This will be a disaster

Chaos noticed that Alana seemed to be very distressed about this whole thing, and he could not really blame her. However, it was when she slid down, and whimpered was when he opened his purple eyes and looked down at her. Was she okay? Havoc's footsteps left them in silence, before he figured it out. Havoc wanted them to get along. Havoc was always the one that pushed this arranged marriage on them. Havoc was the one that convinced him it was a privilege, an honor. Chaos shook his head, "I guess I warned you about the wrong one. My brother is up to something that requires both of us out of his hair." Chaos looked up almost as if he was looking through the ceiling, trying to figure out what his brother was up to. Chaos sighed before he slid down and rested his arm on his knee. Chaos finally looked back to Alana and raised an eyebrow, "Hey, you okay? Do you have a fear of closed spaces?" Chaos never thought that Alana would have been afraid of closed spaces. But a humorous thought came to his mind, of Chavdar giving her a hug. It might as well be a huge giant hugging a goblin. However, the humor never crossed his features. "Keep your eyes closed. It might help by not seeing." This was the nicest that Chaos had ever been, but even his tone remained cold, if not annoyed. But he was moreover annoyed by what Havoc did.
“Yes. Is that a problem?” she muttered, attitude filling her voice. It wouldn’t surprise her that the Zhefarovich family would want to weed out all sort of illnesses and oddities in their arrangements. She’d read about that sort of thing in her research to find a loophole out of this. Alana had already closed her eyes again, the dim lighting only making her freak out even more about being trapped in the small room. She couldn’t feel Chaos at all, but after he’d spoken, she knew that he wasn’t far from her. And he was so tall, that he was sure that he was taking up twice the oxygen that she did. The Slytherin scowled at that thought. “Already on it. I need more of a distraction though. All I can think about is the amount of oxygen that’s in the room, and yes, I know that we’re getting air in from the bottom of the closet but is it really enough for both of us? I have my doubts” Alana rambled. It was something she always did when she was nervous or excited or upset or feeling any emotion to a high level. The Slytherin slid closer to the door, her hands groping on the ground for the towel that she’d dropped when she’d first freaked out.
Chaos raised an eyebrow when she asked if that was a problem. Her attitude was something else. Instead, he just sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He listened on how she was needing more of a distraction because of the oxygen and whatnot. He had never heard of two people suffocating because they were locked in the closet. He looked toward the door, and figured that he would have to calm her down somehow. "We'll be fine. The crack is plenty large enough, and it isn't blocked. I'm sure if he wanted us dead, he would have done something less obvious. So, don't worry about it. Besides, if the flame of the candle goes out, that means there's no oxygen." Chaos looked up to the candle, keeping an eye on the flame, which was still burning bright. Chaos knew that much at least. Fire could not burn without oxygen as a fuel or something like that. Magic or not. He folded his arms across his chest, as he said, a little softer than normal, "And no, it wasn't a problem. I don't exploit fears. It was a matter of... I don't know the word." Chaos didn't know that he was actually concerned for a moment for Alana. She really seemed scared. Chaos remained sitting, and not moving. He needed to remain still as possible. It helped him to remain in control.
The fact that she was getting reassurances from Chaos Zhefarovich was not lost on the Slytherin teenager. It figured he would have knowledge of how fire worked. Alana found herself remembering the much larger flame that had risen in the forest that night, and she forced her eyes to open to bring herself back to the moment. It had been a while since her thoughts had brought her back there. The flame was burning brightly as it hovered above them. Much to Alana's dismay, the sight of it did reassure her somewhat. Alana still wasn't relaxed at all, but it had helped. She sure as hell wasn't going to mention that to Chaos though. It didn't matter though as he had already moved on and was saying something else. Alana caught on after a moment and waited for him to fill in the word that he was thinking of. He didn't, instead falling into silence. The Slytherin sat in silence too, wondering what word might have gone there. "Good" she finally said. "I don't need to deal with anyone's crap just because I'm claustrophobic." She fell silent again, taking a quick peek at the flame again. Still burning brightly. "When will your mother be home?" she finally asked quietly.
"I won't give you any grief for being afraid of closed spaces." Chaos honestly didn't know how to handle someone when they were full of fear. He felt like he was thrown into a pool with no life jacket, and if he didn't know how to swim. Chaos placed his hand on his forehead, before looking up at the candle once more, glowing brightly. His eyes were adjusted to the very little vision that they had in this darkness. Chaos thought over how this happened, before perhaps, maybe Havoc did this because he might have sensed Alana's fear? Chaos didn't want to think about what all Havoc knew, because he seemed to know a lot about a person just by looking at them and their body language. "Mom should be home in an hour or two. She went grocery shopping. Is this really what you want to talk about?" Chaos turned his face so that he was looking in Alana's direction. He could see the outline of her, but that was all he could see. He felt really bad for her right now, but since he didn't really know what that feeling was, it just made him frustrated.
Alana took a deep breath. A whole hour or two hours? She would have to make it that long because she knew that Havoc wasn't going to let them out. Without her wand, she was useless and Chaos didn't even have a wand anymore, so he was definitely no help. Looking in Chaos' direction, she was surprised to see that he was staring her way already. She stayed silent for a moment, the sound of the fire crackling above them the only sound in the closet. "No" she replied shortly, her gaze breaking away from his as she stared at the light coming from underneath the door. "I have nothing else to talk with you about" she added after several long moments of silence. She and Chaos weren't friends, so she knew nothing about him. It wasn't like she had ever tried to get to know him because she didn't want to be friends with him anyway. She didn't even think he was capable of friendship. "We're not friends" she reminded him, pulling at some fibers from the towel before leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes again. She took a deep breath, letting it out very, very slowly.
