Third Years Lesson Four

"Good Morning everyone." Mallory greeted the students brightly as the last few entered the classroom, smoothing the hem of her soft yellow robes, a sunflower tucked behind her ear. Her hair was in a single dark braid that fell down her back. "I'll try to keep it short today. We will be going over two spells: the Engorgement Charm and the Shrinking Charm," she put a hand on her stomach and surveyed the room.

"The Engorgement Charm enables an object to swell or enlarge themselves at a certain extent. If it goes past that certain point, it will explode, like a balloon would if you blew too much air into it.” the professor explained with a smile, "Although it is not a balloon kind of explosion. It is said to be a violent one, so please do be careful, my dears," she fretted softly, looking over her students with soulful eyes. "While Finite can be used, the Shrinking Charm is also an effective counter-spell. It is quite self-explanatory, but remember that this charm causes shrinking both internally and externally," Mallory explained, taking out her wand.

The professor took out one marble from a box of them on her desk and held it in her hand, holding it at an angle so that everyone could see it, "Engorgio," she spoke loudly enough for the whole classroom to hear, and in response, the marble grew and grew until it was the size of a baseball. "Reducio," she demonstrated as well and the marble went back to its original size. “You’ve seen the spell, now I would like each of you to come up and claim a marble. You can keep this marble; no two are the same. Now, remember, Engorgio is for enlarging and Reducio is for shrinking," she put her own marble back and smiled gently as each student came to claim one of their own.

Be careful not to let anything explode, but if you do that's okay. When you need my assistance just call me or raise your hand. I'll be wandering around," she told them before she let them do as they pleased with the marbles, keeping an eye on them in case there were any accidents.​
Marley was enjoying charms. She liked what they were learning so far. The Hufflepuff happily made her way to her charms classroom. Once she arrived, she took a seat in her usual spot, took out the things she needed for the lesson and placed them on the desk in front of her. It wasn't long before the professor started off with the lesson.

Marley moved her attention towards the professor as the professor started off with the lesson. It looked like they were going to be learning two more charms today, which Marley was excited about. She made sure to take note of what the professor was saying about each charm, making sure to take note of the incantation and what they needed to do for each charm, while also nodding her head from time to time to show that she understood what was being said. It wasn't long before it was their turn to give the two charms a go. Marley went and got a marble, and tried to do the engorgement charm first. It took her a few times for her to get it, but after a few tries she eventually got the charm right. Once she was able to enlarge the marble, she then tried to use the shrinking charm to reduce the size. She was able to achieve the shrinking charm a lot faster than the engorgement charm, even after a couple of tries. Marley decided to practice each spell a few more times.

It wasn't long before the lesson had come to an end and they were dismissed. Marley made sure to tidy her space, as well as packing up her stuff. She then said an appreciative thanks and goodbye to the professor, before heading out of the classroom with her friends and classmates.
Teddy entered the classroom and took his usual seat. He liked the Charms professor, with her sunny disposition and yellow robes. Teddy listened to the lecture on the Engorgement Charm, leaning forward with growing intrigue. An explosion, she said. This might get interesting.

When it was his turn to claim a marble, Teddy chose one that was crimson with swirls of gold, reminding him of Gryffindor. He returned to his seat wondering just how big he could make it before it exploded. He pointed his wand at the marble and said, "Engorgio." The marble began to grow, slowly at first. Encouraged, Teddy focused harder, watching as it expanded to the size of a golf ball, then a tennis ball. "Engorgio!" he said again and the marble swelled to the size of a watermelon. He was curious to see how big it could get. Pushing his luck, he tried one more time. "Engorgio!" he said, and the marble grew larger and larger until suddenly, with a loud pop, it exploded into a shower of colourful fragments.

Teddy blinked, momentarily stunned until a broad grin spread across his face. "That was very cool!" He said, making an attempt to tidy up the fragments although he knew they could be cleaned up in a flash with magic. At the end of the lesson he packed up his things and left the classroom.
The two spells Professor Grayveson had chosen for their latest charms lesson seemed pretty evenly balance, one to enlarge and one to shrink. She had already heard some of the boys giggling and making silly suggestions about what they could enlarge but she had no idea what they were talking about. Boys were so dumb sometimes.

