third years?

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Violet Bellamy

Somehow, Pulling It Together
OOC First Name
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Half Blood
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Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence Of Hair From The Mane Of A Unicorn
Okay, so Brian just PMed me, which reminded me that three years (IC) have gone by and Violet doesn't really know anybody well, not even in third year.
So I was thinking that maybe the third years could get together and have one of those crazy threads? Or mayyyyyyybe, a couple of people could join me in an RP somewhere and we could come up with a sillay plot of some description?
I know it's partially (well, mostly) my fault that I don't know any of the third years, but I would quite like to change that. :r:
Mike is definitely in :)
Well there seems to be quite the little thing going on in the kitchens, it's pretty funny when you think about it, a bunch of third years meeting up after hours while trying to get something to eat, one from each house and of course two of them prefects XD

We gotta be the best year XD
I'll join, Harri knows hardely any third years :lol:
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