Chaos was not surprised when she said that she had nothing else to talk about, and how they were not friends. He knew that, and he simply rolled his purple eyes. Strange, since their first meeting, she wasn't nearly as callous toward him as she was now. He said simply, "I wasn't asking for friendship by talking. I figured it would pass the time and I wouldn't be bored." Chaos fell into silence once more. He truly did not care about what she thought of him. Whether they liked it or not, they'd be married eventually. Chaos looked down at his lap, before he truly wondered what else they could possibly do. Chaos ended the silence with something that he was curious about, and didn't care about the answer much as he just wanted to know, "Ivaylo told me something interesting. You fell for someone you didn't really know. Yet, you don't want to be friends with someone that will eventually be married to you. Is it because of that Logan incident?" Chaos paused for a moment before continuing, "Or is it because of the fact that you no longer have a future that you can control." Chaos turned his eyes toward her, without making a single emotion.
Alana didn't bother to respond to Chaos as he spoke, saying he was just trying to deal with his own boredom. It figured that it was all about him. Alana kept her head back, just content to pass the time in silence with occasional peeks at the candle. Chaos had other ideas. As he spoke, Alana found herself holding her breath. Of course, she shouldn't have been so surprised that news of her and Matthew would have reached Chaos' ears. The Slytherin didn't bother to respond until Chaos hit a nerve, speaking about her loss of control. She sucked in a breath, the sharp sound breaking her silence. Turning her head to face him, Alana stared at Chaos, her eyes narrowing as she waited to see if he would say more. When he didn't, she sighed. "There are many reasons why I don't want to be friends with you, Chaos. Should I count them while we're stuck in here?" she replied in a snide tone. She realized how rude she sounded, for once, and sighed again. She really didn't want to spend the time they were stuck in here arguing with him. It would be a waste of precious oxygen. "Or can we just leave it at the fact that I don't like you anywhere near as much as I liked Matthew?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, it's probably how you feel about me. I'm sure you dont like me anywhere near as much as you like Scarlet. So, you should get it." To Alana, it just made sense that they felt similarly in this regard.
"Go on ahead. I could use the for anger if you want to get out of here, if it angers me that is," retorted Chaos. Chaos needed to get angry so that he could use his strength to bust down the door. That was the only way he could. He slowly stood to his feet, and stretched his arms up because he was getting a little stiff sitting down there for so long. Who knew how long they were going to be. Chaos was about to sit back down, until she mentioned the boy's name. Matthew. Wasn't he older? Chaos was not really sure who it was, and therefore, labeled him as a nobody. Chaos normally would not have cared, but it did spark a nerve in him. However, he found something within her words that caught his interest. Chaos smirked, his tone of calm and cold changed to his typical one, which was laced with arrogance, "Actually, I don't understand some girls. They fall for people so easily. It took me months to realize that I liked Scarlet. Even now, I know it won't work so I don't let myself fall. But what amuses me is this, Alana Ruby Finch." Chaos paused, placing his hand on the door and tapping the wood slightly, trying to locate a weak spot. "Your words. Liked, as in past tense. Decided that he wasn't worth your time then? Suppose you aren't as innocent as you look, leading poor, pathetic boys to heartbreak city." Chaos was picking at Alana now, which was amusing, but he was doing this for her own good. So, she could make him angry, and they could both get out of here.
Alana's face went stony at his words. Of course, Chaos would sound eager to be angry. She was sure he got off on it, which was exactly why she remained silent, ignoring his request. Sure, she wanted to be out of the closet, but she wasn't going to comply and give him a list. It was enough for her to know that there were things she didn't like about him. The Slytherin wasn't going to entertain him. As he stood, she watched him warily wondering if she should stand up too. She didn't like being at such a disadvantage. The Slytherin's eyes remained narrowed as she listened to him speak, talking about some girls, girls like her obviously was what he meant. He was a lot closer to her now as he stood by the door and Alana felt like kicking him. "Shut up, Chaos" she replied, her tone low and dark. She crossed her arms against her chest, her jaw jutting out as she looked up at the boy. Of course, he didn't though. He kept going. Alana's determination to not feed his desire to be angry was disappearing with each word that he said. "I didn't lead him on. I didn't...Matthew just... I didn't mean to anyway" she stated and then stopped herself. "Why am I even explaining this to you?" she asked aloud, more to herself than to Chaos. "And you should be talking, Chaos Zhefarovich" she replied, her voice rising as she stood up in front of him. She poked him in the chest with her finger. "What about you and Scarlet? You don't think you're leading her on? This is why I don't want to be friends with you: You only care about Chaos. You make messes and then leave everyone else to clean up. I'm not going to clean up after you. Ever. " Alana crossed her arms against her chest again. Alana didn't know much about Chaos, but she felt deeply that this much was true. Chaos left chaos everywhere he went, leaving behind victims of all kinds. She'd tried to warn Scarlet, but the girl hadn't wanted to listen to her. Now, Alana only cared enough to point it out to Chaos. She wasn't going to waste her breath to warn Scarlet again.
It seemed as though Chaos lit the match, and Alana was on her way to explode. Good. She didn't know why he needed the fuel, but he did. She claimed not to lead him on, but she didn't deny her lack of feelings toward him. Chaos smirked. He was enjoying this, in some twisted sense of reality. How they were both stuck in this situation, and it was killing them both. There was nothing that either could really do to get out of it, because Chaos liked living. Of course, she turned it around on him, and that was what he needed. Chaos' anger was starting to boil, and the adrenaline was starting to pump. The whole him and Scarlet thing infuriated him to a point, but it also brought some sort of feeling he liked. He didn't really know. "I know I can't talk. I am aware that I am being hypocritical. Though things have become rather complicated." Chaos found the weak spot on the door, and he needed to vent in order to get the damn thing off. And she couldn't stand near him. He used his arm to gently move her back and away from him. "Stay back, Alana. This is going to get loud. I may care about myself, I'm aware. But she is stupid enough to continue this toxic relationship, as am I. This whole thing is pointless!"

