There's no me without you

Haruhi Ater

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
The house was alive with people. So many people where showing up to see the leader of Death Eaters here in Japan marry his first love. Many had said when they had first married it wouldn't last that they where just to different and they had been right but so very wrong all at the same time. True they had divorced but they had stayed in contact. They had even had a child together Nozomi was the angel of the family now a child of three she was perfection to behold bringing a smile to everyone who came across her path. As the minutes continued to count down to the time when she would make her way from this room and down the grand staircase that would lead her right to her ex and future husband. Haruhi couldn't stop looking at herself in the mirror. It was amazing what her daughters could do with make up. "Girls I don't know if I can do this." Haruhi said softly she loved the man downstairs but he had hurt her before and she wasn't sure that she wanted to put her trust in him again,
Eden ignored her moms comment and put the last touches on her eyeliner. "Don't be silly mother of course you can. You where born to be a Koshiba and no one can take that away from you." Eden said as she looked at her mom in her blood red dress. Eden couldn't understand why her mother was stressing out now. This marriage was going to prove to the rest of Japan that no one messed with the Koshiba. They where all powerful and they always got there way. Eden just hopped that Tohoru and Sunako could behave during the wedding and not blow there cover. Eden of course knew something that not even those two knew. It would be a nice surprise for them come Christmas morning. "Hoshi I must say you look stunning." Eden said with a cheeky grin at her sister who she knew hated everything to do with the color pink.
Bursting in the room in a fit of giggles. Lilith Koshiba took one look at her sister Hoshi and snorted. "I didn't believe the maids when they told me but this is priceless." Lilith said as she gasped for air. This was just to rich of all the colors Lilith never dreamed she would see her moody sister Hoshi in pink was at the top of her list. Taking a lot at Nozomi who was sleeping peacefully in her crib Lilith smiled at the little princess. One look and Lilith knew that Eden had once again pulled off a stunning dress and would turn heads. Than of course there was her mother. Her adopted mother that was. Her real mother was safely at her shop away from the drama of the Koshiba. But there she was Haruhi Koshiba in a dress that screamed look at me. Red was her color. "Mother you look amazing." Lilith gushed as she went over to Nozomi to start getting her up so that when it was time she could walk with Lilith to there place at the alter. If little Bex as everyone called her got over her shyness than she was more than welcome at the wedding.
Hoshi scowled at her sisters from behind her mother to whom she was putting the finishing touches to her hair. Hoshi had learned a thing or two from her grandparents as well from her mother who at one point had been a wizarding hair dresser for the famous.
"Come on Mom you did it one, you can do it again. And now you don't have grandmother Koshiba to say no." She said with a pleasant smile to her mother. "You two know that I would only stand this horrid color for Mother. If it where either of you two I'd tell you I had an important business meeting and couldn't attend. Wouldn't far from the truth anyway." She said her voice in a bit of musing. This is what Hoshi did most of the time. Work or party in the only way Hoshi Koshiba knew how. Which meant going to random clubs and drinking herself silly. No one really cared just as long as Hoshi was back to get work done.
Haruhi gave her daughters a look. "Hoshi you know that is just not true. When Lilith makes a proper marriage and we can find someone that can tame Eden you will have to be there just as they have to be there for you. Its the way things are." Haruhi said in her soft but commanding tone. She tried to not use it to often but when she did it was her sign to everyone that arguing with her would get them no where but the wrong end of the whip. "Your right girls I can do this. I just wish that we could find a nice boy for Tohoru I hear the Kimura family has a son about Tohoru's age. Hoshi start looking into the family and see if they would be interested in a match." Haruhi said as she smiled into the mirror. She could not rest until all of her children where set up with a proper marriage.
Tohoru sat on the bed in his room waiting for his wife to finish up in the bathroom. She had been sick as of lately and Tohoru hopped that it hadn't been something she had caught when he had taken her to the America's. Tohoru would feel horrid if he had gotten her sick. Getting up and knocking softly on the door Tohoru hopped she would come out so he could hold her and try to comfort her. "Sun are you alright? Is there anything I can get you? Some water or how about someone new to experiment on." Tohoru offered, he would get her the moon if she asked for it. Or he would try but maybe that and a few others where out of his reach.
He had given Sunako something alright but it wasn't an illness. She didn't think that anymore. The first day she had taken sick in the morning Sunako had thought that a simple stomach calming draft would get rid of whatever she had. The second she took measures that where known to be more effective. The third she went to a trained Healer. She was in the bathroom now emptying what was left of her breakfast and staring at a vile of liquid. She knew that if it was bitter than she had just caught a big. If it was sweet, well with was sweet than she would have to deal with what came with it. She drained the vile in one swallow wanting to get it over with licked her lips. The formula was sweet as sugar. Unless you can get rid of the sickness that a child brings I don't think I have much of a choice but feel ill do I." Sunako said as she poked her head out of the door.
Tohoru felt so bad for his love as she finished losing everything she had for breakfast. Making sure to talk to his sisters Tohoru would find a Healer who could take care of his darling wife and make her as good as new. Pacing back and forth in front of the door Tohoru just wanted her to feel better. Stopping as Sunako poked her head out the door. Tohoru felt like all the air had been sucked out of the room when Sunako mentioned that she was having a baby. "Oh my love this is wonderful new indeed. Just when I think I can't love you anymore you go and make me love you more." Tohoru said as he kissed his wife gently on the lips and placed his hand on her flat stomach which in a few months would grow big and round but he would love her no less because of it.
