Three In One

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James Green

Well-Known Member
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
<SIZE size="50">Heyy Folks!

I need a few friends/enemies/anything for three different people. I'm not looking for very much, just a few things for each, since all are lacking in each department.

First of we have this guy, James Green, He's a fifth year durmstrang student currently living in a half way house in Poland. He speaks fluent english and polish and russian. He grew up in England, but was born in Poland. James is primarily a d1ckhead, he doesn't really care what happens to him, or those around him. He does what he wants, regardless of the circumstances or what the consequences to his actions might be. He makes rash decisions and is very short tempered. James is very guarded, he'll manipulate and lie so that people believe what he says, so that people won't ever think about what he does. He'll always keep people at arms length. He's the type of person who could be hit by a car and still get up and walk away denying it ever happened. He doesn't want people to get to know him, or understand him. He just wants to keep going through life with no attachments. James is a romantic, when he falls for a girl, or a boy (since I think he's better bi) he really falls for them, and it's hard for him. Since he can never show it, he wants to be the guy whose always there, that can be trusted. But he believes in the end people will always leave him, so he doesn't ever let himself become too involved with anyone.
So yeah, friends/enemies/love interests/a final?

Next we have Zander Valentine. Now he's a twenty three year old single parent living in England. He spends almost all of his time working or looking after his sister's daughter, whom he has custody of, and his youngest brother. He's very much alone in the world. Unable to keep plans, friends and much less a love interest. Overall Zander is a natural born leader. He doesn't always show it, but he prides himself on being there for others. He was more so in school when he attended, but since dropping out it not so much any more. He's strong minded and caring. He'll always put absolutely everyone else before himself. No matter how bad his day has been overall, he'll still make sure everyone else is okay before he does anything about himself. It the same in virtually everything when it comes to his family. Zander is very family orientated. He'll work hard to keep his family, or what is left of it together. It's hard for him, but he'll do it anyway. Zander however isn't as open as people would probably think he should be. He doesn't like attaching himself to people too much, since he knows that it probably won't last, and he just doesn't really talk about what happened in his family. He loves music, and it was his passion before he had to look after his family. He doesn't regret his decision, just at times he wonders what could've been.
So yeah, friends/enemies/love interests/a final.

And finally, Kiara Tine, now she's been fairly inactive recently, but I've been thinking of trying to get her back out there. She's the younger sister of the 6th year hufflepuff prefect Elijah Tine. And the two could not be more opposite. The only thing they share is a desire for fame. Elijah in the side of music (although he doesn't care all that much) and Kiara in the side that she really wants to be an actress. Kiara is a bit of a b1tch. She knows that to get ahead she has to really want it and let no one stand in her way. She's currently a fourth year Beauxbatons student. She works hard at school and her appearance, despite the fact that Kiara doesn't really get school. It's not that she doesn't understand it, she just struggles with it. Finds the lessons hard, but she doesn't let anyone know that. She's not dumb, but nor is she the sharpest tool in the box either. She'll manipulate and do things so they benefit her rather than others. She is open minded and has a don't care policy on most things. She has a difficult relationship with her brother, and with her parents. Despite being the golden child at home she really wishes she had to same independence as her brother has. She dreams of moving to L.A to follow her dreams, but will wait until school ends. In the mean time she auditions for small roles in French movies. But has only ever been cast as an extra in one.
So yeah she needs friends/enemies/love interest

Those are the main ones, but if you'd like to RP with any of my other characters (i.e. Lily Fossil, Oscar Fossil, Elijah Tine or Stefan Archer) PM me on any of the accounts mentioned in this post.

Hey Emzies ^_^

I can offer Mizelea here as a love interest for James, I think the two could hit it off as they're like the complete opposites in some way which I find interesting. I'm open for any ideas at all, if that's fine with you.

Then I can offer Sui Chin Ying to Elijah as they met a while before, perhaps during their second or third years I think. They could be great friends or anything more really.

Lastly, I was wondering if were still up for a Solenn and Issac thing? I'm not in a hurry for the two, so....
Just tell me what you think about the two. :tut:

I think that's all I can offer for now. ^_^
Hi Emize;

For James, I have Issy Dymetris's cousin. She a bit of a 'California girl' but is from Russia. I blame the mega influence over are her aunts and cousin. She going back to Drumstrang, a really open girl and stuff.

I also have Dymetris Kozlov for Elijah, they can meet up again and do whatever ^^

Let me know xP

- madz
Hey Emzies

I have Johanna here,who is a twenty year old french girl.She is just back from a holiday in Europe and is trying to get things in order.I can offer her for a friend or love interest,what ever suits. If you want to know anything else its all in her bio and character development.


<SIZE size="50">Heyy Mintzy,

I was thinking of PM'ing you about them. I didn't post in the topic, since she walked away and he couldn't have followed. Or tried to get her to come back. However, I do think they'd be interesting. So, I am up for them being love interests. Would you like to start something? Or shall I?

And I knew I'd forgotten about someone. Isaac. I don't mind, his not very active, and I don't really have much for him at this point. So if you're still up for something, say, and I'll PM you so we can work it out.

Madz, I'd like to do something with Dymetris and Elijah. I liked them as friends. Would you like to start something or shall I?

Johanna, She'd be good for Zander.
They're not that similar but I think it could work pretty well. Would you want start or shall I?

I'll start something for Mizzy and Jamie, as for Isaac I'm still very up for our plot for the two. We could adjust with the two, since Isaac isn't that active. So do PM me for your ideas. ^_^

Thanks Mintzy! I'll post asap.
And I'll PM you tonight when I get home from work about Isaac and Solenn.

Johanna, Here is the topic Hope it's okay.

And thanks Madz!
Hey Emzies,

I can offer one of my slightly less used charries as a friend for Zander. Her name is Sola , she's 22 and a native of England. Ever since she left home, she's been a bit of a wanderer, only staying in a place until she either gets really bored or until her friends stop letting her stay in their homes. She actually has been back in England for a couple of weeks and is staying in her sister's house, though she has forbidden her sister from telling her mother that she is around. Sola claims to be a loner, but I think she's just really lonely. She's only be a friend for Zander though because he's not really her type for anything more than that ;)

I've also got Jeremy who can RP with any of your HNZ people if you want.

Let me know!
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