
" I know...I just.... Gaw...... I don't know why I am doing this." He sits down....
"Pez I usually don't get attached because it never lasts."
"I know that.... but it gets real hard if one minute she wants me then the next she pushes me away!"
"I KNOW! But look at you! You've turned into some crazed loonitic who is obsessed!!You need to get over her! I don't care if you don't wanna you need to!" Pez said getting pretty angry with him seeing as he was just not accepting that he needed more.
"Look, Lilian is my best friend, and I know her well. And she trying to tell you she wants to be alone and the best thing you can do for her is just let her be alone!"
Cris was upset at this moment "SO WHAT WHO SHOULD I ASK OUT PEZ??? YOU??
Pez sat there seeing he was getting mad but she sat there calm seeing as it would do no good to yell.
"Look it was a suggestion you find something else. I didn't say it was manditory.I was saying it for your sake. So just calm down and lets dicuss this rationally." Pez said.
" I AM BEING RATIONAL.. " he calmed down." Pez, I'm just saying. Tell me what to do. I can't do this anymore. It's like darn if I do, doomed if i don't."
Pez could see how he was feeling. She got up and walked to where he was sitting and sat down besinde him. "I know its hard. But believe me, I've been through it, I know. I mean look at what happened between me and Blake." She looked at him.
"You'll be okay and you'll get through it. I know it may seem like hell now won't be like this all the time."
She leaned over and gave him a hug.
Cris jsut sat there and cried. Then he did the unthinkable.... he kissed PEZ.
"Oh Pez... I'm sorry." He started to leave, but he just.... just couldn't.
"Oi... Pez....loss for words... wow that must be me doing something right." He smiled at her." I don't know either. I want to, but I don't.
Cris was about to kiss her again when he realized something. "Pez do you like me??"
" Ok so see now you can spend your christmas with me right??" He kissed her again
Cris felt better, then worse all at once." NOw Pez.. You know THis might not last long right? If Lils wnats me back I will date her."

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