They are a little alike

Noah William Starr

Well-Known Member
The only reason why Noah was back in Paris was that he had to talk with his fellow "brothers" or in other words with his fellow mafia. And secondly, he was going to go to his parents grave. The boy walk into the dark alleys as he found a familiar face. He walk toward the men as he followed him into a room finding his hyung-nim sitting in a huge chair. Noah reported what had happen in Wellington and was dismissed immediately. His face was as pale as snow as he walk away from the place. His hyung-nim had given him a big job but he knew that being in two gangs in a city had a big risk. He couldn't think of anything else, what if he was caught up between the two gangs? Death would be the answer and he wont be in one of those groups.

Soon the grave was in front of Noah, the boy walk toward it as he kneeled down and sat on his parents grave. If only he knew where his sisters grave were, Annabelle and Maybelle. Noah had missed his family, but he wouldn't tell anyone. Noah had been all alone since he was little, he was raised in the orphan house and had been working since he was little. The mafias were his only family, they were the one who could understand him. But after hearing what his hyung-nim told him, he wasn't sure about that. The boy sigh as he walk away from the grave and walk slowly all by himself.
Hikari walked slowly through the grave site, it was slightly windy but still warm, it had been a while since she was in Europe, she liked it here but she wanted to be with her sister, for the first time in her life Hikari needed to talk to someone, anyone and to be honest it scared her, she was always fine with ignoring everyone and letting Emiko talk to them, but now she was alone and lonely.

When she saw a boy walking down she did something complete out of character and it was visible on her face. “Are you OK?” She asked in English, she was not sure how to properly introduce herself; she never had to so she decided to just come out and speak her mind. “Look Im not good at this, my sister is usually here to do this for me and to be honest I am lonely and need to speak to someone, if you dont want to talk too bad.” She said with a smile, she thought she was being polite...
When Noah left the grave, a girl approach him a she strted to speak in English. It was pretty odd because no one had really do that. He became a little suspicious but she didn't look like a mafia. He boy sated at error several second and look at her body language, no she wasn't from the other team. He took his hands out of his pocket as e listen to her. "I'm sorry but do I know you?" he asked showing no emotion. After all he didn't know who she was. There were a lot of things that came up to his mind. Even though Noah was suspicious he won't let anyone see that. He was used to hide his feeling. "I think you got the wrong person" again he didn't show any emotion and he sai hat flatly win his New Zealand accent.
Hikari watched the boy’s reaction, he seemed to show no emotion, Hikari likes this, she had, had enough with over emotional boys, as in showing their immense anger or annoyance. “No you dont know me.” She revealed, she shifted her weight onto her other foot as her leg was sore, she smiled, she had to admit she felt a little sorry for the boy, he was just walking and suddenly a complete stranger comes up to him and demands a conversation. “No as I said earlier I do not know you, but I do not mind if you do then good bye.” She said sitting down on a bench.

OOCOut of Character:
There you go :D
Noah kept quiet when the girl spoke, he wasn't one of those guys who talk a lot and start hitting on girls as soon as they see one. Seeing the girl's sore leg, he reach into his pocket, feeling his wand in it. But remembering that the girl could be q muggle and that he was underage, he let go of the wand. Noah kept quiet when she walk away, if she di walk away he wasn't going to stop her. But she sqt on a bench instead. He walk toward her and kneel down looking at the sore feet as he reach into his pocket getting a cream and rub in on her feet. Again he had to do it muggle way since he knew nothing about her. "what happen?" He asked flatly. If the girl chose to lie, he wouldn't mind but he could always tell when someone lie or not. "This might take a while, you'll have to rest for a while here. He said still kneeling down as he looked at her in the eye this time with a small smile on his face.
Hikari watched as the boy reached into his pocket but then stopped, she was curious as to why he did this but let it go soon after, she tilted her head as he did the same action but this time took out cream, this made Hikari think he was a muggle, she had to be careful, and when he asked her what happened she had to be careful, her leg was injured during class, she was shot with a spell and before the Professor could do anything she stormed out, that was how she was separated from her sister. Licking her lips she spoke in a calm voice. “I got into a fight She answered, it was partly a lie and it hurt her to lie, it was plain in her body language that she was doing something out of character as she was not a person that lied, in fact she was painfully truthful, but she could not tell a muggle that she was shot with a spell at a magical school now could she?

