Third Years, Lesson Two

Out of all of the lessons Landon was to teach, today's lesson had to be by far the best one. He was so exceptionally excited for it that he dressed in his best muggle clothes and came to class early just so he could place all of the pamphlets he had on each of the desks and make sure everything was perfect in the classroom before leaving. Travelling was always his favourite thing to do. He hoped that this excursion outside of the classroom would teach the students as much as it could. In Landon's opinion, travelling was always good to learn new things and if the children did not listen today then it would be their own fault if they happened to fail their exam.

Student after student, they all eventually came walking in which just made Landon even more excited. He hoped that they would all be on their best behaviour. "Before you ask about the paper and pouch in front, we are taking a field trip to Chelsea Physic Gardens, in the heart of London. The pamphlet explains the rich history of the expansive garden. In the pouch are twenty galleons in there. It is for the fair." Landon quickly began the lesson once everyone had finally made their way inside. "The fair will be to celebrate Winterfest which hopefully will make the trip even better! Leave your bags here and we are leaving by portkey."

Landon led the students past the gates where he had them place their hand on a boot. In moments, they were spiraling through the air and landed on a grassy hill. Landon, who landed on his feet perfectly, looked around first to see if all of his students were alright and then pointed out the lands of Chelsea Physic Gardens. "It was founded back in 1673 by apothecaries. Its vast lands and plants were used as a good tool for teaching their apprentices about their craft. Obviously it's been added onto and has changed owners throughout the centuries."

Along the sprawling gardens there were huge tents set up, filled with merchants selling their wares. Landon turned to his students and warned, "You have two hours here. I will be walking around, making sure no one is up to any trouble. Split up or pair off and go enjoy yourselves." Landon pulled out many enchanted maps for the entire class. He explained, "This is a map of the entire grounds. It has all of us on there, except me of course. You will see a dot with your name on it. In the corner is an hourglass, telling you when to be back at the portkey on the hill back to the castle." With that, Landon departed, heading about his own ways.


Assignment: RP the lesson.
Marley had been enjoying Herbology so far. She liked learning about the different magical plants that the magical world had to offer, even though it was different from the muggle world. The Hufflepuff happily made her way to her Herbology class. Once she arrived, she took the spot she was in previously, noticing some pamphlets placed on her desk. She was excited when they found out that they would be doing a field trip.

Marley listened carefully to what the professor had to say about what they were doing as well as writing a few notes in her small notebook. They then followed the professor towards the gates and all held onto the portkey. It wasn't long before they were transported to where they were meant to be. Marley kept a hold of the pamphlet from earlier as well as her notebook. She made sure to take note of what the professor was saying about the place. Once the professor had finished speaking they were able to explore the place for the next two hours. Marley paired up with a few of her friends and explored the place for the next few hours.

It wasn't long before the two hours were up and they had to head back to the castle. Once they arrived back at the castle, they were dismissed. Marley packed up her things, said a quick thanks and goodbye to the professor, before heading back towards the castle with her friends and classmates.
Callie walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. However, they weren’t staying in the room. She took the paper and the pouch that the professor gave to them, and then they were being taken to England. She left her bag and took ahold of the portkey and listened to the lecture the professor gave. Nodding along with what was being said about the gardens and then venturing off to be able to explore them. Callie had a great time, exploring the different areas of the gardens, enjoying the merchants which had set up. It had been a good lesson by the end of it.
Enoch arrived at the herbology classroom and was pretty disappointed that they’d be taking a trip. He wasn’t that interested in doing anything of the sort, much more eager to just sit in a room and pretend he was listening. But he took the map and the pouch and then the portkey. He listened vaguely as the professor spoke, but instead of wandering around the gardens. Enoch just found a bench and sat down. He glanced as others moved around him but didn’t bother to move himself, just stared forward. Just focused on anything else, because he was no interested in wandering around a garden space. Not at all. Eventually the time past, it did so slowly, but it did eventually do so. Enoch returned to the class and then with them to the castle.
Teddy was sure this trip was going to be a good one, especially with the 20 galleons for the fair. Professor Carter was really pulling out all the stops today. The idea that they could use a portkey to get all the way to London was fascinating too. If they could get there, then there must be no place on earth they couldn’t reach. As they landed on the grassy hill, Teddy stumbled slightly but quickly regained his balance.

He listened to the lecture, then took one of the enchanted maps. Naturally, he decided to pair up with Audrey and happily split off. “This kind of reminds me of the first time we hung out in the greenhouses, remember?” he said to Audrey as they wandered around, admiring the plants. It was fun but all too soon, their time was up. They headed back to the portkey, arriving just in time to return to the castle.
There was a lot of travelling involved in their classes at the moment, something Audrey found pretty exciting. Most of her travel had been spent stuck around Quidditch setups, which while interesting, hadn't exactly given her much in the way of new experiences. She was pretty impressed that Professor Carter was taking them to London and was giving them money for the fair. Even the horrible feeling of the portkey couldn't dampen her good mood as they were set free to roam around.