Millie made her way into the classroom and took her seat, wanting to get started. She listened to Professor Grayveson as she began the lesson and seemed to be talking about the two spells pretty much in tandem which made sense given how much they complimented each other. Millie didn’t much like the idea of enlarging so much you exploded, a couple of the boys in the classroom who had been giggling at the idea of enlarging had suddenly gone quiet which Millie found amusing even if she still didn’t understand the joke.

She made a note of the two incantations and took one of the marbles when they were being passed around so she could practice. She spent the rest of the lesson practicing the spells, enlarging the marble, shrinking it and back again. She ended the lesson with a normal-ish sized marble which she put into one of the inside pockets in her robe and made her way out of the classroom.
Lucy came into the class, taking a seat and readying herself to learn more. The spells looked interesting - she wasn't quite sure what she'd use them for, but they looked fun and that was nearly just as good. Taking a marble, Lucy concentrated and cast the spell. The marble started to swell, growing in size. She cast the spell again, a little curious to see if she could make it as big as the professor had. She noticed Teddy had a similar idea, although eventually his exploded. Lucy laughed, amused by his antics. She didn't want hers to explode, though. Lucy reached the marble reach a decent size, she decided, and then used the shrinking spell. This was a bit harder, for whatever reason, but she managed to get the marble back to its original size. Smiling, she rested, suddenly aware that she'd been frowning in concentration all the while and now her brow slightly hurt. It had been a good lesson.
Audrey, no matter how tired she was, would always be in a good mood for Charms. Though her mood was nowhere near as naturally bright as the professor's, and Audrey really didn't understand how someone could have a thing growing inside them and not be utterly miserable. Maybe she was just a really good actress. Babies really just seemed like the worst thing ever and Audrey had decided, on thinking about it, she would never have any. She had too many things she wanted to do, and having to stop and have children would just totally ruin everything.

Audrey rolled her purple marble under her index finger for a moment, muttering the spell names over and over and pondering size until she pulled out her wand. "Engorgio," she cast, getting the marble to the size of a tennis ball. She went again, getting it to about the size of a bludger. But hearing a shattering noise, Audrey looked over and noticed Teddy had somehow blown his up. She rolled her eyes - she would have maybe tried to make hers just a little larger, but in her eyes she had won by making her marble pretty big without blowing it up. A little smugly, she cast "reducio" a couple of times to get it down to marble size. Audrey pondered what practical use the spell could have. She wondered, if you enlarged a book, would it make the text bigger? Maybe that would be good if your eyesight wasn't the best, or the text was just too small. She made a note to test that later on, probably on a book she didn't need first just in case something went wrong. Making things smaller made a lot of sense though, you could sneak things around by making them tiny and then bigger again. But she probably wouldn't share that idea around, since she would probably get in trouble for it. Regardless, she'd make a note of it and think about it a bit more later.
Dominic was glad that he was halfway through the semester. It meant that he was halfway through half of his classes, and that was some good progress. Even though his work was piling up, it meant he was halfway with finishing it all, and he couldn’t wait until he could finally enjoy the break. He entered the Charms classroom and sat down in his usual spot, before reverting his attention to the front. They would be learning yet two more spells, and this time they were very related. They would be making a marble bigger and then shrinking it back to its original size. When instructed, the boy selected a blue and green marble and headed back to his desk to attempt the two spells. These spells were even easier than the last two ones. It was all about imagining the marbles the way he wanted them before he said the incantation, and this worked perfectly for him. As the lesson ended, Dominic thanked the professor before leaving.
Veronica made her way into the charms classroom for another lesson, now they were more than halfway through the semester the exams felt closer than ever. Professor Grayveson stood at the front, ready to begin the lesson.

Professor Grayveson introduced two spells: the Engorgement Charm, which enlarges objects, and the Shrinking Charm, which reduces them. She demonstrated each spell using a marble as an example, showing how Engorgio made it grow and Reducio returned it to its original size. Afterward, she invited each student to select a marble to practice with.

Throughout the lesson, Professor Grayveson emphasized safety precautions and reminded the students to ask for help if needed. She moved around the room, observing as the students practiced the spells, ensuring they handled magic responsibly.

Veronica eagerly absorbed the instructions, appreciating the practical approach to learning magic and looking forward to practicing the spells herself. When the lesson was over Veronica packed everything away and made her way out of the classroom.

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