Their Mistake, I Prosper.

Scarlet Frost

Tuscan Charms Beater • Gryffindor Alumni
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Chestnut Wand 14" Sturdy with Boomslang Venom
[adminapproval=#30461252]Pacing around the Trophy Room Scarlet was looking at the accomplishments made by students before her, odd competitions which had been run like the Student Vs Professor Wheelbarrow race to which her Mother and Uncle had Won.
Walking down the aisles of glistening gold Scarlet came to the Quidditch Section she looked at the team pictures from years ago, some of the uniforms were amusing and looked completely uncomfortable to fly in, tucking her hands into the pockets of her Professional team Jersey, she compared it with the outfits of the past, her outfit was much more stylish with her surname on the back and her team number 02, she silently thanked who ever was in charge of professional quidditch outfits that she didn't have to wear a hat like the one she saw in the old picture.

Scarlet mused that she wasn't going to have her name on any of the trophies in this section, She was a Quidditch Prodigy, she was probably one of the best players in the school not to mention for her age and yet the captain of the team chose to bench her and in her place have a player who was banned from playing due to dumping manure in someones bed. She didn't blame them however, she put it down to sheer intimidation, they could not see past their own noses to know what they had right in front of them.

Scarlet knew this move wouldn't make her popular in her year regardless of her new status, some believed she was only talking a big talk instead of actually being a phenomenal beater, but again she couldn't blame them since she was barely allowed to play to prove herself. The Fifth Year had done what others had only dreamed. She, on her own merits had been accepted onto a Professional team beating out other players for the spot.

Walking a bit further down she came to her mothers years and saw Aeon and Kida in a team photo, she paused to look closer to make sure it was her uncle Aeon as she didn't remember being told that he was a Quidditch player. Pressing her nose almost onto the glass she exhaled in amusement which fogged up the glass slightly 'Well, well, well, Uncle Aeon has some explaining to do' she said softly to herself.
Aeon had been on his way back from the Hospital Wing, after taking an elixir to cure an on-coming headache, when he caught sight of a familiar looking jacket being worn by a student in the Trophy room he was passing. For a moment he could have sworn it was a younger Kida, the only other person he'd ever seen even wearing the same outfit, only she hadn't received it into her adulthood, but as he paused and poked his head inside, he realised quickly that it was her daughter, Scarlet - his second cousin. He hadn't seen nearly as much of her this year, since she'd moved on to the upper year classes and was no longer taught by him, but he'd heard briefly about her making the adult Quidditch team, and seen her pictured in the newspaper. It was hard to believe someone so young could have gone so far already, but the sport was what the Frost's lives revolved around, so he couldn't be too surprised by how much she'd accomplished in such a short time. It wasn't the first time he'd heard of witches or wizards who were still in school going off and playing professionally. "Annnd what explaining do I need to do?" Aeon asked as he approached Scarlet, overhearing her talking to herself. He glanced at one of the photographs she was looking at and grimaced. "Gross, they still keep those? Look at my haircut." He commented, leaning in to the team photo. That brought back memories, seeing everyones faces on the team. He'd only been a part of the Gryffindor team for a short time before realising the sport wasn't for him. It was always more of Kida's forte, and he could never keep up.
Hearing a familiar voice in the room Scarlet almost jumped back in shock but with a younger brother she had almost got used to being scared randomly, however she couldn't change the expression on her face. She saw the blonde haired professor and moved closer to him in excitement, the fifth year took a deep breath in.
'whydidn'tyoutellmethatyouwereontheschoolquidditchteamasakidwithmumyouwerelikeadynamicduouncleaeonwhatpositiondidyouplay' she blurted it out in one long sentence without taking a breath. She looked at him eagerly awaiting a response, she heard him comment on the style of his hair and she took a step back 'Look at your haircut now Uncle Aeon, aren't you like almost fourty?' she joked.
Aeon raised his hands, gesturing for her to slow way, way down so he could catch up. "Woah, woah. Merlin Scarlet, I was just an alternate chaser for a bit. I didn't even get to play too much. I wasn't really into it anyway. There's too many rules, and bludgers hurt. Unlike some people, I didn't get a fancy little bat to beat them away with." He commented with a grin. Flying had been fun, and one of his favourite things to do as a kid, but Quidditch was a whole new level he never quite got on board with. He wasn't the sportiest of teens, and playing chaser was too overwhelming. "Wait, back it up. What's wrong with my haircut, kiddo? I'm only thirty five! I look damn good. Almost forty. I'll slip an aging potion into your next meal if you keep comments like that up. Lets see you try running your mouth when you're suddenly sixty, yeah?" He joked. Or semi-joked. If she kept it up, he'd consider doing just that, right in front of everyone at the Great Hall. "What are you doing in here, anyway? I hear you're in the big leagues now. Look at you, with your custom Quidditch jersey. You'll probably win yourself some real trophies, none of this kid stuff." They'd all seemed like real, significant achievements while he was a student - house cups, magical merits, but now none of it felt like it had really mattered out in the real world. School accomplishments weren't all they were hyped up to be. That didn't stop him from competing hardcore in events, like the Wheelbarrow race, but those awards were still relatively meaningless outside of Hogwarts.
Listening to her uncle explain he was only an alternate chaser for a bit she almost drown out his excuse about bludgers hurting 'so... Frost/Summer Family Annual Quidditch Competition?!' she asked, surely there was enough members of the family to make up two teams and her house did have a pitch to play on. Scarlet smiled at the idea of getting the family together to compete however her and her mother would have to play on opposite teams of course.
Taking a step forward the teen reached up to lift a bit of her uncles hair 'Is that a grey hair?' she asked before taking two big steps back to save herself from any possible attack by her uncle, Scarlet heard some other kids walk past the trophy room and she had to remind herself that she was in school not back at home even though her mother and uncle and her uncles mother all worked here.

