This Boy

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Isobel Montiez

Well-Known Member

This boy name is Eric Luago-Santos, he was born in Argentina, but raised in California. Much like the Montiez twins. Only his family is very rich in both the muggel and wizaring world. (They own and design property, in both worlds and also establish a charm for security purpose in wizaring home)Anyways Eric is cunning, cruel, and manipulative, behind close doors that is. He could be very charming, loving, and possibly make you fall in love with him. He also loves to steal, its a drill just being able to do it. So I'm looking for someone to play him, the twins both will fall head over heels for Eric. Laura will love his charming side, while Isobel will love his cunning side. The twins won't know what's going on till Eric decides to go with Laura, and all hell break loose. So if anyone wants to play him, please post here! His playby is Miguelito, and we hope he get sorted into GRyffindor. So hurry up and post!

And if anybody else wants to rp with the twins your more than welcome to post :)
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