Closed Time Alone

Blair Bianchi

Italian; Ballerina; Model
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly, 9", Acacia, Essence of Belladonna, Unyielding
February 14, 2040 (23)
The spring was already there and Blair felt messed up, the school had started and she had to leave her mom again. She was happy to finally meet friends but still wanted to be home, she had surfed the whole break, she joined the swimming team and she had done a lot of fun things. However, when she was finally at school, she and Branson owled and decided to meet at the kitchens. She was happy to have someone to meet with right when school started, she had a few more people but she was glad that it was exactly Branson. He was easy to spend time with.

"How did your break go?" she was eating some cookies that were in the bowl right in front of her. "By the way, do you have any hobbies out of school?" it was a good chance to get to know more about him and she wasn't going to miss it.
Branson had been rather pleased when he'd kept in contact with Blair, he was quite happy to have another friend and she was quite a cool friend for him. She just seemed cooler than anyone else who might opt to hang out with him. He had arranged to join her in the kitchens and they were eating from a bowl of cookies. He smiled at her and nodded. "Oh it was good, spent time with Jordie, spent time with my sisters. What about you? Did you stay in New Zealand?" he said, knowing that she was originally from elsewhere he thought she might go back there during a break. "It sort of depends on how you define hobbies out of school, I read a lot, write some and I play quidditch but I do those at Hogwarts too..what about you?"
When Blair asked the question about the summer (she was still messing up with seasons), she knew that she will have to answer to the same question. And she still asked it, even if she didn't know how much she was going to say. "Sounds amazing! I wish I had siblings too, that sounds so much fun!" she did have one but they only shared one parent, the same one that Blair didn't accept, so she also didn't accept that sibling. "Well, my summer was... Interesting? I met someone I really didn't wanna meet but oh well, happens. I joined a muggle swimming team! I was surfing the whole summer, I love it! Well, mostly I did, I visited Australia. My mom had to work there and she took me with her for some days and for like a week I was at Russia. We had to take out the last things, probably we won't ever return there," she made a pretty sad face but then broke into smile again. No way she was going to break down the good mood, not now. "Well, you kinda got what I meant. Something you just enjoy a lot and spend a lot of time for that. My hobbies are surfing, swimming, probably Quidditch too and I have been dancing ballet for long years now. Actually I want to become a choreographer after school. And I would probably say duelling but I can do it only at school. Have you ever tried surfing? Or something like more common to muggles? They have so much cool activities!" Blair surely was a fan of all the possible muggle sports. Even if she didn't have a lot of time for them with her homework.
Branson shrugged at her exclaimation, he thought it was nice to have siblings but wouldn't have said much on it. He was then quite surprised with how much she had done, which made what he'd done pale in comparison. He ahdn't gone anywhere, he hadn't done any surfing or gone to the beach given that the weather had not been great. The Ravenclaw just nodded along, "What position in quidditch?" he asked when she mentioned she liked that. He thought it was quite cool that she liked dancing so much she wanted to do that when she was older. He shook his head at the question, "I wouldn't be able to say but I've never done it," he had just never been too interested nor had he had many opportunities to do it. "Aside from like running and quidditch, I'm more of a indoor reading type. Probably why I'm a Ravenclaw," he said with a little smile. He felt a little inadequate next to her who liked to do so many cool and muggle things.
Blair also wanted to add about her trying to get a job but she remembered how terrific the outcome was, so she decided against it. She knew she will have to tell about that all at some point but not now, she didn't feel ready to talk about that. She was still trying to accept everything that had happened. "Chaser, I have always loved this position," she easily admitted and bit her cookie again. "Well, if you would like to try, I'd be more than glad to teach you," Blair excitedly offered. It would be also a perfect excuse to not be at home. She had messed up with her feelings about her dad and she was mad at her mom, everything was messed up again. "Oh, that makes sense." Blair laughed and offered him one of the cookies she picked up again. "Actually, what would you say if I joined you running some time? Or you already have a company?" she wouldn't be surprised if he had it, so she didn't try to put any pressure on him.
Branson gave a little smile at her words, "Teach me surfing?" he asked. It would be an odd thing for him to learn but he couldn't deny that it was probably also very cool. it would be different and interesting so he was a little keen but he'd be nervous too, it would be hard. He could imagine that Aurora would be keen to learn if he did. "I go running with Jordie, but I'm sure if you asked her wouldn't mind you coming along," he did hope that Jordie wouldn't think he was being replaced or anything like that. "I go in the mornings, but I know Jordie runs twice a day. Jordan Harris, he's a hufflepuff in my year" he then added, not sure that she would know who Jordie was.
Blair proudly smiled and gave a nod. "Are you scared? No, it's actually fun, have you seen those cool muggle movies where they surf? It literally is way better," she tried to explain how cool surfing actually was. And when he told her that he was running with Jordie, she smiled, no, she knew that she wasn't the one who would actually go and ask Jordie anything, but she smiled at the thought of how weird it would be. "Why am I not surprised that you are friends with Jordie? I haven't talked with him but I think that the whole school knows him," she giggled at that, she couldn't imagine how it could be when literally everyone knew him. It was probably fun and exhausting at the same time. "How did you decide to run in the mornings tho? Why not in the evenings?" she let out and tried to sit more comfortably on the chair.