Aeon primped out her jersey and her grin widened 'You're joking if you think I would have ever been on one of these trophies Uncle Aeon' she said with a hint of malice in her voice 'The Best I have in here is a photo of me on the Team' she said moving in front of the trophies for her years. 'No one in the School could match my skill, and yet I was benched time and time again' she looked her uncle Aeon 'I've grown too big for them anyway, You should have seen try outs Aeon, I didn't miss a bludger, accidentally broke an arm of another person trying out when she wasn't ready to dodge' she was proud of herself, everyday she practiced at school, flying, turning, with bludgers and she was still benched almost every game.

Brushing her hand through her hair a trait she had copied from her mother, she decided to show off her Jersey that she had worked so hard for since she could fly on a broom, doing a quick spin she moved her hair out of the way and looked over her shoulder at Aeon 'What do you think? I chose number 02'
Aeon's eyes followed Scarlet as she spoke of the school trophies and pointed out that she had none, and how she wouldn't ever have one. Honestly, it was a bit strange. She was so ambitious and already successful at such a young age, yet she lacked any awards to show her accomplishments, when anyone would have expected her to have her name listed multiple times, at least in regards to Quidditch. Then again, with her focusing so much on her career outside of school, maybe it wasn't too odd, after all. "I heard about all that drama from your mother. Life is unfair like that, especially in school. That's what happens when kids are in charge of things, you know? You have favouritism and bias, people picking their friends over others, or being too afraid of having someone else upstage them. I can't say I'm surprised its happened to you. It's only natural that other kids are going to be jealous, so they'll want to see you fail. It's tough, but its the reality. It's not just Quidditch, and its not just you. There's complaints about student clubs too, so don't feel like you're singled out. Its all an unfortunate part of growing up. You've come farther than most kids have at your age." He shrugged his shoulders. For the most part, he'd enjoyed his school life, but there were plenty of things that had brought him down. Injustices sucked, but there wasn't always anything that could be done about them.

As Scarlet showed off her jersey, Aeon felt a sense of pride at how much his niece had accomplished so soon. Time had gone by so quickly, and it felt like not that long ago that she was practically a baby. It was crazy how much things changed. "Number two. What is that, symbolic of the fact you never got to be the "number one" player because you kept getting benched?" He joked. "It looks good. Maybe the Magical Menagerie should be a Tuscan Charmers sponsor. It suits your obsession with the colour red, too." Scarlet's love of the colour, which conveniently matched her name, probably stemmed from the team colours to begin with. No doubt she'd grown up seeing the signature reds and silvers constantly. It was almost a surprise that she wasn't sick of it by now. "Imagine if you hadn't been sorted into Gryffindor? It would have been the end of the world for you."

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