This Isn't The Place For You

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
OOCOut of Character:

it doesn't say anything it being a girls bathroom. It's just the Antiquated Lavatory.
Plus Stefan is the type to go into the wrong bathroom.
Also, I would prefer if the person to reply is either 1st or 2nd year.

It was dark. It was night. And Stefan was in pain. He couldn't see, and he could barely keep a hold of his wand because of his shaking hand. Sleeping was proving difficult for the young colourblind slytherin. It wasn't unusual. Stefan was now used to a lack of sleep. He had an aching chest, and an aching arm. He could barely move. With bruises all over his thin frame, it was not a hard thing for Stefan to have trouble sleeping. He always tried to get past it. But tonight it was worse. He had gone to bed, and been awoken at the most unlikely of hours, with a whole new level of pain in his body. He felt sick and he felt cold. It was odd. And Stefan didn't know what to do. He lay in bed, as still as he could, but he was shaking, and it didn't mean it easy for him to sleep. He wanted to know what was wrong with him. He doubted it was the fact he feared he'd broken his ribs, that would be a lot clearer, and Stefan was sure, he'd either be upchucking, or collapsing from lack of air. But he was cold, and scared, and in pain. Stefan looked to the time, 3.30am. Late. He couldn't go anywhere, the entire school would be dark, and he could not see. But, this did not stop the young slytherin. He took his wand and got out of bed. He could barely stand right, his legs felt weak. But, still, stefan got a pair of socks on, and took his jumper. His t shirt was lose upon his body. And his jumper was worn as losely. For once, Stefan was leaving most of the new bruises exposed. He took off his pajama bottoms, and replaced them with his dark old jeans. Stefan had a tight a grip on his wand, but felt his way out the dorm room. Once the door was closed behind, he muttered lumos and the wand lit up. His only thought, Hosptial Wing.

Being the type to stay well away from Hospitals in General, it felt weird for Stefan to be going looking for the place. He didn't really know where it was. He didn't think any one would be there to help him. He was sure he'd be sent back to bed, with a case of the over reactions. But Stefan didn't care. He wanted to be sure, nothing was wrong. He had no real idea how much bruising he had. He wondered if one of the deeps cuts had been opened. Stefan didn't feel a warmth. And he saw no dripping. It was just another thing wrong with the colourblind boy. He was inwardly cursing his father as he tried to find his way. Stefan hoped he would run into no one as he tried to make his way to the Hospital Wing, But in his state, Stefan hardly knew what was going on apart from pain, and walking. Stefan blamed his father for everything that was wrong with him. Even the colour blindness which made it ever more difficult for him to know where he was going. Stefan wondered if he would ever make it to the hospital wing. He ended up going up a flight of stairs and then down too. He ended up in the kitchens, where he asked for bandages. While being told by little creatures that it was not the hospital wing, they did however provide for Stefan. And gave him directions for the hospital wing, But Stefan couldn't remember what they were almost as soon as he left the kitchens. He shrugged to himself and continued to walk. Up and Up, down, round, along. Stefan was just walking, no idea where he was, or if he was getting any closer to where he needed to be. Stefan was beginning to feel better as he walked. His bones still hurt, but he didn't feel sick, and he felt less cold. Although he was still in a great amount of pain, Stefan was less upset.

Finally Stefan reached a door. He had no idea where he was, what floor, and what the room was. He reached out, and turned the handle. He closed the door behind him, and looked around him. A bathroom? Stefan was now more confused, he had had no idea there was a bathroom. Wherever he was. Stefan sighed slightly. Before walking to a mirror and sink. He put the bandges he had gotten from the odd creatures in the Kitchens on the side of the side of the sink. He opened the tap and waited for the water to run, but nothing did. It was silence that filled the room. Stefan sighed. He wanted something cold to spray on his face. Although he was only just warming up, the cold of the water, he thought would help him feel less sick. Stefan just shook his head and looked up to the mirror. He was faced with his reflection. Pale, dark around the eye. A dark mark on his cheek. Stefan glanced at his watch 6.30am. People would be getting up soon. He had managed to waste 3 hours. Stefan shook his head, and then looked back to his reflection. Instead of just leaving, Stefan stared at himself. He couldn't see the real paleness of his skin, or the darkness around his eye. He couldn't see the blue of his eyes, that stood out so boldly. Instead Stefan took the the bandages and from it, took one, and with one hand, lifted his t-shirt and began to wrap it around his waist. Where most of the worst bruises were. It was a difficult thing to do. Since he had two hands, and had to hold up his t-shirt, hold down the start of the bandage and wrap the bandaged around. When it was nicely secure, Stefan let his t-shirt fall and with the second bandage began to wrap it around his bad arm. Stefan knew how to do this pretty well. It was almost second nature. When he had finished Stefan turned, and was greeted by a person stand not to far from him. Stefan just stared at them, and wondered how long they had been standing there.

