This feeling inside

Noah William Starr

Well-Known Member
Some people said that Paris is a city of romance, Noah who was born there used to think that it was a city or trouble. A lot of heartbreaking tragedies happened there. He lost his parents there and he was forced to fight other people and risk his life. What if he got himself killed when he was doing the mission that was given by his hyung-nim? This was the reason why he hated being in his hometown. But something changed his mind, ever since he met Hikari, the rock headed Japanese who enroll to Beauxbaton, he began liking this place. He had no idea why he fell for a girl like her. She was arrogant and violent, but yet Noah fell for her. `Why her? Why here?` He thought as he walk around the city all by himself looking at couples feeling slightly jealous.
Hikari walked around the city, love was in the air and it made her feel slightly lonely. Hikari would never admit it but she had what she thought were feelings for a boy. But Hikari was too proud to admit that she would ever like a boy, especially one as rude and annoying as Noah. Hikari did not much like the ‘city of romance’. People came here all the time expecting to find love when all they found was heartbreak and to be honest Hikari had had enough of the annoying crying girls that sat at the park that insisted on talking to someone about their annoying little problems when in all honesty Hikari could care less whether a boy broke some random girls heart or not. Hikari continued on her walk when she saw someone, Noah. The very person she did not want to meet at this time, so she kept walking, trying to hide herself behind a newspaper that was in her hand.
Noah saw someone familiar, trying to hide herself from... From what? Wait, wasn't that Hikari? The girl that was on his mind. He chuckle and walk toward her and stopped right in front of her and grab the newspaper away from her. "Boo" He said softly and gave the newspaper back to her. "What were you doing? Is anyone following you?" He asked starting to be worried if one of his hyungs were in the city. He took a few steps backward and look on everywhere trying to spot familiar faces that he hated. But no, he couldn't spot one, they weren't there. He was relieved knowing that.
Hikari mentally kicked herself, he saw her! How could he see her? The newspaper was the perfect disguise! “Oh hello Noah, fancy seeing you here...” She said looking around, she did not realise how dumb her statement was, he lived here after all, she was just a common visitor. “I was just reading this newspaper, no-one is following me.” She told him. Noah was always looking around looking for something, she didn’t understand why though. “What makes you think I was being followed? And what may I ask are you doing here?” She asked, changing he subject from herself to Noah instead. It would be easier for her.
"Well that's new, reading a newspaper while walking with high chance of bumping on other people." Noah said and place his finger on his chin, tapping it "Smart" He said being sarcastic. "Well genius, I live here so what am I doing here?" He said after placing his hand on Hikari's head and tap it before taking a few steps away from him. Noah knew that she was hiding something, but he didn't want to know, it was none of his business anyway. "Well let me see, last time you knocked on my apartment telling me that you were being followed by other people." He chuckled. "Stay out of trouble, trouble" He winked and walk away from her not wanting to bother her, probably she was going to do something important, and he didn't want to stop her.
“Well the other people can move out of my way, it is not like they cannot see.” She said simply. “No need to be rude.” She told him, he was starting to get on her nerves. Hikari laughed slightly, it was true last time she was with him it was because a bunch of annoying muggles were going to attack her. “Well that is not the case this time.” She told him confidently. Hikari had had enough, Noah acting so annoying and she still liked him?! Hikari was so glad that she had enough strength to not blush at the annoying boy. On an impulse she threw her newspaper at him, it was doing nothing for her and he was being annoying. But when it hit his head she realised that she had quite an arm on her and the folded up newspaper was rather hard. “Oh sorry.” She said running back up to him, sympathy in her eyes, something that had not happened for a very long time. “Are you OK Noah?” She asked carefully with a sweet face, well what she hoped was sweet. “And I am certainly not trouble, annoying.” She added.
The newspaper hit Noah's head, it hit him pretty hard. Well she was considered as strong for a girl. "Ouch" He said flatly and grabbed the newspaper that fell on the ground. He took it and held it, as soon as Hikari came asking him if he was okay, he hit her head, not hard but just to surprise her. "Now we're even" He chuckled. Suddenly he had an idea, nothing serious, but only to surprise and scare her. "On second thought, we're not yet even" He threw her to his shoulder and brought her to the fountain not too far from where he was standing. He stood beside it ready to throw her into the water. The water must be cold, and yes, he was just playing, he wasn't planning on throwing her into the water. "What do you think about swimming in there?" He smiled.
