This is where it starts!

Eleftheria Halkia

New Member
OOC First Name
Hello Everyone!!

I dropped by to say hi before starting looking around.
My name is Demy and I have been looking for a roleplaying site like this one for a long time.
I think I finally found a good one :)
I have already read through the rules but I don't know what I have to do next.
I can't really find the sorting thread if there's one and I would like also to ask, do I have to start as a first year or I can choose my character to be something else?
I can't wait to get to know you!! :)

Welcome to the site, Demy! ^_^

I'm Kaitlyn, a site GM, and Sorting won't open for a little while, but it does open within the next one-three weeks.
To answer your question, no you don't have to start out as a first year. You can be an adult and work in the Ministry, a Death Eater, an Auror, anything of the sort. Though Ministry, Death Eater, and Auror, you'd have to apply for through here. You can also be a Beauxbatons or Durmstrang student, and all you need to do is submit a group change (same if you want to be a regular adult, but change it to members or family) through here.
If you have any more questions, you can throw me a message, and I hope to see you around the board. :)

~ Kaitlyn
Welcome to HNZ Demy! :hug:

I hope you enjoy your time here and I also hope to see you around the board often! If you'd ever like to roleplay or something feel free to shoot me a PM!

- Jessye
I'm new, too, and am completely new to RPing. One thing I enjoyed a lot that can be a great way to get started on your character here is working on your Character Development profile. I'm personally looking forward to Sorting and want to go through the HNZ student experience, but it comes down to what you want your character to do/be/become.... Making a development thread helped me to figure out more about the character that was creating herself in my head. I'm curious what you'll end up deciding to do with Eleftheria!
Welcome to HNZ! :)

I'm Tenilee and I hope you have a great time here, as kaitlyn said, sorting is really soon (and extremely exciting :r ) so you won't have to wait too long at all! If you ever want to roleplay, or any of the sort, you can always PM me.

~ Tenilee
Hi there Demy!
I'm Cyndi, one of the admin on the site. I hope to see you around. :)
Hi Demy!

Welcome to the site! You surely have found a good rpg site here! A lot of the people are wonderful and always up for a thread. Don't be afriad to send a PM if you want to rp!

Steph :)
Thank you guys for the warm welcome xD

You are all very kind ^_^

I think sorting is on, time to get down on business!

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