OOCOut of Character:
OMG! Im so sorry! xD I didnt realise I was on Speed, I should check before I write next time :r
When the girl lied, Noah shrugged not caring that she did lie. After all he was a stranger to her. He could expect her to trust him right away. Noah stood up as he sat in the bench beside her and place his hands on the bench. "What fight was it?" He rose his eyebrow a little as he looked at her in the eye. Usually Noah could always tell why people got injured. But this time he couldn't. "If you got into a fight physically then a cut on your lips or a bruise on your face or arms not legs. What kind of fight was it?" He chuckled and cough a little as he showed no more emotion.
Hikari smiled at his question, and then bit her lip; she would have to do more lying, though if she worded it right it would not be a complete lie. “Im good at dodging.” She answered, a slight smile on her face, the statement was very true. “I was trained in fighting by my mother.” She explained, maybe he would stop the questions and she would not have to lie any longer.
Noah was going to see if she find anymore excuse and lie. "I am too, trained in fighting by the master" He rested his arms on the hand rest as he looked at her in the eye sharply showing no emotion. "If you were hit on the legs then you'll fall and your opponent will hit you on the stomach or face or at least you'll get a bruise somewhere because you've hit the floor" He rose his eyebrow trying to see her reaction. Noah was enjoying this, he was going to see if she could give him any logical excuse. The boy look at the sky which was pretty cloudy and seemed that i was going to rain. But he didn't mind, he was used to it.
Hikari smiled, this boy was annoying, but in an entertaining way, if that made any sense, she nodded when he told her that he was also trained in fighting, and frowned slightly at his next statement. “Not if I was wearing long clothes, such as long pants and a jacket, and landed on carpet covered floors and if I got carpet burn how are you to know that this fight did not happen weeks before hand and that the burns have not been treated and healed?” She inquired, she was interested in what he would say to this, all she knew was that when she returned home she would know how to lie better, though she was not sure she liked that idea.
Noah chuckle when the girl explained, she was trying her best to lie but Noah could still tell that she was lying. "First of all miss... Why would you train on a carpet? And second, carpet burn wont be as bad as this" He pointed at her legs and pressed it seeing her reaction, he knew that he was hurting her but he wasn't trying to kill her, he only want to see her reaction. "And why would you want to fight with your jacket on?" He rose an eyebrow as he stared at her and chuckle. Noah wasn't as stupid as other kids on his age, and his hyung-nim had taught him how to tell when people's lying or not.
Hikari sighed. “I said I had a fight, not that I was training, and seconding your second, my injured leg is not from carpet burn.” She said, wincing when the boy touched her leg, once the pain passed she looked back at the boy when she spoke again, she once again sighed. “Im sure you would know that when you are in a fight the last thing you think about is removing a jacket if it is not restraining your movements.” Hikari said, biting the side of her mouth, she had had enough of his chuckling. “Stop chuckling at me!” She protested, stomping her foot slightly, it was obvious that she wasn’t angry at him, just that she wanted him to stop making fun of her and her lame lying, yep she knew he knew she was lying, someone that could see or hear would tell she was lying it was that bad.
The girl was hilarious, Noah liked her instantly. The blue eyed boy laughed as he fell to the ground, still laughing. "You are not good at lying" He laughed and sat up on the ground with a smile on his face. "If only you're not a muggle I..." He paused, he had completely forgotten that the girl could be a muggle, well at least muggle wont know it meant so he didn't have to worry. "I mean" He stood up and sat on the bench again. "Umm where were you going anyway? I think it's going to rain soon like... Three... Two..." Before he could say one, it started raining. "Now" He laughed and stood up. "Are you going to sit here and become like those depressed people who stay out when it rains or... Are you gong to go somewhere and warm yourself?" He asked as he gave a hand to her trying to see if she could walk.
Hikari started laughing slightly when the boy fell down laughing, she nodded in agreement at his statement, it was very true, but she stopped when he said the word muggle, a muggle wouldn’t know the word muggle unless they knew about magic, she noticed that he tried to cover the fact that he did indeed say muggle, but she decided to hold the questions for when she was somewhere dry, she wasn’t laughing though, her chest hurt from laughing earlier. “Your right, but where can we go?” She asked looking around. “To be honest Im lost.” She added smiling weakly, attempting to walk but failing miserably.
Seeing that the girl couldn't walk, Noah stood beside her and picked her up. "Man you're light, I can break your arms in a second" He laughed as he ran to a covered area. It was pretty cold since it was Autumn and soon it would be winter. Noah put her down once they were in a covered area and look around trying to see if his hyung was there. Good thing that they weren't there. His fellow mafias were all wizards or witch but they could fight in muggle style as well. A cafe was in front of them, Noah pointed the place and smiled at the girl "I'm going to go there, and no I am not showing you around because I'm not going to carry you for hours"He laughed as he gave her a support to walk. "I'm Noah by the way. And where are you going to go after this?" It was pretty odd that Noah could get along with someone else quickly.
Hikari glared at the boy, but smiled. “Muscle is lighter than fat.” She declared, she held on tight when the boy started running, her hair went flying up and down as he did so, when he finally stopped they were at a small covered area with a cafe across the road, she frowned when he told her that he was going to the cafe and that he was not going to show her around the place, “But I thought you were so strong and I was so light, you are a big liar.” She declared in mock horror, she than laughed. “Nice to meet you liar Noah, I am Hikari Hitachiin.” She said, she then leaned in close to his face. “And tell me how you know the word muggle will you?”
Noah laughed when the girl start mocking him. Why would he want to carry a stranger around the city all day? He had to get to know her in order to do that, that was just Noah. He wont do something too special to people he knew nothing about. "Muggle? Yeah... So I'm guessing you're not a muggle then" He smiled. As soon as he saw the nearest bench, he sat and let the girl sat. "Hikari? Japanese? Anyway, tell me where you're heading and I could probably help you if you don't want to go to the cafe" He said trying to figure out where the girl's from.
Hikari laughed, shaking her head. “No Im not, Im a witch, I attend Beauxbatons though I dont live in Europe.” Hikari said, she sat next to him on the bench, looking around she saw that there were many people looking at them, she wondered why they did this, but when they saw her staring at them staring at her they quickly averted their eyes, she looked back at Noah. “Yes I am Japanese and what are you might I ask?” She asked, she also wanted to n=know the boys heritage.
That made sense why the girl was in Paris, Noah was there because he was went to see a hyung-nim of his and visited his parents grave. "Beauxbaton? I don't really know people there except Laura but she's not there right now. But I have some friends who are currently in Durmstrang and Hogwarts New Zealand. You know anyone there?" He asked wondering if she knew Noah's wushu senior, he was a Japanese as well and wasn't friendly at all. Noah had never really talk to him but he adore his skill but not the personality. His senior was the master's favorite student, Noah was the fourth. "Me? My father is half French and half Korean. My mother is Korean." Noah had missed his parents so bad, sometime imagine being with them, and also his sisters. But sadly, it was just a dream, he knew that his dream wont come true.

