy. She had been going out with him when they had first meet. "Oh. I'm sorry it didn't work out. I would recommend Alfie, and Darian but there already taken, well Alfie almost is." Alfie had written him saying he almost had a girl and Darian had Skyle.
"It's alright. I'm not looking for a boy. I say when I think one is cute but I don't want a boyfriend. I want to get used to the school first and get all my homework up to scratch and then I might think about looking round for a boy." She grinned. "So how are you liking HNZ so far??"
Adam looked at her, "Oh well once your done I'm sure Angela would love to play matchmaker." He chuckled. "It's a lot better than Washington D.C, but I still like Romania better., and you?"
"I'm sure she would." Shaylah giggled. "I miss my dad but I'm having a great time with all my mates. There's been one missing for ages now but I probably wont see her again. Still, I'm glad to be here." Shaylah grinned.
Adam smiled nodding in agreement, He was silent for a while. "I really miss Darian, though. My cousin, he wont talk to me since I got Slytherin." He frowned. He didn't want to bother her with his problems but it just came out.
"Why would he ignore you for that??" Shaylah couldn't see anything bad with SLytherins. She loved the house she was in.
Adam looked up at her. "Well I come from a long line of Gryffindors." He had hoped for Slytherin though, and his parents hated him more for it.
Shaylah had always hated Gryffindors and there was nothing anyone could do to change that. "Oh right. So he's all for the Gryffindor versus Slytherin thing then??" Shaylah was definitely a fan of it.
Adam sighed 'How could he explain Darian?' He thought. "Well he is for now. He will get bored with it soon, it's just the way he is." He hoped Shaylah would understand.
Shaylah giggled. "He sounds like an odd person." Shaylah was going to say that Gryffindors were like that but it wasn't the smartest thing to say in front of someone related to Gryffindors. Especially when Shay was friends with Adam.
Adam smiled Darian was odd but he liked that about him. Because if you didn't like something about him it was sure to change in time. "Yes he kinda is, but hes still like a brother to me." She was so understanding, like Angela.
"I know what you mean." he grinned. "My friends are my family." Shaylah had always been very close with her friends. Steph was even going round saying her name was Scarlet Rouge.
Adam smiled, "I kinda live with him now too." He grinned this was the first person he had told that he had run away.
Shaylah frowned. "How come you don't live with your parents anymore??" She still didn't understand familys as she onl hd her dad and her friends.
Adam looked down, "Well, I am nothing to them so I moved in with Darian and Aunt Adrianna." He didn't get along with his aunt but who did anyway.
"I still don't understand how familys can be so against each other." Shaylah grinned. "Me and my dad have had a few fights but we can't stay angry at each other. We apologise straight away and end up sitting around all night playing games with each other.
Adam smiled "I wish all family's were like that but, there not." He shrugged, 'you have to work with what your dealt', he thought

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