Closed There's Been A Mistake

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Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was as always busy. He didn’t take much time for himself at these school events. He didn’t want to, he didn’t want to think about actually having to ask someone to an event like this. He didn’t want to think about the fact that he didn’t like any girls enough to ask them or why it was that he didn’t like any girls enough to ask them. It was easier for him to just throw himself into the Accio work and focus on only that. Vader had decided too, that he spent a lot of time wandering around, so this time he had his tripod. It was strapped to his back as he worked away. Vader’s sleep had taken a pretty serious dive but with this being the last event of the semester and the rest of the semester being working towards the finished product, that and his classes. Vader could feel his stress growing from even thinking about it, he knew that his sleep wasn’t likely to get any better no matter how hard he tried. He was resigned to that fate. The boy stopped for a moment having found a good place in the room to take some wider more stable shots of the crowd. His coffee consumption had been rather high and his hands were shaking a little. He set up the stand and placed the camera on top, adjusting it and taking several pictures at once as the dance happened around him. Vader hadn’t seen Ava yet at this event, he had hoped to see her, but perhaps she was with Philip? He hoped if she was that she was having fun, Ava deserved to have fun.
Ava wandered into the dance. She knew she could have come with Philip. That just seemed... too much right now. She winced as she saw the decorations. She would just... check on Vader and go. She didn't want to spend too much time thinking about what today was and what it stood for. She pushed it from her mind as much as she could and started through the crowd.

Vader was never hard to find. She came up behind him as she usually did, picking up a chair and bringing it over silently before putting a cup of water in his hand. "Are you sitting in the chair I brought willingly or do I need to push you?" She teased, placing a hand on his arm and smiling.
Vader wasn’t too surprised that when he spotted Ava she was handing him a cup of water and had brought over a chair. He sipped the water lightly but shook his head, ”Helene….I can’t,” he replied with a small expression, he motioned towards the camera and then looked back at her, ”If I sit down I won’t be able to look through the lens or take any pictures, and I want to get some wide shots,” the gryffindor explained, taking another sip of the water, holding the cup with both hands to stop the cup from shaking too much. He smiled a little, ”I’ll sit down after, okay? I promise?” Vader added with a smile, hoping that it would be a good exchange that he might not sit now but he would. If she believed him, or if then actually did it it was another matter but for now he was promising her that. ”What about you? You know you don’t have to take care of me, you can go have fun, with Philip if you’re here with him or anyone else,” Vader felt a little bad that she was taking time out of her fun at these events to look after him. He appreciated her but didn’t want her to not do things because of him and their friendship.
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