The works :)

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Elise Finnigan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Ok! Well, I'm just updating Elise right now, I'm just trying to set up her future from here. She needs a few best friends, some general friends and a few love interests as well as a permanent lover. Let me know if your interested! :)
Ooh, ok that sounds great! Do you want to start the rp or would you like me to? :)
Yayy, Fionai's first rp :D :lol: emm, would you mind, it's just that I'm really crap with starting and I'm trying to finish off something here on Olivia first, but I'll join you as Fionai straight away :D ?
Sure sure, I'll start it right away! I'll post the link in a few mins! :)
Henry could be a friend if you want :)
Oh Ok, sounds good! Want to start or do you want me to start the rp? :)
Still looking for the 'one' for Elise. Any takers ? :)
I have Riley to offer as a friend, she's a 7th Year too :)
Oooh, ok sounds good! Do you want to start the roleplay, or would you like me to? :)
Well, somebody said they wanted to make Alex and Elise meet up for some reason ;)

:p Maybe we could surprise someone by meeting earlier than x expected
Haha, I wonder who... :)

Sure, that sounds good. Would you like me to start or would you like to start? :)
hmm, would elise ever happen to cross into Jamaica one time??

Or perhaps in france? probably make more sense since the schools there

I could start if ya want. :D
Yeah, France would make more sense lol :p

Sure you can start it there! :)
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