Chaos kicked the door, only for it to just remain. He needed more strength. And needed to fuel himself. "I don't like the fact that I can't make my own decisions later! I don't like the fact that we are stuck in this, and I certainly hate the fact that nothing I do can prevent or change our irritation of the situation to direct it on each other!" With one last kick, the door snapped off two of the three hinges, and the door swung partly open. Chaos reached up, took the candle and tossed it outside in the hallway. He stepped through the crack, walked around and unlocked the closet door. He opened it the rest of the way for Alana to step out. "Sorry I guess, for pissing you off. I needed you to be angry, to make me angry, so that I could get us out of there." Chaos stepped aside, so she could move out of the closet. He was still a little breathless, and would be feeling it later. Not to mention the trouble he'd be in for doing such a thing.
Alana allowed Chaos' hands to guide her back a few steps, though she looked at him quizzically as she did. The Slytherin agreed with him that Scarlet was stupid. The whole thing with Matthew was bad enough, but she really couldn't understand Scarlet sticking with Chaos knowing that he was engaged to someone else and knowing that he planned on going through with the engagement. It was a mindset she just couldn't understand. She was glad that Chaos could at least recognize that he was a hypocrite. As he kicked the door, Alana winced, waiting for the noise of the splintering door. It did make a noise, but it remained in place. Alana remained back, silent as Chaos continued ranting, more to himself than to her though she had no choice but to hear his words that so mirrored how she felt about the situation. The Slytherin almost said something then, had even opened her mouth to do so when he kicked at the door once more. This time the noise was enormous and Alana jumped back, not because anything hit her but because she hadn't expected the noise to be as loud as it was.

