Through the Courtyard

Kayden Night

Kaikōura Kea Coach 2046-2053 | Twin | Keeper
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ready to Mingle
35 (09/14)
Kayden left his common room alittle after one unsure of what to do with his time, having no classes. He knew he could go around looking for his sister, but knowing her she would be busy with all her new friends. Kayden, or Red as some people called him, was a shy guy. He has spent most of his life in his sister's shawdow not minding it a bit. He found himself on the Ground Floor and decided to take alook outside. Kayden noticed a few people going through an arch, and followed. The archway opened into the courtyard, which contained a few other students. He stood in the doorway admiring the peaceful courtyard, as students walked around him.
Shiloh sighed in admiration of all the beautiful plants.
She would always love the courtyard
for its beauty and for its location.
She had come here several times over the past weeks
and suspected there would be many more over the coming weeks.
Here, she felt closer to Karah.
As if Karah really were there with her.
It was as if, magic was pulling her to the garden,
as if Karah was this very moment, sitting out in the garden.

She walked down the path and through the archway
where she saw students old and young
all enjoying the courtyard.
It really was a site to behold.
Shiloh speculated that it was created by magic.
Though she had been told many times,
that she was silly for thinking that
she was attending a magic school.
She was sure every fifth year would have
the right Herbology skills to do it.
That is of course if they were taking Herbology.

She smiled as she noticed a young boy standing in
the archway. He looked to be around her age,
perhaps slightly older.
Either way he looked as if he could really do with a friend.
“Its places like theses that really take my breath away”
She said as she turned to look at him.
“I always have admired the way the grass follows the trees”
She added smiling once again.​
Kayden turned at the sound of a voice near him. He was suprised to see a girl around his age talking to him. He wasn't sure anyone would ever approach him out here. In his house he was almost attacked by people wanting to talk to him, overwhelmed by them really. Here the peacefulness he had been enjoying in his common room before being overwhelmed was still hanging around him even with another person talking to him. "It's really nice out here, reminds me of home in a way," he said in reply looking back over the courtyard. He turned and offered the girl a small smile letting her know he was okay with her being around.
Shiloh smiled at the boy as he mentioned the
Courtyard reminded him of home.
This got Shiloh curious as to where the boy might live.
Favouring mystery over curiousity though,
Shiloh opted to not ask.
She simply wanted to enjoy this moment,
for what it was, a nice day in the
Courtyard, with a potential new friend.
"I've always liked Gardens,
they allow such beauty to be seen
and appreciated. You know?"

She asked as he smiled at her.
He obviously saw the need to reasssure
her that he didn't mind her being there.
Which was just as well.
Shiloh wouldn't have left anyway.
"I remember seeing some of these plants in
the Herbology Green houses a few days ago.
But they were only seedlings...
Perhaps they are to be planted in here?"

She asked to no-one in particular.
Kayden looked around the garden as the girl spoke of it. "The point of gardens is to have nature and beauty close enough to appreciate it on a deeper level. Though I do enjoy being in the wild more," he added to her statement, hoping she wouldn't be offended by his words. Looking around again he noticed the plants she was talking about, but the Herbology plants were most likely there for classes or to be sold. He didn't feel the need to answer her question outloud however, not wanting to seem to be the brainiac of the family like his siter always tried to do.
Shiloh laughed slightly at the boys amended statement.
She smiled to show him she wasn't offended.
"I suppose that makes senseifyou really think about it."
She said smiling.
"I'm Shiloh by the, its nice to meet you"
She said smiling.

OOCOut of Character:
God Im so sorry... dont keel me.
Kayden gave the girl a small smile in return to her agreeing with him. "Kayden, Kayden Night," he said in reply while leaning back against the arch out of the other students way. Since his movement moved him alittle farther away from Shiloh he took the time to take in her appearence before looking at the garden. "Have you been on the grounds yet? The open fields are almost just as beautiful as this place," he said bringing a nice conversation back to them.
Shiloh smiled at his name.
It was a rather unusual name.
Shiloh had never heard of it before.
Though she did quite like it.
"You have quite an unusual name Kayden.
I do like it though, its... Interesting"

She said smiling and nodding.
She was beginning to enjoy this conversation.
Kayden moved away from her slightly
and she watched him as he looked her over.
She smiled as he brought up the grounds.
"Oh, you can be sure I have seen them.
They have such a rare beauty that must
be seen to behold its wonder".

Shiloh blinked at that sentence.
Where had it come from.
She didn't normally speak like that.
Then she laughed slightly as she realised where it came from.
Grace Raven.
Her bestfriend since the beginning of the school year.
She shrugged and looked back to Kayden.
"Another beautiful place is the lake.
I went there the other day with my friend Tara."
She said.
"Maybe you know her, she is also in Hufflepuff."
She said.