One of her rare smiles graced her face as Tohoru kissed her. "You not meant to love me at all young master." She said a bit teasingly. Sunako put her hand on top of his knowing that this meant that they couldn't be separated. Not if the child was meant to be a boy. She wondered slightly what the elder lady Koshiba would say to all this. She was the only one aside from Master Koshiba, who's wrath she didn't fancy one bit. "I will have to close down the lab for a bit. The things we work with are not safe for a baby to grow in and while I know that Yumi knows what she's doing I wouldn't trust Yuki with a test tube." She said thinking of the two that worked with her now. She had finally broken down and gotten some assistants now that she was allowed to do her lab work all the time and not only when she had free time between chores.
Eden checked herself in the mirror one last time. "I am going to go and check on Tohoru I think he is with Sunako she has been sick as of lately." Eden said as she let herself out of the room. Hearing people talking down below Eden had to fight a bit to not go down and chat with them. Instead Eden let herself into Tohoru and Sunako's room and the scene that was in front of her made her smile but she quickly forced that away. "So I take it you two figured out what I knew weeks ago. I would congratulate you guys but until we know its a boy you two have done nothing special." Eden said as she closed the door. "I hate to break you two love birds up but Tohoru your needed in mothers room your giving her away and Sunako you need to be with the guests. Mother still thinks your Tohoru's new toy kept around to make father happy. So go and pretend please." Eden as she tapped her foot a couple of times hopping they would get the hint.
Koaru stood at the alter waiting for what felt like forever but it truth was only less than a moment. In just a few moments his daughters and Haruhi would make there way downstairs and he would once again be a married man by the end of the hour. He was looking foreword to this but at the same time dreading it. Once he was married he would once again have to try and stay faithful to the women he had already cheated on more than once. Not that he had any choice in this matter. Koaru's mother had forced the women on Koaru and who was he to say no to a pretty girl? But those days where over and from now on he would rule the Koshiba with an iron fist but remember that he had a wife once more and she needed respect and love above all else.
Eden looked at her watch and realized they had moments to go before it would be time. Grabbing her brother Eden pulled him down the hall and into the room where her sisters and mother was waiting. "Hoshi go I will be right behind you." Eden said as she shoved Tohoru into the room and closed the door. Making her way down the hallway Eden avoided the staircase. Overlooking everyone Eden pulled out her wand and gave it a wave. At once the lights dimmed and thousands of candles floated into the air letting off the sweet scent of jasmine as the burned brightly overhead. The sound of a lone violin started to play. Making her way back to the room Eden smiled with the work she had done. "Alright let's get mother married." Eden said with a cheerful voice.
Hoshi walked out ahead of her mother and sighed. So many weddings, her's would not be too far away, she was already thinking of the dress she was going to use. Hoshi had also been seeing a lot of her aunt who was on her fourth husband already. Or was that fifth, no one really had a good count of that any more seeing as she was good at getting rid of them. Hoshi only hoped that she would get that good when her day came. Hoshi put a kind smile on her face to face the crowd that had shown up for the wedding between the leader of the Yakuza Death Eaters and his once before wife. Hoshi loved her mother but she was going to make all their plans more difficult. Mother still didn't even know of her new DE status. Something that she planed to keep that way. She waited for the ceremony to get on with itself so she could go back to the office and see what she could do for one case which seemed like they where going to have to deny. It was a shame though. There really is some good money in the case to be made for both parties.
Eden watched as Hoshi made her way down the stairs and to her place at the alter. Counting slowly to five once Hoshi was in place Eden turned to Lilith. "Once I am at the altar count to 10 slowly and than make you way down with Nozomi. Do not drop her. This is the first time father will get to see his youngest daughter and gods help you if any harm comes to her." Checking herself in the mirror one last time. Eden smiled and looked Tohoru. "You know what to do." Eden said to Tohoru as she made her way out of the door and to her spot besides Hoshi. Everything was perfect.
Lilith nodded her head. She knew if she said anything she would be sick. Picking up the Nozomi. Lilith nodded and the doors where opened and she stepped out. As she walked down the stairs a hush came over the crowd. Not many people knew of Nozomi she had been kept a secret but there was no denying that this child was Koaru's. She had the same cold black eyes but her face was a perfect copy of Hoshi's. Standing besides Eden. Lilith handed the child to a nurse maid who stepped foreword to take the child away so she would not upset the wedding. Lilith bit her lip. What if someone did something to stop the wedding? It would not be Lilith this time but it was still stressful.
Watching as Lilith left the room with his baby sister in her arms. Tohoru thought about his wife and the child she was carrying. He would have to get her something special for the surprise gift she had given him. Than again Tohoru was always looking for reasons to shower Sunako with gifts. Taking his mothers arm in his. Tohoru nodded and the doors where thrown open. As they came to the top of the stairs and everyone got a look at Haruhi Koshiba for the first time. The violin was joined by the rest. As they made there way down the stairs jasmine petals started to fall from above them. Tohoru knew that this was once again Eden's magic. She just couldn't stop showing off that spell.