As he swung the door open for her, Alana stepped forward slowly, watching her step to avoid splinters. She looked up at Chaos, listening to him as he apologized to her. It wasn't the first time he'd done that before, but like the last time, she stared at him blankly for a moment wondering why he had. It seemed really out of character for him to apologize, and she wondered why he was bothering now. He hadn't been afraid to show his true self to her before, so she didn't see why he was masking himself in apologies now. She made no comment about the apology, seeing that he was out of breath from the force he'd put into getting them out. Alana slowly reached out a hand to steady him, though if he fell over, she would be absolutely no help. He didn't look like he'd pass out on her though and she was happy about that. "Thanks for getting us out" she said, her red eyes looking at his purple ones. Alana looked down and then moved back into the closet to retrieve the towel she had brought with her. She was over going to the pool. Now, she just wanted to smack Havoc and take a nap, probably in that order. Stepping out of the closet again, Alana didn't know what to do. She didn't know if she should help clean or just leave. It was an odd moment for her that she wasn't just wanting to run away from Chaos as she normally did. "Are your parents gonna be pissed?" she finally asked quietly. Her parents would have been if they came home to see their closet door broken on the floor.
Chaos made sure she was out of harm's way before he lifted the heavy door back onto the frame, while his hand was stabbed by the broken wood. He looked down at his hand and noticed that it was bloodied, but not severely. His breathing was heavy, but what made him tense up was a hand on his back. He looked behind him to see that it was Alana, almost like she was trying to make sure that he didn't fall. This action made him somewhat suspicious since she never laid a hand on him. Why would she want to help someone like him? Chaos had no idea what was going through her mind, but her red eyes were actually pleasant. No wait, he could see some sort of concern in them. He moved the door a little bit so that she could get her towel, and moved it back, only sapping his strength even more. 'I'll end up killing Havoc if he keeps doing this to us,' thought Chaos as he recalled the whole event. Chaos started to feel his leg cramping up, from the kick. The shock from the impact was radiating back up, and he hissed from the pain. He needed to get stronger if he wanted to keep busting down doors.

When asked about whether or not his parents would be pissed, Chaos nodded briefly, "More than likely. And, as per always, I'll receive all the blame, despite the fact that this was all because of Havoc's obsession." Chaos knew that Havoc was a genius at getting out of trouble. Chaos, on the other hand, had no idea how to get out of trouble. He couldn't seem to convince people of anything. He did not have that skill. Chaos started to walk to the couch, only to stumble and lean against the wall for support. He was just so tired. And he was in plenty of pain from this. Chaos looked toward Alana before saying, "Have fun swimming, if you are going to. The door should be down the hall somewhere." Chaos was heading in the opposite direction, while his bloodied hand was on his throbbing leg, and the other was on the wall, using that side to hold himself up. His eyes were on the couch to rest.
Alana bit her lip, half wanting to retreat to the room she'd been sleeping in and the other half thinking she should help Chaos to a seat. He really didn't look good at all, and she wondered why he'd even bothered to do this if he was going to be like this afterwards. Not that she wanted to be stuck in a room with Chaos longer than necessary. As Chaos spoke, Alana gained some insight into his and Havoc's relationship. It just confirmed what she had already suspected. Havoc was an evil genius, or attempted to be one. She heard Chaos dismiss her and watched as he stumbled his way towards the family's living room. Her body was tense, she'd found. She expected to have to run to get Havoc at any moment since the idea that she would be able to get an unconscious Chaos off the floor was laughable.