OOCOut of Character:

Gonna mention Kyouhei a little to annoy Hikari :p
Hikari tilted her head slightly. “Who is Laura a friend of yours?” she asked for some reason she wanted to know more about this boy, he did remind her slightly of how Emiko used to be, before meeting the monster that was now her fiancé. “I only know my sister; I am not the type of person to talk to my class mates, most are annoying girlie girls with nothing better to do than gloat about their new shoes.” She said rolling her eyes, it was very annoying. “Well Mr Noah would you mind telling me why people keep staring?” She asked having enough of all the attention.

OOCOut of Character:
Lets pretend theres people staring because their mafia :r :D

OOCOut of Character:
OMG I did it again xD sorry :correct:
Noah freaks out because the girl turned out to be a guy :p

Noah had secretly missed Laura, he used to crush on her but since he was never around, he couldn't tell her his feeling. "Laura? A friend of mine" he smiled, if the girl had been in Beauxbaton since the first year, she should've known who Laura was. As for the second question that Hikari asked, Noah didn't have to tell her that he was a mafia. Lolli didn't even know so why should he tell this girl? "I know them, they're probably jealous because I'm with a pretty girl" He laughed pretending that they were just ordinary people. Noah grab Hikari by the hand and drag her to his apartment. "Sorry I hate rain" He said as he opened the door to his apartment. The place wasn't as big as other people's, but the building was new and the design of it wasn't that bad. "Not all Gorly girls are that bad" Noah lived with those kind of people and not all of them were that bad.
Hikari freaks out because shes a boy... again

Hikari was quite comfortable on the bench, it was still raining though but that did not dampen her mood, she nodded when Noah told her who Laura was, she had heard to name before, she probably went to Beauxbatons but Hikari did not care, she was obviously not a friend or enemy, she smiled at the boys words. “You are whoa!” She exclaimed when Noah suddenly pulled her into an apartment, he used the excuse of hating rain for this, but they were under cover so why did he drag her into an apartment? “You didn’t have a problem with the rain before, what are you mafia?” She said laughing.

OOCOut of Character:
Sorry xD I should start checking who I am before I post shouldnt I? :r
Noah was always good at lying, a lot of people couldnt tell. After all he was trained to lie by his hyung-nim. Noah opened his sleeve showing Hikari a cut "I got this from my senior in Wushu class and It feels weird when it's wet"He laughed as he walk into the apartment letting the door open for Hikari. "Me? A Mafia? I wish!" he laughed as he took a glass of cold water ad drank it. "Do you want anything to drink? Or eat? I can cook if you want" according to her looks, she was probably from a wealthy family and the house elves would probably made her the meals. Noah used to be wealthy, back when his sisters and parents were alive.

OOCOut of Character:
oops -____-
Hikari shook her head, she didn’t believe him but he didn’t look like he was lying, and the cut did look irritated so she decided to drop the subject. “Being part of the mafia is not something to want, imagine people following you everywhere or not being able to trust anyone, even close friends, I would hate it.” Hikari said nodding, she laughed slightly when Noah asked her if she wanted anything. “You sound like my mother, but no I am fine, no offense but I dont like people cooking me food, it is a subconscious mistrust of people I guess.” Hikari explained shrugging, she did not like people cooking for her if was just how she did things, she rarely ate out, but she never passes on Ice-cream.

OOCOut of Character:
I checked this time :D
What Hikari said was true, people had been following Noah around including the muggle cops. What else could he do though? His hyung-nim found him potential to e in the gang so he was raised by them. And Noah didn't really mind having them around him. He decided to not continue talking about mafia since he was one o them. "Yeah you can cook if you want I got some food in the fridge or anything you want" He smiled as he walk toward his bedroom and wrapped the cut with a piece of cloth. The only thing he got from his parents was a family picture of him andthe restnof the member. He couldn't remember what happen at that time since he was pretty young. He stayed in his room for a while forgetting that he had a guest in his apartment.

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