OOCOut of Character:
I'm assuming here that Kayden is wearing his house robes... If not I shall edit.
Shiloh is wearing her house robes if you want to mention her house.
Kayden understood why people whould think he's name was unusal, at least his native american name, not many people commented on the name Kayden, however; so he was suprised by her comment. "Kayden is unusal? My Native American name is, utkwëhtææ'ê' utháyôni, it means Red Wolf," he stated quite proud that he could even pronouce such a name and the fact it was his. "Shiloh, it seems it could be Native American name, but not any that I know of, sounds like it though," he added as an after thought.

Kayden had been thinking about visiting the Lake but the wonder of the Arch that opened into the garden had stopped him in his quest to find the lake. "I haven't beent hat way yet, with classes and catching up with my Twin, you know her I bet, Georgiana, she's also called niwa'aa tsyuæhkúwá', Small Dove, she's in Gryffindor," he added wondering if the girl would mention her telling this to his sister next time she saw her. He thought on the name Tara for a moment before coming up with nothing, "I don't know that many Hufflepuffs, maybe you cuold introduce us at some point. It'd be nice to know people in my own house, though the ones I've met are alittle too hyper for me."
Shiloh blinked as he said something in Native American.
It sounded so strange to her.
She had never heard something like it before.
"Wow, that sounded so... weird, but still cool"
She told him smiling at him.
She wondered why they called him 'Red Wolf'.
"Do you mind me asking why they call you Red Wolf?"
She asked looking at him curiously.
Then when he asked about her name she shrugged.
"If it is that's a surprise. Shiloh is only a nickname
my sister and I came up with because we don't like
our real names. So we use Shiloh and Creta"

She told Kayden shrugging.
If he asked what her real name was, she'd probably tell him.
But otherwise it didn't really matter.
She was tempted to change her name by depol anyway.

"Georgiana? Yes I know her, oh so you must be that Kayden."
She said laughing.
"I met her the other day in the Gryffindor common room."
She told him happily.
So now she had met both of the Night twins.
She was really very excited about it.
"I would love to introduce you to Tara, she is very nice".
She told him.
Kayden slightly smirked when she said his name sounded weird. "Cause," he started off very slowly, "I'll come out of no where and get!" He said jumping towards her taking a hold of her shoulders, as he started to laugh already thinking how suprised she must be. "Nah. It's actually because as a child I showed traits of being deeply emotional and wholly passionate. The Wolf understands that we all we need is love, and is completely capable of giving it. Georgiana is a Dove because the Dove is the bringer of Peace and Love. She represents the deepest peace, supposedly she is here to sooth us of our worries and troubled thoughts. I'm sure she may have done this for someone here already," he said shrugging his shoulders. Kayden wasn't sure what the girl was going to think of all the information but he did enjoy be abel to tell someone who was actually going to listen to him.
Shiloh got slightly worried when Kayden smirked.
She did not trust that smile at all.
Then when he jumped at her and grabbed her, Shiloh screamed.
"My Gosh Kayden, you scared the bagebers out of me".
She said laughing slightly.
She listened quietly as Kayden told her about the origins of their names.
"Wow, that sounds amazing."
She told him. Then when he said that Georgiana was a soother,
Shiloh had to agree.
"Yes, she has, when I met her for the first time in the Gryffindor commonroom,
I was sad about not being able to see my sister.
The your sister was comforting me.
She's really very good at it too."

She said smiling. She was still very greatful to her.
She smiled at Kayden again.
"Would you like to come down to the lake with me?"
She asked. She hadn't been there for a while
and really would like to see it again.
Kayden had to laugh when she reacted, it was very unlike him to actually jump and scare someone but her prodding made him do it. He smiled when she talked about Georgiana being true to her name,"Well, know you why I love her so much," he stated. Kayden then realized he hadn't actually let go of Shiloh yet and brought his hands back to his sides. He glanced around the garden and realized he had seen and taken in everything he could a new scenery in front of his eyes would be nice. "Sure, I haven't been over there yet, so it'll be a whole new adventure," he said with enthusiasm.
Shiloh smiled when he mentioned how much
he loved his sister.
It was so sweet really.
She hide a small giggle as he suddenly realised
he was still holding her shoulders.
Unfortunately she was unsuccessful and a small chuckle escaped.
"Ok then, lets go down to the lake.
I swear it really is pretty"

She said smiling as she grabbed his arm to guide him to the lake.
Whether he knew where it was or not,
she was going to pull him behind her.
Just because she could.

OOCOut of Character:
The Lake And sorry again for the short post <_<

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