Hikari laughed when she heard him, it had obviously not gotten him angry or hurt him too much. She flinched slightly when he hit her on the head, not out of pain but out of shock, why did he hit her on the head? Hikari said nothing but pulled a slightly worried face, what did he mean by that? When he picked her up she got even more worried and even tried to struggle but he was too strong, something that Hikari would never admit. “Where are you taking me?” She demanded, when she saw the fountain she tried even harder to get away. If there was one thing Hikari feared it was water, an irrational fear yes but a fear she held close to her heart. “No!” She screamed, scrambling around.
"Stop" Noah tried to hold Hikari so that she wont slip into the water. He was surprised that the girl was screaming and now everyone's looking them. He then put her on the ground and looked at her in the eye. "I was kidding" He said trying to calm her down. He walk to the fountain and tried to see what was in there and he saw nothing dangerous in it. Then maybe she did that just to get off his grip. "You okay?" He asked her trying to see if she was crying or mad at him or that she was acting so that he would let her go.
Hikari was happy to be on solid ground and not in the water, she was angry when she realised that he was not going to put her into the fountain. Hikari frowned. “Im fine, what made you think otherwise?” She asked, stubbornly trying to hide her fear of water, whether it was working or not she was not sure but she was determined to not let anyone know that she was scared of water. “Are you OK?” She asked turning the conversation back to him again.
Noah was relieved that Hikari was okay. "Me? Ok? How can I be ok? I was gonna put you in there to make it even" He chuckle. He then lead Hikari to the bench not too far from where they were standing. "So what's new? Boyfriend? Fiance? Dropping out of school? Teacher's pet?" He laughed at the last part. Noah had never been a teacher's pet, he was in fact a rebel, he dislike being in school. He used to go to Hogwarts Scotland but not anymore. He liked homeschooling, it was practical.
Hikari laughed. How could Noah even think that Hikari had a boyfriend or fiancé for that matter, most boys did not like Hikari because she was stronger than them and was smarter than them, they mostly feared her. Hikari would never leave school either, she was too smart to think like that, school was annoying but she knew she had to attend or she would get nowhere, and how could he even think that she was a teacher’s pet? Most teachers hated her. “No, no, no and definitely no.” She answered. “What have you been doing since I barged into your apartment last?” She asked.
Noah was glad that Hikari hadn't got herself a boyfriend, so this mean that he had a chance. He had no idea why he liked this girl. "Me? Well beside that I'm now allowed to use magic outside school, nothing" He shrugged, honesty nothing interesting happened. Lately he had been trying to find a way on how to get rid of his hyungs. It was hard and it seemed that he was on a dead end. He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to be with them but he was forced.
Hikari nodded, she too was happy that she could now use magic, no annoying muggles will bug her now. “That is the same for me, I am so happy that I am finally 17, I hate waiting.” She said. It was very true, Hikari had next to no patience and hated waiting. Hikari was wondering if Noah was still single, but she did not want to ask, it would seem weird. She would just have to wait until he mentioned something about having a girlfriend or not and Hikari would have to scare her into breaking up with him.
"Everyone wants to be 17, who doesnt?" Noah said and chuckled. It was true that every wizard want that, doing magic outside school felt great. And in a year, both Noah and Hikari shouldn't go to school or at least shouldn't do their homework. He smiled as he looked at her in the eye, his heart started to beat faster. `Wait... Why? Coz you like her, genius!` he thought. He lean forward and closed his eyes and kissed her on the lips, he couldn't stop himself from doing it. But after realizing what he did, he looked away, apologizing "Sorry, I didn't, I... Nevermind" He said not looking at Hikari.
Hikari agreed with Noah, everyone she knew either loved being 17 or couldn’t wait till they were 17. 17 was a great number, it was the age that you dont have too much responsibility yet but you can use and abuse your magical powers also. Hikari was confused when Noah started leaning towards her, but she also started leaning forward, not quite aware of what she was doing. When she realised the air around the two of them grew heavy and awkward. Hikari looked away, very embarrassed, she had been telling herself for ages that she didn’t like Noah and now she just kissed him. “Yes, um, well...” She said trying to change the subject but not finding anything to change it to. “The sky is nice today...” She said weakly, looking at the bright sky, hoping that the air around them would change soon.
Both Hikari and Noah were embarrassed, and Noah decided to continue the topic of hers. "Oh yes, it's very nice. Uh.. Do you want to go somewhere?" He asked hoping that he didn't blush. A mafia? Blushing? That was just stupid. His heart started racing, he didn't know what to do, he wanted to apparate away, and stayed away from her for a while to due him being embarrassed for doing something stupid. But then he would be considered as rude and he didn't want that.

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