Branson gave a half shrug, "There's nothing wrong with being a bit afraid of something you've never done before," he reasoned. he wasn't a gryffindor, he wouldn't call himself brave but he thought it was good to be aware of things. He would certainly, if she was serious, need to read more about how to surf before he did it. It wasn't too surprising that Blair knew of Jordie but didn't know him personally. At the question he gave a little laugh, "I read in the evenings, running would amp me up too much, so morning runs get me ready for the day, evening reading to wind down," he told her before giving a little unsure look, "But that's just what works for me,"
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Blair jokingly rolled her eyes while having an amused smile. "Bran, I was just joking. No, I was joking about being scared and absolutely serious about my offer to teach you how to surf," she threw her cookie up and caught it before she started to eat it. She listened to him carefully and then lightly nodded her head. "It makes sense then," Blair gave him a light smile and understood that she wanted to ask something more. "You said that you do some writing, are you in school's like... What is it? Journal, right?" she wasn't exactly sure how to call it. "are you in Hogwarts Monthly?"
Branson nodded, "I mean you'll probably have to teach my sister too, she would not let me do it alone," he told her and then nodded at what she asked. "I am!" he was rather proud of it too. He had his own little article which he did and he enjoyed having it to do. "I do a little book corner, it's just an easy way for me to talk about books," he said with a little smile. He liked doing it, it was simple for him. "Have you ever wanted to write?" he asked, knowing it wasn't for everyone. He enjoyed it, but it didn't mean others would from what he could tell about Blair she was more sports and action orientated than books.
Blair chuckled and gave a light nod. "Sure, not a problem! More people, more fun. Maybe I could even try to convince Valerius to go with us," she easily offered. She wasn't exactly sure that her brother would go with them but probably Stefan could convince him. "Mhm, that sounds actually fun. It's a good chance to share with that you like, it's amazing," Blair wasn't a writer herself but she was impressed by people who could do that, and that was right what he asked. "Well, if I'm honest, I have tried to write but let's say... It didn't work out," Blair tried to keep from laughing but then she let out a light laugh. "I was pretty sure that my professors will allow me to not write essays after that," that was a half-joke because she actually was an awful writer. "How did you find out that you have a talant for writing?"
Branson nodded, "Is Valerius your sibling?" Bran asked, it felt obvious that it would be but he still wanted to double check, definitely didn't want to assume anything about Blair or her family. He nodded in agreement at her words towards his writing. "I like it, I like sharing books and stories," Branson said with a little shrug. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do when he left school but he was pretty keen to make sure it was at least where he was writing a little. He gave a little laugh at what she said but thought it too mean to laugh much. Not everyone was a writer. "I don't know...I think I just wanted to do it in first year when I saw the club and the leader let me decide what I wanted to write about," he said with a little nod. "It was just the right time for it, you know. Plus writing is a skill you can improve in too," he said, hoping that she wouldn't feel too bad about not being good at it.
Blair almost gave a nod and then decided to just correct a bit. "Half-brother but we... Don't exactly identify ourselves as siblings, we actually first met only on a break," she admitted though, she tried to seem like it wasn't a big deal. Val hated her, she wasn't exactly over the moon about him too. She had always wanted to have really good relationship with siblings but with the only one she has, she ended up being enemies. Happens. However, she carefully listened to what he told her as she was trying to memorize what Bran liked the most. "Well, the right time always has a big meaning in everything. But hey, it's cool! You found your place in the school and you are doing what you like," Blair gave him a friendly nudge and smiled at him proudly. She had always been sure that she was always supportive to her friends and this was something to not only support but also to be proud about. And she understood why he added that being a skill she can improve at, but honestly... She was pretty sure that she had to get better in English at first because she was always using any given chance to speak in Russian instead of practicing her English.
Branson was a little surprised that she'd only just met her sibling, half sibling. He couldn't imagine not having his sisters around, they could be a little annoying but he wasn't going to comment on it. He knew families could be more complicated than his rather simple one. He knew that the archer family had had some issues, though it had been a while since they had. The ravencalw gave a little nod, "I'm sure you'll find your place too," he assured her with a little smile. he wasn't sure if that was perhaps what she needed to hear it.
Blair pretty much understood how bad it was to be in such a relationship with her own brother but it was just the way it was. She was okay with that simply because she wasn't used to Val being around, just because she actually had no idea how or about what to talk with him. They were opposites and they were raised in absolutely opposite worlds. Blair had no idea how to actually interact with him or how to build that sibling bond, so she convinced herself that she was okay with that. "Yeah, probably. By the way, do you have anything you want to accomplish this year?" she tried to keep the conversation back to more casual to not think about her family drama again, she was full of it.
Branson considered the question, he wasn't sure what he wanted to accomplish, he wanted good grades and to do well in his electives but was that really what she was asking. "Probably good grades, do well, you know," he paused for a minute and then gave a little shrug, "I don't know. I've never really thought about like a year long goal, it's just you know, do well and make my parents proud..," he said. "What about you?" maybe she would have something or wouldn't mind that his were pretty simple things.
Blair nodded when Bran said his goal. "You can totally do this!" she happily supported him, glad that he had at least some goals. "Well, I want to become a dueling champion this year. Last year I lost in the final round but this year I am going to train way more to actually win," she proudly smiled. It wasn't really a secret that she was pretty competitive, she liked the feeling of being first. They talked a bit more before they decided to go their ways, and, of course, Blair went to the lower levels of the school.

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