This Isn't Charms?

Stefan Archer

head librarian
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)

Stefan had woken up late. He'd slept through his alarm and woken
up close to a half hour later than he was meant to. This caused
Stefan to be in a huge panic as he began to get ready for the day
ahead. Of course, Stefan was not very good at hurrying. Back home
he would never have to hurry. He was never out, never. It explained
why, Stefan Archer, was very pale. He had very pale skin, that was
ever so slowly gaining a little colour from the warm summer sun. This
was a good thing, and although Stefan couldn't actually see the new
colour in his skin, he could feel it. And it made the young Slytherin feel
good, and feel confident. Stefan didn't bother with his uniform. He took
the first clothes he could find and put them on without thinking.
He wasn't even sure as to what colour they were. He didn't know what
colour his clothes were. He knew his jeans were black but apart from
that he knew nothing about his clothing. He just hoped it was not too
bold. His t-shirt was actually, a dark blue colour. Which seemed close to
black against his skin. On top of that Stefan put on his black zip hoody. It
was trademark Stefan.

After having hastly stuff some books into his bag, Stefan ran out the room.
In such a panicked state, Stefan had a tendency to get lost, and forget
things. And exactly this happened, Stefan made his way to where he thought
was the Charms room, but in fact ended up in an Abandoned room. It was odd.
He'd never been into the room, and at first he just thought everyone else was
also late, but he quickly realised that due to the spider webs that this was not
a room that was being used. Stefan sighed to himself, and just took a seat at
one of the tables. He knew he there would soon be no point in him even trying
to get to the class. So, he just sat himself down and took in his surroundings.
As he did Stefan realised the room was actually very dark. He hadn't really seen
that until then. Darker than usual. It had no lights on and the windows, from what
he could see were slightly boarded up. But then Stefan was then able to partially
see. Being colourblind, meant that in dark rooms, things got very dark. So, getting
a scared, Stefan pulled out his wand, and being thankfully he'd learnt this spell
muttered Lumos. His wand instantly lit up and cast a light upon the room. He
used the wand to go into his bag and just pull out the Charms book. He might
not have been able to attend the class, but, that did not mean he had no desire
to learn.

<SIZE size="50">
Notes: Wearing, Black jeans, dark blue t-shirt and black jumper.
Left hand has a maze of scars on it. Small visible bruises every
where around his body. Most not that clear.
Sara was walking back from charms, it was before the end of class, but Proffessor Khalid had told them they could leave early. A prefect was heading down the corridor, she wasn't breaking any rules, but bumping into a prefect didn't seem a very enjoyable experience, seeing as she was out of class before the bell. She slipped silently through a door and found herself in a dark room. "Um, where am I?" She asked aloud, then realised that it was the abandoned classroom, where Roze's birthday party had been held. "Hmm this place looks different in the dark." She mused. Then she noticed a shadow sitting in the corner. "Hello?" She said unsurely, but as her eyes adjusted to the light she realised it was a boy, around her own age. Dark hair, startling blue eyes and dressed in what looked like black. "I'm Sara" she stated confidently, " First year Ravenclaw, you?" she squinted her eyes to try and see properly, then losing patience went over to the window and opened it, light pouring into the dark room.

Stefan did not hear when a girl walked in. Nor did he notice her speaking.
It wasn't until he heard the word Hello, that Stefan's mind left what he
was reading and was snapped back into the room. He looked round
Suddenly to the girl. His Blue eyes wide in shock, and fright. He had
no idea where she had come from. He assumed that she'd come in
through the door, but he cursed himself for not hearing. Stefan just
stared at her, as she introduced herself as Sara, a first year Ravenclaw.
Stefan was still getting over the surprise that he couldn't speak. He
just watched, with his mouth slightly open as the girl, some what
stormed towards the windows and pulled off one of the boards, and
letting a stream of light pour into the room. The change of lighting
for Stefan was dramatic. He dropped the wand in his hand and covered
his eyes. One thing Stefan had still not gotten really used to, was
dramatic changes in lighting. From somewhat complete darkness, to
very bright light, Stefan would take a little while to adjust. it was
because he was colour blind. Stefan picked up his wand and put it
in his pocket, before pushing his chair back, so he was out of the light.