OOCOut of Character:

Side notes:
Yeah, so I felt like doing something with Stefan. I'm bored.
So, I got a little carried away with this. It's not that long,
but, it's a weird little topic I would say. But, yeah.
Um, I'll just go, and I will give cookies to whomever replies.
Sam had got up early having had a rough night only to realize she had lost an essay due that day. She searched everywhere but couldn't find it finally deciding she would have to retrace her steps she flung on some clothes and made her way out her dorm. Failing to find it in the common she left heading for the library where she had wrote it the day before. She was unsure if she was still past curfew on her way back back from the library, essay in hand, as she didn't have any means of checking the time. So when she heard footsteps coming her way she quietly slid through the nearest door not wanting to risk getting in to trouble. Listening through the door the footsteps gt gradually louder then quieter again as whoever it was passed by the door. Exhaling Sam smiled to herself as she turned round to face in to the room.

She froze on the spot when she noticed she wasn't alone. Unable to bring herself to move or speak she instead stood staring as the boy in front of her finished wrapping a bandage round his waist and started putting one on his arm. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out as her brain failed her on what to say. When he was done he turned round and Sam never moved as he stood staring at her. "" she tried to explain her presence but her mouth was failing her "Sorry," she finally came out with though she wasn't sure what she was sorry for "I... just... teacher" she said pointing over her shoulder towards the door hoping she wasn't sounding as dumb to him as she was to herself.
Not often was it that the young slytherin was stopped so suddenly in his tracks. A girl, maybe a year older, was now stood in front of him. She was just looking at him, as he was looking at her. It was weird, she didn't say anything. But then, he wondered if she had seen too much. Stefan just stared. He looked alarmed and scared. What would she do. Why was she in this room. Stefan didn't even really know where he was. He could barely make her out in the darkness. "Sorry" Stefan muttered quietly. He wondered if he was in the wrong place. In his haze gone into somewhere that he really wasn't meant to be. But Stefan didn't know. He didn't know what to think. What to do. One option was just walk out and leave. They would most likely never meet again. But something stopped Stefan from moving. He was frozen on the spot. It was weird. He wanted to move. he wanted to shove past the girl. Ignore and deny anything had ever happened. But Stefan wanted to know what she had seen. If it had been much, or little. There was no way of really knowing. But then, did it matter. Stefan decided that it did. "Okay." was all he said. Not sure how else to respond to her. He now tried to come up with an excuse for why he was there. Where ever he actually was. Sleep walking. Seemed like the best thing to say. But then explaining what she might have seen or might not have seen. Stefan figured that if she asked nothing he would leave. If she did that made leaving a little more difficult. Stefan tugged at the edge of his t-shirt. "I slept walked." was all Stefan said. It was a lie, but then, He had been in a haze and knew very little about where he was and how he'd actually gotten there. He wondered if the girl could see his confusion. Stefan looked down to the ground. And hoped she would a buy it. And not ask any thing else.

"Is the teacher still there?" Stefan said, looking up briefly. If they were then Stefan would have to stay. If not, then he knew he would just be able to go. Get some breakfast, and put this, behind him. Stefan took a small step for ward, and looked to the door behind the girl. He wouldn't give his name to the girl, he would move past her and just move on. He hoped that girl would want to do the same.
Sam looked at the boy curiously as he looked rather lost as to what to do. When he spoke it was first only to apologize quietly though Sam had no idea what he was apologizing for it was she who had walked in on him. She looked around the room trying to figure where exactly she was but didn't think she had ever been there before. It appeared to be a bathroom but not like any of the others she had been in which made her wonder if she had walked into the boys bathroom. Her gaze snapped back to the boy as he spoke, she watched him pull at the edge of his t-shirt, finally coming out with an excuse for his presence. One which caused her to raise an eyebrow but she never voiced any of the questions that popped in to her head.

