Open This Place is Certainly Charming

Aisling Sullivan

🍀 irish | violinist | intelligent 🍀
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Aisling walked down Obsidian Harbour, gazing around at all of the shops and restaurants around her. They all had their own type of charm, and she found herself admiring the strange assortment of shops. She couldn’t wait to go in and explore their interiors but right now, she was enjoying the warm sun that shined down on her.

She had only arrived in the country a few short days ago and was still learning her way around. The place wasn’t too busy because the school year had just started and only a few other shoppers wandered around.

Aisling was hoping to find someone her age around. She still had a year to go before she went off to Hogwarts and she wanted to make some friends before then.
Yasmina walked through the streets of obsidian harbour. She had been left to her own devices as her parents had lunch with some old friends. Yasmina had know that she would get bored and bargained with her parents to let her wander so long as she was back within a couple of hours. The girl hadn’t been wandering for all that long when she noticed a girl around her age, who also appeared to be walking around on her own. Since she would soon attend Hogwarts - soon being in just under a whole year- Yasmina decided that this girl who appeared to be around her age might be a good person to talk with. She walked over and cleared her throat, ”Hi, I’m Yasmina,” she held out her hand to the other girl as introduction, ”Are you wandering around bored as well?” the girl asked, thinking that would be the only reason someone would walk around alone.
Aisling started as the other girl cleared her throat. “Oh, hi,” she said, reaching out to shake her hand. “I’m Aisling, Aisling Sullivan. And, uh, I’m actually new here so I was just exploring.” She smiled brightly. “It’s nice to meet you though.”

She paused, wondering what to say next. “These shops are really interesting. Do you have a favourite?”
Yasmina was pleased when the girl seemed to not be too thrown by her just randomly introducing herself to her. Aisling, ”That’s an Irish name right?” Yasmina asked, ”Aisling?” she added. It wasn’t a name she had come across before, but Yasmina maybe didn’t run in the circles where Aisling was a common name. She nodded, ”I like the book shop, but there’s an ice cream place too that’s pretty fun,” she replied, ”Do you have one?” Yasmina returned the question to her. She wondered i f the girl was new to the New Zealand area and perhaps that was why she was asking about if she had a favourite, but it was perhaps just that she was curious about what yasmina like.
Aisling smiled. Yasmina seemed quite nice and she was happy to have someone to talk to. “Yes, Aisling is an Irish name.” She looked around at all of the shops. “The book shop does look good. I haven’t actually got a favourite yet though. I just moved here from Ireland actually,” she explained. “I’m guessing you’re from around here then?”
Yasmina was pleased when she turned out to be right about the name. Yasmina looked at the book shop as Aisling seemed to agree that it was good, but she didn’t have a favourite. The girl was new to the area. Ireland to New Zealand, ”That’s quite a change, why the move?” Yasmina couldn’t help but say. She couldn’t help but wonder what had brought Aisling to New Zealand, perhaps it was the same way her parents had come to new zealand, the same reasoning as that, ”More or less yeah,” came yasmina’s response, ”Are you enjoying New Zealand and Obsidian Harbour?”
Delilah was excited to be in Obsidian Harbor and finally getting a chance to get out of Brightstone. Her mother had decided to bring her along for a shopping trip and while she wasn’t a big fan of shopping, she was grateful to be getting the chance to see a bit more of the country she now called home. She was walking along the rows of shops and overheard some girls her age who were talking. One of them mentioned just moving from Ireland, and Delilah felt a rush of excitement. She had just moved from London herself and was surprised how relieved she was to know she wasn’t the only one having to adapt to a new country. “Sorry.” She said timidly, and averting her eyes. “I just heard you moved from Ireland. I just moved here from England.” she added. ”My name is Delilah by the way.”
“The move? Well, my mum wanted me to study here,” Aisling replied. “It is quite a change, but I’m really enjoying myself. The history here is absolutely fascinating and the harbour is so pretty.” Though the initial process off moving had been stressful, Aisling was starting to find herself enjoying her new surroundings. She smiled at the girl who had just introduced herself. “Hello,” she beamed, “it’s so nice to meet someone from that part of the world. I’m Aisling.”

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