Closed This Sweet Life

Brevity Boone

brainy; messy; wasted potential
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (bisexual)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Whippy Acacia Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
06/2043 (19)
Brevity loved the new apartment, it was everything she had been wanting in a place, right in the centre of Auckland, pent house, big windows, lots of space, fantastic views. It had plenty of space, and she had been building slowly up her library, filling it with the books she picked up on a day to day basis. Brevity had never imagined happiness and the freedom that came with being a full adult, but it was perfect. She loved Maisie and loved the life they had built together. There was nothing better and would be nothing better than cosy nights reading in the library or in their living room. As she stepped into the place, having gone out to bring the last box from storage meaning they had everything moved in, the smell of cooking reached her nose. Maisie cooked a lot which was a surprise but welcome to brevity. She put the box down and went to seek her out. "Maisie," she called out as she walked to the nice large kitchen.
Maisie was almost deleriously happy. She'd been having a great time since graduation- a great flat, a great girlfriend, a great life. Maisie had found her passion for witchy vibes and crystals and potions had transferred beautifully into cooking- she loved to cook, and experimented often with food. She didn't think she'd ever do it for a job- she liked just cooking for her and Brev. She was dancing around the kitchen, swinging along and throwing together some stuffed fish fillets and a smoked tomato salad. "In hereeee," She singsonged, going through the cupboards in search of lemon grass. She pouted, and without turning to see Brevity come in, she spoke. "Brevy, baby, I'm out of lemon grass... do you think we have anything else I could use instead?" She asked, trying to think of a good substitute.
Brevity followed the sound of Maisie's voice into the kitchen that they shared and smiled at her with ease. "We have lemon zest just use that instead," she said, thinking of a recipe book she'd once read which had said that would be a good substitute. "It'll be less intense as a flavour, but it would still work," she added as she leaned over Maisie's shoulder to see what exactly it was that her girlfriend was cooking.
Maisie let out a pleased mewl, grabbing the lemon zest from the cupboard instead. "Oooh, that's perfect! Thank you!" She turned, smiling at her girlfriend and not bothering to try and move away. "You know, you're awfully smart when you wanna be," She commented, trying to steal a kiss before she got back to cooking. "We're having stuffed fish fillets and smoked tomato salad," She told the woman. "It just sounded yummy. What do you think?"
Brevity laughed lightly at the comment. She kissed Maisie back easily. "Sweetheart, I'm awfully smart always," she teased back. Brevity had always known that her brain worked so much faster than most, and that school had really just been boring to her. "Sounds lovely," she said. "I bought a couple more books today, maybe next time I'm out, I should get you another recipe book?"
Maisie smiled brightly. She tried to steal a kiss, her attention split between cooking and getting attention from her girlfriend. "Ooh, absolutely!" She agreed. "I love trying new recipes." She agreed. "But tell me about your new books," She agreed, trying to knock her foot against Brevitys leg. "Anything interesting?"
Brevity smiled easily, as she always did around Maisie. Maisie was the one person who could bring this out of Brevity. The easiest person in Brevity's life. "One of them is just on budgetting best, figured we could use some knowledge on that," she said. "Another is on mathematics," she said. "Its been a while since I did anything like that, so I figured why not,"
Maisie hummed, listening to Brevity talk, and giggled at all the things her girlfriend said. "You should keep a grimoire," She countered, stirring dinner. "You have so many big thoughts- I bet a grimoire you made would be just the most amazing thing ever," she gushed, complimenting her girlfriend easily. "I bet you could, like, really do anything in the world you set your mind too." She sighed dreamily. Her girlfriend was so brilliant.
Brevity gave a little smile, thinking that a grimoire was much more her girlfriend's speed and not her own. "maybe you should," she said, "You have as fascinating a mind," she said to her. Brevity knew she was smart, it wasn't hard to figure out, she knew she could spend her time doing almost anything. "And all I want to do is be your girlfriend. The best girlfriend I can, for you," she said softly.
Maisie paused in her work, turning with the intent to pull Brevity in, wanting to hold her tightly and kiss her deeply. "You are," She whispered. "You're the best girlfriend ever. You're super good to me, you know? I really love you, Brevy," She smiled warmly, wanting to brush Brevitys hair back. "I really do. With all my grimoires and my crystals and my silly little heart."
Brevity let herself be pulled into Maisie, happy to be in the other girl's arms, happy to be held by the one person in this world who understood her. She nodded in agreement, and leaned into the simple touch which she gave to her. "I love you too, Maisie," Brevity said with a smile. "With all your grimoires, crystals, and with my own silly little heart,"
Maisie giggled, stealing a kiss. "Good," She twisted, plating up their finished dinner. She gave Brevity a sly grin, turning back with a plate in each hand. "Then you're going to love trying a new meal," She teased. "Come on, let's go sit down and you can tell me all about what you were reading," She offered, thinking dinner and some cuddling after would be nice.
Brevity leaned into the kiss and then went to sit down as the meal was ready for them to now eat. She laughed lightly and nodded, proceeding to launch into the book she'd been reading on the lingusitic patterns of shakespeare and how it had helped form modern british english. She had taken to reading just about anything, any muggle or magical books whenever she had a moment to do so, though as she spoke, she took bites of the meal and gave an appreciative noise. Though she did eat it exceedingly slowly.
Maisie settled at the table with Brevity. She finished her food first- enjoying the recipe and thinking she'd go ahead and add it to her recipes grimoire later. For now, though, she was just content to sit and listen to Brevity, elbows on the table and chin propped in her hands. She had a silly smile on her face, admiring her girlfriend as she went on, asking leading questions. Maisie wouldn't pretend to understand everything that Brevity was telling her, but she just loved to listen to her all the same.
Brevity rambled for far too long, and eventually finished her food, and when she did, she seemed to remember that she was there with someone and shouldn't just ramble. "Sorry, got carried away," she said with a little smile, knowing that of all people Maisie would be the one to not mind, but still wanting to apologise to her for it.
When she was younger, Maisie would have honestly dated anyone that had shown interest. She was the type to just enjoy peoples company, and she wouldn't have minded getting to know anyone that thought they'd liked her. But Maisie had to admit that now, she could never imagine herself with anyone else. She'd always adored Brevity, and that adoration had grown and flourished, and Maisie couldn't resist herself. She reached out, sliding her hand over Brevitys. "Marry me?" She asked casually with a warm smile, deciding they could go ring shopping if Brevity agreed.
Brevity gave a little frown which deepened at the question. it was said so casually but she couldn't help the flourish in her chest at the question. This was a surprise, certainly she never expected to find love at a school she hated. She had never expected to find such easy companionship in her. "Okay," Brevity said. "Yeah, I'll marry you,"
-godmods approved-

