šŸŒ¹ Rose Giving The Yellowest of the Yellows

Gabrielle Sylvie Durand

Transfer | Confident | Soft Meanie
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
31/01/2054 (16)
And finally, Gaby once again knew who she was delivering too. She had a yellow rose for professor Corrins. "Hello Professor, I have a delivery for you," Gaby knocked and with only her head and rose in told professor.
@Professor Mallory Corrins
Mallory was sitting in her office, just reading a book, when she heard a voice. She looked up with a warm smile. "Oh, Miss Durand, please come in," She offered in turn, shutting her book and turning a bit from where she was sitting on the couch.
Gaby immediately went in as she was invited to. "Here's your rose, professor! Hope you have a good Valentine's Day!" Gaby wasn't going to bother professor much longer, she was sure that she had something else to do. But she remained for a moment to know that everything was fine.

Happy Valentineā€™s day!

Your charms buddy Misha
Mallory smiled and accepted the rose, peeking at the note. Aw, Misha. She chuckled softly. "Thank you, miss Durand," She gave her a warm smile. "Would you like a cup of tea and some time off of your feet before you get going again?" She offered easily.

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