Audrey ended up roaming around with Teddy, chuckling when he brought up the memory of them hanging out in the greenhouses. "Wonder if they have any plants that eat people here," she muttered, noting a few different types that she recognized from Potions class, and some that she didn't. The maps were impressive, too, and Audrey looked at it for a couple of minutes, wondering if there was some sort of map for the school like that. It would be a good way to avoid professors and prefects if you were out a bit too late, or perhaps somewhere you weren't supposed to be. Or it could be used to locate secret areas that older students and professors might know about and keep silent about. Although professors could seemingly hide their location, as Professor Carter had. That was besides the point, though, and having bought a hot chocolate and a cheap chintzy flower bracelet, Audrey enjoyed the sights and scents of the gardens for the time they had before heading back to the school with the others.
Lucy entered the greenhouse in good spirits, a little interested to see pamphlets. She opened one, looking through as she waited for class to start. She was excited to learn they'd be going to London - somewhere she'd never been before. She took hold of the portkey as instructed and they were transported to the gardens. It was stunningly beautiful, and Lucy immediately went for a stroll around. The sky seemed different in London somehow, Lucy thought to herself. She had a great time looking at the plants but particularly anything that was a flower. Lucy thought flowers were neat. Time went fast, and soon it was time to return. Lucy thanked the professor before going on her way.
Millie had always considered Professor Carter a little odd, but her recent experiences with Professor Zephyrmoon had recontextualised that word for her and made her realise by comparison the Herbology professor was positively normal. She made her way into the greenhouse and spotted the pamphlet on her usual desk and read it over, it was for something called the Chelsea Physic Garden, Millie hadn’t heard of it before but if it was for a field trip then she would be finding out all about it very soon.

Professor Carter explained they were taking a field trip to the garden and the pouch on top of the pamphlet contained twenty galleons for the them to use at the fare. It wasn’t necessary, for her at least but she wasn’t going to turn down free money. She gathered up her things and headed over to the portkey with the others and in a flash they were on the sight of the Chelsea Physic Garden. Professor Carter gave them a little history on the garden and what they might be able to expect as they explored, then they were given free reign, for two hours, to explore. Millie pocketed her newly acquired money pouch and sought out her sister, relieved she didn’t appear to have paired up with anyone so she would be able to spend the two hours with a familiar face. Once the time was up Millie and Veronica headed back to the group and took the portkey back to the school.
Veronica Walden-Cade entered the Herbology classroom, noticing the unusual setup with pamphlets and small pouches on each desk. Professor Carter, dressed in his best muggle clothes, exuded excitement as he explained the day's plan: a field trip to Chelsea Physic Gardens in London. The pamphlets detailed the garden's rich history, and each student had received twenty galleons for the Winterfest fair held there. Following instructions, they left their bags behind and gathered at a portkey—a worn boot. Veronica felt the pull as they spiralled through the air and landed on a grassy hill overlooking the sprawling Chelsea Physic Gardens.

As they dispersed into the garden, Veronica explored with a group of classmates, marvelling at the large tents filled with merchants. Professor Carter had provided enchanted maps showing the grounds and each student's location, with an hourglass indicating the return time. Veronica eagerly absorbed the sights and scents, taking notes and photos as they navigated the stalls and learned about various plants and their uses.

Two hours passed quickly amid the bustling fair. Veronica felt enriched by the experience, gaining a deeper understanding of Herbology outside the classroom. Gathering at the portkey, she reflected on the day's adventure and appreciated Professor Carter's enthusiasm for teaching through immersive experiences. Heading back to Hogwarts, Veronica looked forward to applying what she had learned and anticipating future lessons with renewed excitement.
As Dante Styx stepped into Professor Carter's Herbology class, he couldn't help but notice the unusual buzz of excitement in the air. It wasn't the typical setup he was used to; instead, the desks were adorned with pamphlets and there was an air of anticipation among the students. Professor Carter himself looked particularly dapper in his muggle clothes, clearly signaling that something special was about to happen. Dante's curiosity piqued as the professor explained the plan for the day - a field trip to Chelsea Physic Gardens in London, complete with Winterfest celebrations and a fair. Dante eagerly picked up the pamphlet placed on his desk, scanning through the history of the gardens and the itinerary for the day. The promise of exploring such a renowned botanical garden filled him with excitement. He glanced at the pouch containing galleons, intrigued by the mention of a fair and wondering what delights awaited them there.

Following the professor's instructions, Dante left his bag behind and joined his classmates as they gathered around a portkey - an old boot - that would transport them to their destination. With a whoosh and a swirling sensation, they landed on a grassy hill overlooking the sprawling Chelsea Physic Gardens. Professor Carter, ever the enthusiast, led them through a brief history of the gardens, emphasizing its origins and educational purpose for apothecaries. Dante nodded along, absorbing the information and marveling at the sight before him. The gardens stretched out beautifully, vibrant with various species of plants and adorned with festive tents bustling with activity. Dante studied his map, noting the dot indicating his location and the countdown hourglass that ticked away the time until they had to return. Deciding to explore on his own, Dante wandered down a path lined with medicinal herbs, occasionally stopping to read plaques and inspect the plants up close. The time was up real quick, and soon they were back in the greenhouse. He left, liking the day. Less lectures, the better.
Dominic's first week had gone quite smoothly and he was happy with all of the classes that he was taking. Some of it was boring, but the hufflepuff just tried his best to stay positive that he would get through it all. After all, he had the support of his professors if he really needed the help and so he didn't see any reason to stress about it, especially considering he was still in his third year.

Dominic entered the Herbology greenhouse, beaming when he noticed some pamphlets on his desk. He had a very strong feeling that they were going to be going on a field trip, and when the professor confirmed this, he couldn't be more excited. He gathered around with his classmates and placed his hand on the port key when instructed. He felt himself being taken away and they landed in the Chelsea Physic Gardens. Their task was simply just to explore, and Dominic did so with Marley close by. He was very thankful for this opportunity, so he thanked the professor as they went back to the castle at the completion of the field trip.

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