Internally panicking when he asked a question as she opened her mouth to answer but instead just stood watching him take a step forward with her mouth hanging open. "I..." she cleared her throat shaking her head slightly "I think so," she finished. She had a feeling that he was about to leave and couldn't hold back her curiosity and blurted out "You slept walked all the way here?" She looked down at her feet once she said it wishing she had just turned and walked away but she was still rooted to the spot.
Stefan could not help but feel like the the girl was wanting to ask him something rather than just let him go. From that Stefan assumed that she had seen quite a lot. Stefan didn't assume too often he prefered to see things for himself before he thought anything. It was what he hated about other houses, and how they all just assumed things about him, and his house. Stefan was no more a mean Slytherin, than the famous boy wizard Harry potter had been. Stefan since finding out about him, liked to believe that his mother had died for him. And that she was a muggleborn witch. And that he had the same protection over him that Harry Potter had had. But this was truly wishful thinking. Stefan knew his father was an awful man, but Stefan couldn't think that he'd killed his mom. It was unknown to Stefan how his mother really died. He could hardly ask. The last time he had, Stefan had been hit so hard, he'd been knocked unconious, and Stefan liked being concious. He wanted to know what happened to his mom, but he didn't even know her real name, or anything about her. He didn't even know what she looked like. It was perhaps that which made Stefan long for his mother more. The not knowing. Stefan didn't know how to get it out of his father. He didn't want to even breathe a word of how curious he was to the man. He feared that he would come up with more than one badly hurt arm, and several broken ribs. Stefan looked back to the girl, as she blurted out a question. Stefan had no idea how to answer it. He didn't really know where he was. On what floor or anything. He just knew he was in some old room. It looked like a bathroom and Stefan was most confused. It was not a great that to have gotten lost like that. And he thought he was either very close to the Hospital wing, or very far away. There was no way of knowing until he left the room. But by the nature of the girls question, she had no intention of just letting him go.

"I don't know." Stefan answered. "I'm not even sure where I am." He didn't know much about sleep walking, but hethought that when they woke up, they would be confused as to there whereabouts. It was odd, since if he'd been a sleepwalker, he probably would've woken up, and just left. It wasn't too clear but, It did look like Stefan had been up for a while. He looked tired but not just woken up. However Stefan did not care about that. All he wanted was to go. He looked back to the door. "I think I should go." Stefan said, looking back to the girl, and then the door. Although he made no movement and apart from words he showed no signs of going towards the door. He was waiting for her, to move, so he could go. If She wouldn't Stefan wasn't sure if either of them would move.
Sam just stood without moving as he answered her she just became more confused and curious. How could he not know if slept walked it was a simple question as far as she was concerned he either did or he didn't there was in the middles. Sam could tell he wanted to go before he said it from his glance to door but her curiosity was forcing her to stay where she was still staring at him. She wanted to know how he really got there, why he was there and what happened that caused him to need the bandages round his arm and chest. But she didn't know how to ask, she didn't even know his name never mind anything else. "Yeah," she eventually said glancing over her shoulder to the door but not moving from the spot she felt glued to.

Even with her answer she still hadn't suppressed her curiosity and continued to speak "What happened to you?" She asked rather bluntly though her tone was caring. As she spoke she raised a hand to point vaguely at his arm indicating she was referring to his need for bandages. "I mean are you alright?"
Stefan knew he made little sense to the girl. And this didn't bother him. He did not really care if she thought it odd how he came to be in this room. But Stefan wanted out. It was the same when he was at home, nothing made him want to leave more, than when his father stood between him and the exit. Stefan wouldn't barge past, he did not want to be like all the other Slytherin's. He wanted to just be able to live and roam free, with out a tag, and with out his father making his every day seem like his last, and a horrible one at that. Stefan in the back of his mind, knew it was getting worse. He knew this. But He didn't know what to do about it. More than anything Stefan wanted to help his father, but it just would never happen for him. He would reject the help quicker than Stefan already did.

Stefan glanced to the door again. It was becoming clear that she was also frozen to the spot. It was as she blurted out the question, that Stefan felt his entire insides freeze. He had been right. She had seen. And now she was asking. Stefan didn't know what else to do. He had to come up with something that sounded reasonible. He knew that she would most likely not even believe him, but it would be worth a shot. It would be a lot harder to explain that his father had gotten drunk. And beaten him, until Stefan felt numb, and when the pain was so intense, He could barely stay awake.