Stefan stared at the girl, before realising he had not yet introduced
himself. He felt his cheeks warm up and he grew embarrassed. "
Stefan, Archer."
Stefan muttered quietly. "First year, Slytherin.
But, I'm not mean or anything. I'm not really Slytherin"
Stefan closed
his book and kept his eyes on his hands, only looking up every so often.
It always took him a while to get used to new people.
Sara looked over at the boy, her head cocked to the side. Then she realised he was shielding his eyes. "Oh sorry, Did I hurt your eyes?" -cringe!- she thought to herself and she moved to cover the window once more. The boy hadn't spoken yet, but Sara just assumed that his eyes were still hurting. Finally he spoke. "Stefan Archer?" she replied. "Cool name. Anyway, being a Slytherin doesn't make you mean-and not being mean doesn't make you any less of a Slytherin." She realised she wasn't being very clear and added. "All that is said about Slytherin is that they are smart and cunning-cunning isn't exactly bad. It just means you have a tendency to see past people-to what they really mean-look after yourself like..." She shut up, realising she was babbling. "Sorry, I'm Irish-we tend to be quite......lively, talkative and I'm one of the most lively,slightly annoying person in Ireland." she added, by means of explanation.

Stefan just stared at the girl, Sara as she spoke. Stefan had met a wide
range of people upon coming to Hogwarts, but this girl took the cake for
fast speaking. Stefan had come to realise that he had quite a relaxed way
about him, and it often took him a while to understand people who spoke
too quickly. It did not help that the girl had a very distinct accent. One
that was not Kiwi. It was only when she explained herself to be Irish that
the accent clicked. He had never met anyone from Ireland before. He had
to his knowledge met anyone from that far north. It was a nice surprise
for Stefan. He loved meeting people from many different places. It reminded
him that there was a huge world outside of his home. Stefan was unsure
about how to reply to the girl. She had so much, stefan had not really
retain much of what she'd said. So Stefan gave a small nervous smile.
"Ireland?" Stefan said, his voice a little more surprised than he had
meant it to be. "that's really far away, isn't it" Stefan looked down
at his hands. What he had just had meant to be more of an inside
thought. He felt his cheeks burn. He was embarrassed. And it caused his
cheeks to turn pinkish. Stefan obviously did not know this happened
when any person got embarrassed. He couldn't see it."I'm just from
New Zealand. Nothing interesting."
Stefan stated with a small shrug
while looking up at the girl. A small nervous smile upon his face.​
" Yeah, it is.." Sara suddenly turned quiet, she missed home, but New Zealand was amazing. "I'm from the other side of the world...Over there it's night time." She continued. She realised that she may be embarrassing Stafan and put back on her "mask" "Hey now! That's not a great outlook is it now? We're not that different, us and the New Zealanders. Oppressed by the English for years. Ancient cultures that we have to learn about in school?" She raised an eyebrow, a smile playing on her lips. She sat down on a desk opposite him. She was quite short and her legs swung about an inch of the ground. "So, have you flown yet? I love it! It makes me!" She exclaimed, her hair falling in front of her face.

Stefan just nodded. He had had no idea that Ireland was in night time. While they were in
day time. He had thought that the entire world worked to the one clock. But this was quite
clearly false. Stefan couldn't help but see the logic in that. It made a lot of sense, but he
had never really thought about it logically. He'd been kept in his own bubble, that he knew
very little about the world. And he could claim it was his fathers fault. He knew very little
about New Zealand and Irish history. He knew very little. Stefan looked down to his hands.
He didn't know what to do. He knew that he had to say something about what Sara had
said, but Stefan had never been to school. He had been absent. His father had no allowed
him to attend. A colourblind boy was not to mingle in normal society. His father would spit
at him. "I didn't go to school before this" Stefan answered only briefly meeting the
girls eyes. He then proceed to shake his head. If there was one thing that he hated
about magic, that was flying. He was awful with heights, so he had not gone to one class.
He chose to not. "No, I haven't. I hate heights. But, it makes you feel free? Free?"
Stefan asked a tone of longing at the word free. He was slightly free at hogwarts. But not
quite yet was he fully free. "How can you feel free, hundreds of feet off the ground?"

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