Thinking About You

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Alexis Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Caley was sat under a smallish tree in the Harbour gazing around. she wasn't really doing anything so got out a small sketch pad and started to draw the scene in-front of her. she was rather rubbish at drawing but tried her hardest to make it recognizable although this was unlikely to happen. She liked to sit here as she could see a lot going on around her constantly,all she couldn't see was anything behind her. she watched for what seemed like hours people going about there own business. she was so engrossed in her drawing that she didnt notice anyone come up to her she was in a world of her own.
Steve walked up behind Caley with an evil grin on his face. He grabbed her and made her jump. He the sat next to her, laughing as he did. "You ok, beautiful??" He smiled as he looked at the sketch she had been doing. "That's looking good. I thought you told me you couldn't draw?? It doesn't look that way to me." He shrugged and put his arm round her waist.
She laughed as she saw who it was `oh my goodness you scared me.`she laughed.`no it isnt your just saying that,its honestly rubbish i cant draw.`she said smilling slightly`your only saying that to make me happy`she said turning towaards him`as for me im about you`she she felt his arm go around her waist she flinched she asked herself will he ever remember.
Steve laughed again when he remembered she was ticklish. "I honestly think it's good. Much better than anything I could do. I'm limited to the drawing talents of a five year old and I think even a five year old could do a better job than me." He laughed again and kissed her forehead.
`really... you know i think you could draw better`she laughed `much better`she giggled `well if you thin k a five year old can do better youll have to show me.`she giggled she wrapped her arms around him as he kissed her forehead.
"I can't. Seriously. No one in our family's particularly amazing at art. I think it's probably Dave who's the best." He shrugged. "I'm not showing you though." He laughed.
`well if your not showing me then you must be really bad...but not quite as bad as me.`she laughed`so how have you been`she laughed as it came out all squeaky.`anyway I reckon you could be great at it if you tried.`she turned to him and rested her head on his shoulder.
"You are really good and I don't lie." Steve laughed and stroked Caley's cheek when she rested her head on his shoulder. "I've been mostly good. Had to stop a few of Jasper's rages but other than that, yeah." He smiled at her. "What about you??"
`well im not going to argue with that now am i`she giggleed.`you better not of been hurt through one of those rages,if you were i would never be able to talk to you again.`she joked.`ive been rather lonley since i saw you last everythings been so hectic...i love you`she said all rather quickly.
"I've managed to dodge a few blows but I haven't been hurt badly. Barely marked. Can you see any marks??" Steve held his arms out to the sides so she could see his body easily. All he had now was a small bruise on the side of his ribs where Jasper punched him but Steve hardly noticed it anymore.
`i can see a few but i agree there very faint.`she said hugging him carefully.`i love you so know i could never live with you being you better not get too hurt.`she said giggling.she looked into his deep eyes and smiled softly.`you know i think we ought to meet more often i miss you too much when your gone..even if its just for a few minites.`she said snuggling up to him.
Steve laughed. "I agree. Especially now that you're going to Hogwarts. I can't run into you without meaning to anymore. You're never around." He stroked her cheek and pecked her on the lips. "I can't wait till we leave school. That way, nobody can keep us apart. We can see each other whenever we want to."
`its going to be so tough without you not being here with me constantly... you know i have been dreaming of that moment ever since i met you.. i couldnt live with you not being in my life`she said smiling up at him.She knew that she was telling the whole truth as she spoke this but to her it sounded like she was being shy and not telling the truth.
"I know what you mean." Steve smiled. "You have to promise to meet up with me on the Brightstone weekends. At least then I'll be able to see you." His fingers ran through her hair and his forehead leant against hers.
`you do??...well thats something i one understands me anymore.`she said`ive changged so much, although i wouldnt have it any other way and you know it.`she giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.`you know my whole world is revolving purly around us,a nd i like it.yes ill meet you in brightstone weekends, i wouldnt miss it ever. I have to be able to see you`she giggled.
"I wouldn't either." Steve grinned. "You're amazing just the way you are." Steve wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her onto his lap. "Does that mean your world is revolving around me??" He laughed cheekily as he looked into her eyesl
`Really.. you really tghink that im that good.`she said giggling as he moved her onto his lap.`It most certainly does meen that my life is revolving around you but more inportantly around us,with out you there would be no me, i wouldnt be here,you would be lonely.`she said hugging him tightly.
"Well...not necessarily lonely. I still have Nick but I would definitely feel lonely. Plus, Nick's got his own girl friend now. No matter how much everyone feels sorry for the poor girl." He laughed and pulled Caley closer so her head was on his shoulder.
`Your not making any sense anymore`she giggled wrapping her arms around him.`i would never leave you and i hope you would never leave me unless i realy have done something bad`she said resting her head on him.`Anyway its nicks life he can like who ever he wants to even if she is a phsyco.
"I like making no sense. It's more fun that way." Steve laughed and kissed her forehead. "I'm not saying he can't. I'm just saying I feel soory for any girl crazy enough to go out with him. Or me for that matter."
She giggled and tightened her arms around him.`i love you and that why im here now`she said pressing her forhead against his.`and anyway im not crazy at all.. or am i`she laughed.`come on lets go back to my house`she said looking at him to know if he was being completly truthful.
"I love you more." Steve laughed and kissed her forehead. "Yes, you are crazy. That's just one reason why I love you so much." He stood up and lifted her onto her feet. "Lets go then." He started walking in the direction of her house.
`You want a fight over that?`she asked laughing`because im ready for it`she he set her back on the ground she spun to face him. it wasnt a long walk so at least they would be able to spend time talking on route.she wrapped her arms around him and continued to they arived at the door she pushed it open closing it behind steve.`so do you want me to prove anything or are you going to try prove me wrong`she asked wrapping her arms around his neck.
Steve wrapped his arms around Caley and pulled her closer. His bottom lips brushed across her top one as he spoke. "It'll take a lot for you to prove it." He laughed. "If I were you, I wouldn't even try. You know you'll lose." He closed the small gap between their mouths and kissed her. It was long and deep as he held it on.
`you know i can prove it a hundred times more than anyone ever can`she laughed`anyway i think you will find that your going to lose, not me`she laughed throughout speaking.she wrapped her arms tightly around him she kissed back and held it for as long as she could trying not to withdraw as if she did she would lose.she would only give in if it was absolutly nesesary
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