Finally, she sighed and moved forward, slipping under his arm and grabbing him at the waist as best she could. "If you ever speak of this to anyone, I will murder you in your sleep" she muttered to him, her eyes trained on the couch he was headed towards. Alana didn't want to be in debt to Chaos, and this seemed an immediate way to make them even. "Ugh...what do you eat, Chaos? Why are you so heavy?" she complained as they moved away from the wall. "You better not pass out on me. I will just leave you on the floor. Your brother should be doing this. It's his fault this happened. What was he thinking? When I find him, I'm going to smack him and you better not get involved or I'll smack you too" she kept up a stream of one-sided conversation as she struggled, her arms already tired.
Chaos was definitely not about to pass out. He was just tired and sore from the kick, considering how much strength it took to get them both freed. However, his body really tensed up when he felt an arm going around his waist, and his arm over Alana's shoulders. What was she doing? She didn't have the strength to hold him up. And if he told anyone about this, he would be killed in his sleep. He couldn't help but think, 'Damn, that's actually kind of hot.' Then, he mentally scolded himself for thinking that about Alana because they didn't appreciate each other at all, and he also had a girlfriend. Chaos said, mostly to himself, "I'll forget this even happened." Truthfully, he likely won't. He had never really received help from anyone but Havoc, and that was it. Chaos never accepted it from anyone, and he was in no condition to just shove Alana away. She would likely either run, or kick his sorry ass. So, he accepted it, and swallowed his pride.

Alana just kept talking, and Chaos was smirking the entire time, just finding her rants to be amusing. "I'm over six feet tall, and I have muscles. Kind of why I'm heavy. It isn't fat, so could be worse." Chaos could not believe he was even explaining that. He just spoke what he thought after all. He had no filter, and could not control his tongue when he was tired. Chaos managed to help himself, and by extension, her, by using the last of his aching muscles in his leg to place himself on the couch. He laid down on it, before he closed his purple eyes. "Whatever you do, don't confront my brother. He knows how to tear someone apart. Just go swimming, and leave him alone. You shouldn't get hurt over this because it is mostly my fault for inviting Scarlet, who he hates." Chaos opened his eyes and looked at Alana. He was being serious. If she avoided Havoc, everything would be good. "Just go and have fun," Chaos finished, while he pulled out a few splinters from his hand.
Alana was glad to hear Chaos let her know that he was considering this a non-event. She didn’t acknowledge it since she was so busy trying to stay upright herself. Pausing in her steps as he continued, Alana was ready to just drop him when he stated the obvious, telling her that he was over six feet tall and bragging about having muscles. Even if he couldn’t see her roll her eyes, she hoped he sensed it. Soon enough, the weight was lifted off of her and Chaos was on the couch. Alana had already turned away, had already taken a step when Chaos spoke. She listened, her face betraying that she had no intention of listening to him. Even after he’d opened his eyes and repeated his warning, Alana only gave him a small nod before going to the stairs and heading back towards her room. The idea of going swimming had been ruined for her. Her feet had small pieced of wood on them and she was too grumpy to really enjoy herself in the pool. Besides, she still wasn't sure she'd be able to find it even with Chaos' directions.

Making her way down the hall, Alana was determined to ignore everything that Chaos had just told her and march right into Havoc’s room, throwing the door open and giving him a piece of her mind. Instead, she turned and headed into her room, moving right towards the desk where she was sure there’d be paper and quill. Thankfully, there was. A short time later, Alana marched across the hall and taped a note to the door, Havoc’s name written in her large print across the front. The Slytherin kicked his door before returning to her own room and slamming the door shut as hard as she could. She headed straight into the bathroom, moving around the room angrily as she headed for the shower to de-stress. Alana was furious at Havoc's attempts to manipulate her.
How dare you?

Why would you do something like that?

Your brother is hurt downstairs and it’s all your fault, you idiot

You are an ASS!


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