Things I've come up with...

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Hey! :cool:
So I dowloaded GIMP last week and have been messing around with it since then. I haven't done many banners and I am still trying to figure out a lot of things. But here are two that I have done with textures and text added to them (aka the ones that I'm willing to show people since my other ones were crrrrrrrrrrap! :r ) anyways, here they are:



Criticism and tips are welcome! ^_^

also thanks a lot to Emmah's tutorial, it helped a lot!
:o Those are some of your first creations? Holy frampin schnart...those are the shiz *dies from teh awesomeness* Some of my first things were so horrific it's not even funny. Freaking wonderful job on those Louise. I'm uberly impressed.

I totally second what Kat says! These are Awesome for first creations. :lol:
They are really good.
I personally do think that the Sam one, is a little busy, but it's very good.

Well done! ^_^
These are amazing! I love the first one especially, you should post more! I think with a little more practise you could become a banner maker. Keep up the good work :)
Thank you guys! :hug: :wub:
And to Kat and Lily, I adore both of your work! I really do! :woot:




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