Andromeda had the massive urge for a rarer than raw steak, the moon was driving her nuts at this cycle and her appetite always got the more disgusting as a result. She was by now on very friendly terms with most of the house elves and even some of the professors allowed her traipsing down at the more unusual hours to get her meat, so that other students wouldn't have to see and query her diet regime. Tickling the pear in the portrait she climbed in and smiled at the few house elves that were there.
"Hey just the usual tonight" she smiled at the house elf nearest her, "that time of the month again". Andromeda walked to the large table top that the elves were industriously pouring over, obviously in great preparation for the Halloween Feast. She noticed one of the elves scurrying off to fetch her slab of steak and it was then laughter and not elvish laughter and the noise of boisterous activity caught her attention. It was coming from around the corner, where she usually went to eat her meat in peace so as not to disgust the elves. Taking some tentative steps forward Andromeda smiled at the sight of what had obviously been a food fight. When the prone and dishevelled bodies of two students came into her line of vision. She couldn't help but continue to move silently around the large table until they came into full view and she gasped. It had of course been a loud enough gasp.
There on the floor were a Ravenclaw girl, who she had seen up until now but never spoken to and a Slytherin boy and not just any boy but THE boy. What once had been a smile quickly changed to a frown, a glare a knowing look of 'You-Again!" Did the boy do nothing but get himself up to mischief and clearly he had a penchant for Ravenclaw girls too. At least the last time Estrella had caught him in the act and had hauled him off for punishment detail but this girl was in the thick of it with him. Knowing that normally she would have laughed herself senseless at the sight of both struggling to stand up, she might have even offered her assistance. This time she did not.
"Nice example" she threw at them both before stomping back into the other part of the kitchen. The house elf had returned with large deliciously smelling raw steak but there was no way she could eat it in privacy in there now.
"Can you wrap it to go please?" she muttered mutinously, how many more times did she have to run into that boy. At that moment she hated what Zuka termed as fate, fate could take a flying leap for all she cared. Until a thought entered her head, perhaps fate was guiding her to her nemesis. She smiled at Petyon as he handed her the well wrapped meat and thanked him profusely, hurrying to get out of the kitchen and away from THAT boy!
But image if that was the case, what if he and I are suppose to be enemies? The thought stayed with her as she walked to the cavern in the garden to eat her meat in peace.