They're Fighting.

Kalif Styx

retired † patriarch
OOC First Name
Kalif was not a fan of what he was seeing his son doing, and from what he had gathered, he learned just what was going on. He needed to speak with the parent, since he believed that his son's education was interrupted. Therefore, Kalif sent out a notice for someone to come down and hopefully get a leash on her daughter before Damianos would end up having to switch schools, which was something that Kalif really did not want to do. He wanted to keep Nicolas and Damianos together at all times, seeing as Damianos may straighten up Nicolas, hopefully. That was something that he hoped for. Kalif could not desire much from Nicolas seeing as he seemed like he was just like his annoying brother-in-law. Kalif stood around in the professor common room, and seeing that it was empty, it was better than nothing else. It meant that everything was quiet for now, and that he could talk to this certain professor alone, which was in his best interest. He waited, knowing that it might take some time for his notice to get up to the certain head of house, and knew that he would have to be as patient as ever.

The Slytherin Head of House turned toward the door, his arms folded across his chest. Soon enough, the professor entered the room and he knew that she might or might not know what he had requested her here for. There was no secret that the two just did not get along. Kalif looked toward the woman and he said in a cold, stern voice, "We need to talk." He felt that it might have been her daughter's fault that Damianos was so distracted from his studies. Either way, he felt that something needed to be done, and done now. He was not going to have his son's education in jeopardy.
Effie was in the middle of trying to organized meetings for the second and fourth year students when she had a student enter her office to give her a note. Effie thanked the student before opening the note. Instantly the blonde rolled her different colored eyes. "What on earth does that man want now?!" Although Effie was nice by nature, it was no secret that she wasn't so fond of Professor Styx. They were complete opposites and he was exactly the kind of person that Effie didn't enjoy being around even the slightest bit. He was cold and he was cruel. Effie was pretty sure that man had tortured his poor students into winning the House Cup year after year, and if she had the chance she'd snatch those poor kids up and keep them safe within in the Hufflepuff dormitory. Even the ones who seemed to enjoy the mental torture he provided. Effie glanced at the clock briefly before she pulled a jacket on and headed to meet Professor Styx. As much she disliked the man, she might as well go see what on earth he wanted. Hopefully he at least remembered to bring along his manners this time, Effie was tired of poking him about his rude behavior.

Effie entered the Professor's common room and instantly spotted Kalif. Compare to his height and stature, Effie felt like a flea. However, she had learned over time not to be as intimidated by him, even if he towered over her. He instantly informed her that his reason for calling her all the way up here was because they needed to talk. Effie wanted to thank him for pointing out the obvious, but figured she better not. "Wait...isn't he a Legilimens?" Effie suddenly regretting thinking anything at all. "About what?" Effie asked, amazed at her ability to be polite even when she didn't want to be. The least she could do was at least try to be civil with her co-workers, even if he drove her up a wall with his antics. So they needed to talk about something. What on earth about though? Effie didn't really involve herself with anything that concerned Kalif or his business, so she was genuinely confused. It better not be a favor he needed either. Effie didn't want to help him with anything, but she had a hard time refusing to help anyone. Damn her kind nature!
As much as Kalif was talented at reading minds, as soon as Effie walked through the door, he knew that she would not be fond of him summoning her like so. Of course, they needed to talk. Their kids were out of control, and the students were not in their respected houses. Her daughter was in Gryffindor, and his son was in Ravenclaw. Well, one of his sons. The rest were in a handful of other houses, but not one was in hers. His cold demeanor did not change an ounce when she graced the room with her bright, happy mannerisms. Sure, she might not behave like that toward him, but that was just because the two were as different as black and white. "Your only daughter, and my son Damianos is the subject that I bring you down here." He would allow that to sink in before continuing with the meeting between the two heads of houses. They did not meet often, which was perfectly fine for him. Kalif was not the type of man to make friends at all. He barely interacted with his co-workers. He was there to teach, not to make friends or anything of the sort. That was a waste of his time.

Before letting out a sigh, Kalif began, "My son is having issues studying because apparently, your daughter keeps terrorizing and interrupting him. Granted, he keeps letting it happen as well. Surely, your daughter has come to you about these incidents." Kalif raised an eyebrow. This was by no means a blaming contest, but a negotiation. He did not appreciate his son interacting with her daughter because there was a small chance that Damianos and Bridgette could end up liking each other. He wanted to avoid that at all costs because he did not want to interact with Effie any more than he had to. Working with the nicest person on the planet was bad enough. Outside the school, she did not even exist, and that was what he wanted more than anything.

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