This girl wants to have fun

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
See what I did there? Anyone who gets it, gets a brownie from me. :cyndi:

Every once in a while, I get the urge to go on a RPing spree. In order to do that though, I need some RPs. :p If you do want to RP with me, yay! ^_^ I do ask that you please be patient with me. I have a lot to do on and off the site, and sometimes RPing does have to take a backseat for a night or two…or three. With that said, if it is more than two weeks since you received a reply to an RP we are involved in, you can feel free to PM me to make sure I’ve seen your RP. Sometimes, I miss seeing them or forget to copy them to my notepad. :doh:

I guess I’ll just go ahead and list the characters that I’d like to plot with and some brief info about what sort of relationship I’m looking for. You can check my account tracker for a list of almost all of my characters. :r Feel free to throw in to RP with any of them with any ideas you might have. Also, I try not to say no to any RPs so if there is some plot that I can help you with, let me know. :)

1. Professor Cyndi Kingsley – I’d like her to have some relationships that aren’t work-related as well as some relationships with her fellow staff. This can be friends or enemies.
2. Sebastian Rossi – I’d like to have him RP with someone who might already be his best guy friend. I don’t really like getting to know you RPs, so let’s have the guys doing something together as if they’ve known each for years.
3. Irene Finch - I’d like for her to settle down already, maybe have another child. I have a plot idea for her actually that would result in her possibly being wrongfully imprisoned in Azkaban so a Scitorari or dark wizard or someone on the flip side of that might work nicely. :devious:
4. Athena Zhefarovich – A friend or frenemy, possibly a pureblood female that she has known for years?
5. Preston Paine – He needs a Yule Ball date, so I’d like to get this started early. I’m thinking someone younger by a year or two who doesn’t hate Muggleborns but does like bad boys. :p
6. Alana Finch – She’ll likely be going to Hogwarts next year, so I think it’d be neat to have some friends or enemies already. She doesn’t go out a lot so I figure most of the children she would know would be those with Scit parents or Healer parents.

Thanks in advance!

Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
4. Athena Zhefarovich – A friend or frenemy, possibly a pureblood female that she has known for years?

Kialla (they haven't know each other for years, but I do remember we discussed them.
How could I forget about that? :devious: I can start an RP for them. Any ideas where I should start it?
Obsidian is fine, or any of the other wizarding places in New Zealand as Kialla is avoiding going home at the moment xD
Hey cyndi.
first up I get it, i get it. Lauper.

second up my people.
For Cyndi i have Elvera who has always had a great deal of respect for Cyndi. they could hang out a bit and be friends, getting a little excited and maybe a little broody over elveras pregnancy.

and for sebastian i have a girl to offer for his best guy friend :p Alyce Brown. because let's face it, she is practically one of the guys. plus they have already met so no meet and greeting necessary.
Professor Abbigale Hayes said:
Obsidian is fine, or any of the other wizarding places in New Zealand as Kialla is avoiding going home at the moment xD
Alright. I'm on it. I will PM you the link!
Rhiannon McGowan said:
Hey cyndi.
first up I get it, i get it. Lauper.

second up my people.
For Cyndi i have Elvera who has always had a great deal of respect for Cyndi. they could hang out a bit and be friends, getting a little excited and maybe a little broody over elveras pregnancy.

and for sebastian i have a girl to offer for his best guy friend :p Alyce Brown. because let's face it, she is practically one of the guys. plus they have already met so no meet and greeting necessary.
Yes. Cyndi probably should offer her congratulations to Elvera for becoming the deputy headmistress. :r

For Sebastian, I do think Alyce would be a good friend for him. He needs to have people who will tell him when he is being an idiot. I do still want a male best friend for him though.
Professor Cyndi Kingsley said:
Yes. Cyndi probably should offer her congratulations to Elvera for becoming the deputy headmistress. :r

For Sebastian, I do think Alyce would be a good friend for him. He needs to have people who will tell him when he is being an idiot. I do still want a male best friend for him though.
got cyndi do you want to start or do you want me to?

for seb, that is fine. what they do is up to you.
I don't mind starting it. :) Would somewhere on the grounds be ok or is Elvera more of an in the castle sort of lady?
For Irene, wrongfully imprisoned sounds very fun! I have Bobby Sanchez and Anthony Kim. I don't know what you have in mind for her getting in, yeah. They are both Scitorari members. Bobby is prejudice, and Anthony is Conquering the Mind.

Sebastian!! So, I have Javarius Askolov who he could have met while he was traveling around. Javar just got back to New Zealand, so they could have met somehow. I don't know. Then, there is Freddie Raska, and he is a Durmstrang graduate former head boy. He is a seer and healer. He needs more friends, and he is feeling a bit under the weather lately, so maybe they could go and have a drink or two? Tell me what you think on either of these.
the garden would be nice. other than a walk/sit in the garden every now and then she usually tends to stay in the castle.
Lovi: Sorry for not replying sooner! For Bas, I think Freddie would be great. They are about the same age. Bas attended Beauxbatons but he had quite a few durmy friends. Do you want to start or do you want me to?
can you start something? Something is wrong with my Freddie muse. xD
xD No problem. Hopefully Bas can coax it back.
Any suggestions for a starting place? Bas doesn't really go to NZ much.
maybe They are wine tasting in Europe? Or They are attending some event in Europe to catch up?
Wine tasting sounds fun, especially because it is sooo not Bas. :p
Wine is Freddie's favorite medicine. :r xD
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