"It doesn't hurt as much anymore." Stefan looked down himself. He was lying slightly. It was just as painful. It hurt just as much. The pain was slightly number, but at times, it hurt more. Stefan just had to grin and bare it. "It was about a week before school. My dad and I, were in car crash." Stefan was not a good lier. If the girl knew anything she would most likely be able to tell. But Stefan did not want to talk about what his father had done. "I had taken the bandages off, but I had put them back on, it was too early. I was trying to find the hospital wing." Stefan stretched the truth. "I should really go there. Please, I should go."
Sam stood watching him as he gave her a whole new explanation into which the sleep walking did not fit. Even though he changed his story it still didn't appear to be the truth to Sam. She had a hard time believing him because of the way he looked down as he spoke which was a sign he was lying. But Sam just stood pretending to drink it all in it wasn't her place to question him even if it did bug her. The worst part for her was ignoring his lie about the pain as much as he tried to hide it she could see the lie. Even though her curiosity just grew with the lies she let it go not wanting to push him into talking to her if he didn't want to.

Sam nodded when he mentioned the hospital wing that seemed the best place for him to go to her. "Do you want me to show you the way?" She asked thinking of his excuse for being there was that he was trying to find it and obviously failed. She had a feeling what his answer would be but only wanted to help so offered anyway, she also had a feeling if she left him to go on his own he may purposefully not find it. "I mean considering you got lost last night. I'm Sam by the way," she added with a smile stepping to the side clearing the path to the door.
Stefan didn't know what he expect, for the girl to leave it at that.And let him go, no, but he hoped that would be what would happen. Stefan however could not know. Here was a girl, who seemed obviously curious about him. Stefan knew why. It was not every day that a person was faced with someone like Stefan. Stefan knew his father's actions towards him meant that he was apart from all others and Stefan knew it. No one knew about his home, but then it wasn't exactly hidden that Stefan was treated horribly. It was clear more or less. A car crash seemed plausible but then it would be assumed that Stefan had already been sent to Hospital wing. But Stefan had no idea where this Hospital was. He didn't know what to do about her. The truth would be to hard.

Stefan looked at her curiously, she was actually offering to help. Even after all the lies he had told to her. She still wanted to help. This surprised Stefan and made realise she was not a SLytherin. Or some mean kid, or just anyone who ran away from the sight of many bruises. Right now he would've preferred that. Someone who just walked away. Ignoring him, and the meeting. It was small moments like this that reminded Stefan as to how much better Slytherin actually was for him. Stefan had to now figure out a way of just getting away from the girl. He didn't actually want to go to the Hospital wing, he just wanted to be far away from her. Stefan felt bad. For wanting to do this. All she was doing was trying to help.

Stefan shook his head and walked forward. Taking small steps. Feeling that she might block his path and stop him from leaving. It was silly to think about. But he just wanted to leave. "No, I should be fine. Thanks" Stefan said quietly. He stopped when she introduced herself. This changed things. She had said her name. And it was clear to him, that maybe she would want to be friends. And that she really did want to help. To most a name was pretty harmless, but to Stefan it meant something more really. "Stefan. Thank you for your help, Sam. But, I'll be fine. If you could do me a favour though. Don't tell anyone about this. Please." Stefan was now facing her, about to leave. "See you around, Sam." Stefan muttered meeting her eyes. He wondered what she really looked like. If she was blonde, or ginger. If she was tanned or pale. Stefan, gave a small smile to her, before leaving.
Sam wasn't surprised by his answer but was a little disappionted all the same. She knew that he wouldn't set foot in the hospital wing after she let him walk out the door but also knew she couldn't force him to go. So she just stood and watched as he made his way towards the door. When he stopped and faced her she automatically lowered her gaze to the ground staring at her feet waiting on him to disappear out the door and never set eyes on him again. All she could think was how in a weeks time they probably won't even recognize each other if they pass in the corridor. But then he spoke and her head snapped back up and she smiled she hadn't expected him to give out his name but was glad he had.

When he asked her a favor all she could do was nod not knowing what to say about any of it. She wasn't even sure what had happened so knew that she wouldn't have mentioned it to anyone even without him asking. When there eyes met she smiled and then stood and watched him leave walking to the door behind him. She leant on the door frame watching as he walked away down the corridor "Bye," she said quietly to herself.

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