Maisie lit up when Brevity eventually agreed, leaning in to steal an eager, excited kiss. "I love you, Brevity Boone," She whispered. "Now and forever and ever and ever," She giggled, shooting up out of her seat, dragging Brevity up with her. She spun her girlfriend- fiance- around in a tight hug, pulling her in after for a happy kiss. "My Brevy," She cooed, arm firmly around her girls waist, the other hand catching Brevitys and lacing their fingers together.
Brevity knew immediately that she'd happily change her name to be like Maisie's. "Maybe I can be Brevity Morvay," she suggested with a little smile, she happily wrapped her arms around Maisie and kissed her back. Letting her fiancee spin her around. "My Maisie," she replied with as much fondness as Maisie had for her.
Maisie giggled. "Oh, no, lets combine," She offered instead. "Borvay? Moone?" She mused, trying to pull Brevity with her along to the couch nearby so they could cuddle and talk. "I'd rather we came together somehow, if that's okay," She tried to explain, turning things over in her mind.
Brevity nodded slightly, "Moone is good, Maisie Moone, and Brevity Moone," she said, saying their names and smiling, she thought it sounded pretty sweet, and she was just glad to be able to have that as an option. To combine their names like everything else. "full of excellent ideas," she complimented her fiancée.
Maisie fell onto the couch, opening up her arms and holding them out for her new fiancee. "Shall we elope?" She asked. "Or shall we have a ceremony? If so, big or small? My family would want to come. I should tell my mamas, they both love you to pieces," She chattered idly. "What do you think?"
Brevity moved to the couch with Maisie and then shrugged. "I don't need my family there," she said easily. "I'll do whatever you want," she told her, because to Brevity it didn't matter, what mattered was what Maisie wanted, how she wanted it.
Maisie curled against Brevity, thinking over what she wanted to do. "There's nothing you want?" She asked. She'd probably like something to dress up for, maybe a small ceremony- or they could elope and just throw an elaborate costume party to celebrate. She liked that idea, too. She just curled into Brevity's touch, lost in thought.
Brevity shook her head lightly. "I want what you want," she said. "My family isn't going to come, I never really was good at making friends, that were...real, I'm happy to let you run wild, because I'll be happy if you're happy," Brevity assured her with a smile, moving in to place a kiss on Maisie's cheek.

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