This is Hallowe'en

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Cecily Rambolt

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Pure Blood
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Tulip Wood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Cecily walked the perimeter of what was now the dance floor. It was good that the students could let loose and have some fun, mingle and explore. She nibbled her thumbnail, a slight frown on her face. She desperately wanted to know how her future sister in law were faring and if the baby had been born healthy. She managed just not to touch her own very small baby bump, so slight as to not be hardly noticeable. Yet she knew and talked and sang to their small peanut every night. Her long hair came forward as her head bowed slightly, a gentle smile on her face. Prodan would be a wonderful father; he had surprised her by singing a small song in Bulgarian while resting his cheek on her belly. She had held back sniffling, as most anything set off tears for her, and ran her fingers through his hair.

Hands palm together, held close in front of her, she swayed to the music.
Donning the look of a not so conventional hero from yet another muggle movie, Gabriel was glad to enjoy the festivities of yet another Halloween at Hogwarts New Zealand. It was interesting to see the what the students and staff had chosen to be for the day. Some costumes were frightening, some funny, some downright creative. There were a few that were screaming for a tablecloth and wallowing in indecency, but Gabe wasn't going to be one to make a fuss about something so trivial.

The Charms Professor soon grew bored of sipping pumpkin juice and nibbling at Cauldron Cakes. At first he'd been skeptic about the food- last year's Yule Ball fiasco had taught him well- but he'd given in to the temptation of sweets. Since he wasn't experiencing indigestion, he called this a good night.

Catching sight of his boss, John Constantine approached the gypsy with a knowing grin. "Watch out, lady, there are some zombies here and I'm pretty sure they won't take too well to being hexed."
Cecily's eyes slid open and regarded the newcomer. In character, she tossed her head back, somehow managing to look down her nose at him even though he towered over her. "Play your cards vell and you von't be amongst them." Her accent rivaled Prodan's, green eyes scanning the man. Then they zeroed in on the arm tattoos and narrowed. "Vell Mr. Constantine, ve are lucky indeed to haff a man of your caliber to save us mere mortals." Cecily ruined the effect by laughing, unable to continue.

"What is it with you and super heroes?"
she chortled, eyes brimming with mirth. She looked out on the sea of teenagers before sharing a secretive glance with Gabe. "He still doesn't know," she began. "Which leads me to the conclusion that we might get away with more."
Gabriel clapped his arms together, bringing together the symbol he had taken his entire afternoon to paint on. "I would hope not," he droned sarcastically, "We don't want this to be a Helloween party after all, Miss Gypsy." Cecily had nailed the accent that decorated her words right now. He hoped she got one of the prizes for being so in character. He was unable to contain the serious look on his face when the woman broke out laughing. Both Charms professor and Headmistress had had their share of good laughs- even if at the expense of others- though they were clearly just friends.

The dark haired man grinned. "Maybe the child in me is taking revenge for the fact that I never grew up to be one?" He could not help snickering at the woman as her voice softened considerably. "Well, I hope you have a handful of creative ideas," he glanced at the staff table, "We have so many victims, so little time."
Green eyes scanned the crowd, a wicked grin upon her glossed lips. "It's almost too good," she murmured, touching upon each of the staff present. Mentally she tallied the count and then thought about whom the last should be. "What would you say to...Lola next?" Her grin widened as possible pranks, jokes and general naughtiness swam through her mind. She started to giggle, her hand coming to partly cover her mouth. "The look, on his face!" Tears came to her eyes and she mimicked the shocked look on Prodan's face when he fell and the chair stuck to his head. Laughter burst from her.
Gabriel smirked at Cecily and glanced at the Defense Professor. "I would say that's a definite yes," he murmured. This would prove to be quite fun; if they didn't get caught, of course. And really, it was harmless. He snorted when the Headmistress imitated their first and definitely not their last victim. Too bad they hadn't thought to bring a camera along with them.

As much as he would have enjoyed shooting the bull with his boss, the Charms professor noticed Lola running past. He turned at the sound of cheers and jeers. A crowd had formed around a rather vicious looking brawl. Scowling, he grumbled, "I've got this," and was off. Way to ruin a good night.
Cecily's eyes widened as the source of their next prank went running by. "Oh dear." Her stomach chose that moment to let itself be known and as she turned pale and a bit green about the gills, Gabe thankfully told her he had it covered. Nodding, she clapped a hand to her mouth and took off running. Damned lucky that the loo was so close to the hall on this level. Or else she would have disgraced herself and the rosebushes outside. She wasn't sure if she felt well enough, after it was done, to return to the hall. Frowning, disappointed to miss the rest of the festivities of what was her favorite holiday, she notified one of the professors and went to go have a liedown.
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