Once they got to the alter Tohoru nodded to his father. As Koaru took Haruhi's hands in his own. Tohoru whispered in his fathers ear. "This is your last chance. If you ever break my mother's heart again. I will remove yours while you are still breathing." Tohoru said with a smile as he let go of his mother and went to stand by Sunako and wrapped his arm around her tiny waist and pulled her closer to him.
Sunako had wrinkled her nose but had taken her place in the wedding. She had to take the roll of one of Koaru's playthings something that Hoshi had seen to it that she would never be. Sunako that taken care of all the ones that had been used either for personal pleasure or for the entertainment of some of the Death Eaters that had been at the house to talk business with the master of the household. Some of the girls, with time, would recover and be back to where they where. Not compleatly healed but close to whole. Some had been broke beyond repare. Those where the ones that Sunako, though with the same cold look on her face, helped out the most. When her husband came and placed his arm around her, she fought ever instinct to lean into his shoulder. If she stood very still maybe she could convince them that she wanted to part of Tohoru or any of them. It would be normal for someone of her former status to used in such ways.
Haruhi kept a firm hold on Tohoru as they made there way to Koaru. So many people watching her. The first wedding had been held in secret because mother Koshiba was ashamed of her son. But now the tables where turned the women was dead and Haruhi was now mother Koshiba and she would be damned if anyone told her she couldn't be with her husband. At the alter she head her son mutter something to his father. Not letting the puzzlement cross her face. Haruhi took Koaru's hand and let him lead her the last few steps up to the priest.

The first thing that was asked is if anyone objected to the wedding. A blanket of silence fall over the room as if they where also scared of breathing an objection. After what felt like a lifetime but couldn't have been more than ten seconds. The priest turned to them. "Do you both swear to from this day on to live as a married couple? Do you also swear to love one another no matter what happens? Do you promise your heart and soul into the keeping of your spouse for as long as you walk this earth? If you agree please respond with I will."

Haruhi thought she was going to throw up. She had made this promise years ago to the same man and he had broken his and it had almost killed Haruhi but this time she wanted to believe that Koaru would abide by the promise he was about to make. But if he didn't than there where ways of making him regret it. Taking a deep breath Haruhi let a smile cross her face as she uttered the words that would change status one again to one of great honor. "I will" Haruhi said loud and clear for everyone in the place to hear.
Koaru watched as his daughters made there way to there place at the altar. Watching little Lilith as she carried his youngest daughter Nozomi. She looked like a little angel. As the sound of music picked up and petals started to fall. Koaru let his eye drift up to see Haruhi in her stunning red dress float down that stairs. It was as if she wasn't walking. She was such a bewitching women to watch and soon she would be all his again. Reaching for her hand. Tohoru issued a warning. Raising an eyebrow Koaru nodded and took Haruhi away. Since when did that boy grow a spine? Watching as Tohoru pulled Sunako closer. Koaru nodded his head. It was good that Tohoru had at least taken a mistress.

As Koaru stood there and the priest asked his question to the crowd. Koaru prayed there all there sake that no one would speak an objection. If they did than that would be the last word they would ever utter. The moment passed and the priest was free to marry. Hearing the vows spoken. Koaru wondered what was going on in Haruhi's mind. He was sure that she was wondering if Koaru was as changed as he promised he was. He would show her that she was in fact his whole world and he wanted no one but her. Feeling his heart start to pound as promised herself to Koaru for the rest of her life. Koaru let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he said "I will."

The priest nodded his head and closed the bible he was holding. "Than by the power vested in my. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may know kiss the bride." That was all that Koaru needed to hear. Wrapping his arms around his wife. He kissed her hard. As they both came up for air. Koaru turned them on the spot and they both vanished.

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