Open The Winds Change

Padme Hume

class of 2055 ; Mākutu Dinette Waitress
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
not certain
Alder Wand 13 3/4" Essence of Dragon Heartstring
5/2037 (20)
Padme had been a part of the wild patch since she’d joined the school, but admittedly she didn’t do a whole lot with it. It had been over the break, as Vader had spoken of Accio and her sister had spoken about everything she wanted to do, that Padme had realised aside from her classes she didn’t do a whole lot. Quidditch had never particularly interested her, sports in her last school had been fine, but quidditch had just been a bit much for her. She also wasn’t particularly stable on a broom so there was that. She hadn’t wanted to join the Heta Omega, it seemed too girly for Padme’s tastes, and the SDA was fun, but really she only went because Duelling was part of it. The hufflepuff had therefore decided that she would dedicate more time to the wild patch. That was where she would excel the most. SHe’d been waiting for the spring to start and when it seemed like the days were much longer and the trees were blooming she headed out of the castle and to the gardens. It wasn’t yet nice enough for plenty of students to be milling around aimlessly outside but there was just a little. She had brought with her little seeds of the more colour flowers she could find. She had a little part of the garden in the wild patch for herself and stood next to the dirt reading the instructions on the little pack. There was no reason to waste the seeds and do it wrong. She just had to know what she was doing first. It was nice too, there was a calmness to the spring air, she knew others would maybe mind it, but while company was welcome, she didn’t mind being by herself.
Nicole was so happy that Spring was finally starting in earnest now. The castle and the dungeons especially were so drafty around the end of winter and now that Summer was around the corner the grounds outside were so much more pleasant. Sick of the dungeons and needing a break, Nicole had wandered outside for some air, enjoying the flowers blooming about the garden. She'd ended up in the Wild Patch, which was a club she always lamented she'd never join. She loved the idea of flowers and it was probably one of the more crafty clubs, but the idea of having to deal with dirt and bugs and being outside all the time sounded terrible, so Nicole was just going to stick to Heta for now. She did spot another girl standing around the garden with a selection of colourful packets and made her way over curiously. "Oh, those look pretty, will they take long to bloom?" She asked, peering at some of the pretty flowers on the packets.
Padme looked up suddenly as someone appeared suddenly beside her. She looked at the girl who seemed a little younger than she was, looking at the packet of flower seeds which Padme had with her. She smiled softly at the flower packets, looking at the colourful flowers upon them before turning it over and reading what the instructions and advice said about it, ”These say they’ll take between one to two weeks,” Padme turned a little and held the packet out to the younger girl, someone whom she didn’t think was a Hufflepuff like herself, or she would be a little more familiar to her. ”But, I always think magic makes them grow faster,” she then added with a little shrug, since there was no way to say if they were or weren’t. She knew that the guidelines were just that, guidelines. That flowers in the magical grounds somehow always grew better and faster. ”Are you part of the wild patch?” she decided to ask the other girl, perhaps she was, perhaps Padme had just never really noticed her before.
Nicole tentatively took the seeds from the other girl, turning them over in her hand. She didn't know much about gardening, honestly, and would be happy when she didn't have to deal with herbology ever again, but she could acknowledge how nice fresh flowers were. "Oh that's so soon, cool," She said, looking at the image of the plant on the front of the packet again. "I wish I had the patience for it, even with magic it seems like so much work," She said, not quite wanting to admit that all the dirt and bugs were really what turned her off.

"Oh no, I'm not, I was just out since the weather's so nice," Nicole said when the girl asked about Wild Patch. "I'm in Heta Omega though! The president, Emilia, she's my big sister this year," She added on proudly. Nicole didn't think she recognized the other girl from Heta though, but she hoped Emilia being her big sister still carried some clout outside the club. "I'm Nicole by the way, I guess you are in the Wild Patch then?" She said, passing the seeds back to the girl and glancing around the patch curiously, though she kept her distance from any of the plants in case they had spiders or something on them, yuck.
Padme smiled a little, ”I don’t like sit and watch them grow,” she said with a little humour on her tone, she didn’t need to sit around and watch them grow, she could look after them until the did start growing. It was simple to come back every day and see how much things had changed between then and the day before. Padme liked it, the solitude and the quiet of the outdoors was something she liked. ”But it’s not that much work, plants just need a little care every day and then they’re good,” the hufflepuff added as she took back the seed packet from the girl. She nodded listening along as the girl explained that she wasn’t part of the wild patch, but explained that she was a part of the Heta omega and who her big sister was. Padme knew enough about that because of her actual little sister who was a part of it. ”I’m Padme, and I am,” she replied introducing herself back to the girl, ”I’m not in the Heta Omega, but my little sister, Leia, is,” Padme said, ”She’s a young girl, first year slytherin,” Padme then added a little pointlessly, she could figure that Nicole wouldn’t know who she was but she’d said it. ”I meant to join the heta omega when I was in first year, but I forgot and I haven’t really bothered since.

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