The Whole Enchilada

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Travis Brooks

OOC First Name
David 2.0
So, this is my new character Travis, the art thief and conman. Since he's new, I need everything, but most of all I need a love interest, a friend (possibly a protégé), and an enemy.

Travis is a charming, criminal who is all into the art of his crimes. He hates using violence, and is extremely loyal to his few to friends. He's very suave, and quiet the lady's man. He came to New Zealand as a sort of vacation, but that won't stop him from pulling off some jobs, so if anyone has a valuable piece of art, he'd be happy to take it off your hands. ^.^

Likes: Luxuries, art, famous literature.

Annoyances: Sloppy Criminals, violence, Death Eaters.
Well I have Zane, he runs a crime syndicate, so I was wondering if you wanted to get something going. Like maybe Zane can offer him a job?
i have my character Saria. Her family is well off, not completely rich, but well off. She's probably 20 now? she has amnesia, and is taking some drugs to keep the melatonin that causes her eyes to be completely black. She is a little bit ditsy, but can be intelligent with some things. she has a very good philosophy on life, considering her identical twin just died about a year ago.

Anyways, if you're interested maybe they could be a love interest, he could try and con her out of money or anything of that sort?
Let me know what you think.
Alright, et me know where and when, and I'll get it started for you =)
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