Third Years, Lesson Four

Gabrielle was prepared, wearing her jeans and a shirt instead of her usual robes. It was always nice to get out and about with the students. She was sure they found it a little dull to be cooped up in the castle all the time. Even though it was a very nice castle. The students likely appreciated the break from lectures, too. It was a good time of semester because she got to take the first years out on a field trip as well as the third years. She'd have to come up with something for the second years to match. "Hello, everyone," she greeted, as the third years came in to the classroom. Gabrielle was pleased to see they'd remembered the dress code. She had sent out a reminder, just in case - also suggesting students could bring cameras if they had them.

"Now, as you might have guessed, we're going to visit Stonehenge." It likely was not a surprise at all, given the last major lecture. That and she'd negotiated a shift in class time to line up with the appropriate hours for England. It was a bit of an awkward timezone to work with but they'd just have to make the most of it. "We'll have a bit of a wander, you can take photos, think about how it might've been built now you'll have an up close look to get a bit of context," she gave a smirk on that last one, not really expecting them to do that, though it was a reasonable thing to wonder in general regardless of whether they had marks riding on it. Gabrielle pulled out her sphynx statuette from her handbag...which mostly just carried the sphynx at this point. It had been a gift given to her a long time ago that had been considered rather fitting for her personality. Gabrielle had been flattered. "If you don't remember seeing it in first year, this is my portkey," she explained, placing it on the desk and gesturing for the students to come forward. "You should all know what to do by now. Everyone try and at least get a fingertip on it," it wasn't easy to do with all the students, but they'd manage. "And we're off." The portkey sucked them away, taking them to the other side of the world.

"Here we are," Gabrielle said, gesturing in a sort of welcome, handing out tickets to the students so they could have access to the stones proper. It was still morning in England, and not too busy at this stage, thankfully. "Head on in and show your tickets as you go. We'll wander for oh," she looked at her watch, "maybe about an hour or two? I'm conscious of the time but I don't want you to miss out. I'll be around if you have any questions or need anything." Gabrielle had planned for the house elves to provide tea and hot chocolate for when they got back to school, seeing as it would be late at night as well, as a means of apology for keeping them so late at night and hoping it was something to relax them for sleep afterwards. But until then, they had a monument to explore, and Gabrielle followed the students towards the stones, still marveling at them no matter how many times she'd seen them.

RP the lesson.
Marley happily made her way to her history of magic classroom, wearing her muggle attire as she was told to do by the professor last week. Once she arrived inside the classroom, she let out a small sigh of relief when she noticed that her other classmates were also wearing muggle attire, she was hoping that she hadn't gotten the day or lesson wrong about when to wear their muggle clothing.

Marley sat in her usual spot but didn't take out the things she usually needed for the lesson, as it wouldn't be long until their field trip would begin. The Hufflepuff listened to the professor carefully as to what they would be doing today. It wasn't long before they headed towards the portkey and they were off to Stonehenge. Marley listened carefully to the professor before heading in and showing her ticket before they explored the place. Marley paired up with one of her classmates and they spent the last hour or two looking around. The Hufflepuff made sure to take note of what she saw and everything else that she thought was important to note down. Marley made sure to take a few pictures with the camera she had brought as well.

It wasn't long before the two hours were up and they were back at the castle. Marley made sure to pack up the things she had left in the classroom and said appreciative thanks and goodbye to the professor before heading out the door with her friends and classmates. She really enjoyed their trip to Stonehenge and hoped that they could do a similar trip some other time.
Teddy had been looking forward to this particular trip. He gathered around the portkey and felt the tug at his navel as they were transported to England. Teddy took his ticket and had a look around, noticing a few tourists around but not too busy given the time. Whilst looking around, one elderly couple caught his kiwi accent and were so interested to know where he was from. When he told them, they then proceeded to tell him all about their holiday to New Zealand thirty years prior. Teddy nodded along politely until he realised the time and made his excuses, making it back to the group in time for the portkey.
Following the lecture on Stonehenge Millie should have guessed where the location of their field trip would be. But she didn’t. She arrived at the classroom dressed in muggle clothing and no sooner had she sat down Professor Moncrieffe announced they would be travelling to visit Stonehenge. It really should have been obvious to her but she had just assumed they would be moving onto a different topic.

After a little discussion of what they would be able to do once they landed Professor Moncrieffe took out her portkey and they gathered around it. Once her word Millie reached out and touched it along with the others and they were transported to England. The early morning air was chilly, but then it was April in England. The professor announced they would have at most a couple of hours to explore so Millie got to work, she took photos, she got a closer look at the stones, she looked at some of the signage around the monument that outlined the various theories, some more outlandish than others, about what it was built for and how long it had stood. It was a fascinating trip and the time melted away until it was time to head back to school. She gathered at the portkey with her classmates and they were transported back to the school.

Once back in to the classroom Millie helped herself to a cup of hot chocolate while she packed up her bag including a souvenir she had managed to bring back with her. Once she had finished her drink and they were free to do so, she grabbed her bag and left the classroom.
Veronica eagerly joined her classmates in the classroom, dressed in comfortable jeans, a casual shirt and a jacket in hand as she was expecting April in England to be cold. The excitement for their Stonehenge field trip had been building since the last lecture.

Professor Moncrieffe, dressed casually herself, greeted everyone warmly. She confirmed their destination and explained the plan for the trip, reminding them about the sphynx statuette portkey. Veronica watched as the students crowded around to touch the portkey. The familiar sensation of being whisked away was exhilarating, and soon they were standing in the crisp morning air of England, with Stonehenge looming before them.

After about an hour of looking around Stonehenge, primarily with Millie at her side, she joined in her classmates' discussions about their own theories of Stonehenge, sharing her thoughts and listening to theirs. It was a fun and engaging way to spend the time.

As the time to leave approached, Professor Moncrieffe gathered everyone together. Veronica felt a bit reluctant to go but was also looking forward to the tea and hot chocolate back at school. The return trip with the portkey was swift, and soon they were back in the castle, greeted by refreshments prepared by the house elves. Sipping her hot chocolate, Veronica felt the warmth of the drink and the excitement of the day's adventure. She chatted with her friends about the trip, feeling grateful for the memorable experience and looking forward to the next lesson.
Dominic was glad that he was halfway through the semester. It meant that he was halfway through half of his classes, and that was some good progress. Even though his work was piling up, it meant he was halfway with finishing it all, and he couldn’t wait until he could finally enjoy the break. He entered the History of Magic classroom and sat down in his usual spot. As the professor finally announced a field trip, he beamed, and was one of the first to make his way over to the sphynx statue. He felt himself being taken away, and as he landed at the stonehenge, he gawked at how large the stones were. For someone to physically bring them there sounded very unlikely. Perhaps they grew out from the ground? Perhaps they were actually alive at one stage and a spell was cast on them that went wrong and now they were stuck as stone? Many more theories raced the boy's brain even after they returned back to the castle at the end of the lesson.

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