The Way You Lie

Marcus Karlson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Marcus always tried to enter his classes with the idea that it was going to be interesting. No matter what happened, no matter how the previous class had gone, he always ended up trying that didn't mean he always succeeded. His father had been devoted on teaching him that when someone entered an event or something with a negative mentality than all that would result from it would be what they had been expecting. For one who looks for problems always ends up finding problems, while one who searches for happiness will find joy in the smallest of things. Class had been going on for a while now and it was going by quicker than usual. With his quill in his right hand, Marcus transcribed notes onto his parchment, anything and everything that the teacher took time to explain or repeated was written down. Lost in his own world, only the teacher and he existed. His eyes stayed glued to his parchment, taking quick glances up at the teacher. Marcus hearing sense was focusing mainly on the voice of the teacher. In potion class, theory was important, if someone had the brilliant idea of putting in the wrong ingredient into the potion the result was always unknown and so it was better to transcribed everything properly and to do it properly the first time around.

Time came for a demonstration by the teacher; Marcus settled his quill in his ink bottle before giving his attention to the teacher. His eyes barely moved away from the teacher throughout the demonstration. When the demonstration seemed finished, Marcus moved his eyes down towards his quill and the ink bottle. Midway through the movement, his eyes landed on a blonde girl who was not too far away from him. He gave her a small smile before looking back down at his parchment. He continued writing down the notes till the teacher announced the end of the class. He placed everything in his bag, making sure his ink bottle was closed properly. It wasn't the time to have ink over everything. Once everything was in his bag, Marcus stood up and moved towards the door before seeing the blonde girl from earlier. "Hi" was all that Marcus could say. He wasn't certain whether she was willing to speak to him or not and saying a simple 'hi' permitted her to either respond or ignore him.
The false blonde was tired. She'd not really slept the night before, and had no real energy that day. Which was probably a good thing, considering it meant that she didn't have to worry about if she had to act out or not. She just could not be bothered. As a girl, with many issues, it always seemed to her that people had started to go out of there way to ignore everything that she did. Everything that she pulled. Kissing boys in the middle of the corridor being one thing that most didn't believe. but it had happened. The boy Jotham, had pretty much liked everything about her, right up until the point where she'd said, that they'd miss understood each other, and what she wanted, and what he wanted were two entirely different things altogether. And while it had been fun, it was clear the boy was not interested in just a one night stand. She'd for once done the slightly more noble thing and walked away. Without throwing any form of tantrum or crying. She'd just walked away. Turning her back on him, and keeping her offer still on the table. However, this tiredness did not mean that she would pay attention in class. The girl had little interest in what it had to teach her, as far as she was concerned, all she wanted to do, was leave the school, and do something in show business, where all eyes could be on her all the time. But she couldn't she was stuck in the potions classroom, as the professor droned on and on about something or any other. She had paid little attention to begin with and wasn't going to start paying attention in the middle of the lesson. Michelle James, had her eyes on the professor, while twirling strands of the dyed blonde hair around her finger. Unlike most in her class, Michelle had not gone for the covered up winter/spring look. Her skirt was barely long enough and the long legs of the girl were partially covered by knee high socks. She work her usual school ballet flats. Not needing heels to give her extra height. Which was probably what Michelle loved most about herself. She had light make up on, light in the sense, it made her skin paler, with long false eyelashes and a small hairband in her blonde hair to keep the strands from her eyes.

Glancing around the room, her eyes met the eyes of a boy. Who was clearly in her year, and someone that she didn't really know all that well. She gave a small smile. Before looking back at the front of the room. She thought her day was about to get a lot better than it had been. She wondered if the boy would come over to her, or if the moment had been just that. A fleeting moment. The class quickly came to a close, and Michelle could feel the eyes of the professor upon her, obviously glad that she'd not once lost her cool, and given the professor something to shout about. Michelle pack away her things and stood up. She swung the bag over her shoulder and made to leave the room. Once in the corridor the girl heard a voice speak. She looked round and noticed it was the boy. She gave a small but pleased smile. "Hi" She replied, pretending to blush as if nervous in front of the boy. "I'm Michelle. Michelle James." Michelle extended her hand to him. She was glad he'd approached her. She waited for him to introduce himself. She couldn't remember his name from the class.​
The awkward sensation that imposed itself on a person after saying ‘hi’ to someone was always present at a time like this. The time between one who said ‘hello’ and awaiting an answer from another person always seemed endless. Marcus let out a sigh of relief when he saw the girl turn around and give a response to him, even better than just a mere answer was the fact that it was positive. She could have easily just told him to go away or give him an awkward look but instead, she replied back and introduced herself to him. Michelle, he didn’t remember hearing her name too often in classes. That was without taking in consideration that Marcus never truly paid attention to the other students. After all, they never were the ones that taught the subject to him.

Marcus offered his hand in response to her offered handshake. “And I am Marcus Karlson, pleasure to meet you.” He answered while lightly shaking his arm. He loosened his grip on her hand before bringing it down by the side of his body. Marcus wasn’t shy; he never truly had problems talking with people even if he didn’t know them. He was a young vocal boy when it came to his opinions and feelings. Not having any filter to censor the words and statements coming out from his mouth. Yet, even if he was an open boy when it came to his opinions, being in a conversation with a girl or a boy he just met always had him slightly on his toes. The fact that these conversations were unpredictable was what made him nervous. When he was discussing with people he knew, he could predict in advance how they would react to his statements. With Michelle, he couldn’t predict anything. He was going to have to say what he thought or wanted and hope that Michelle would take it good and not make a whole mess out of it. He didn’t truly care whether he had people who hated him but that didn’t mean he wanted to do on purpose to increase the number of people who hated him. He loved having friends around him and the idea of possibly having something occur with a girl.

From his early recons of her, Michelle was physically a beautiful girl. Marcus wasn’t exactly thinking or even wanting to have anything go on with her but he still was a boy who had entered puberty not too long ago. He had a good level of testosterone and that prevented him from looking at a girl without having any sexual thoughts or ideas. His level wasn’t high enough to say that he was in need so much that he’d rape someone. Marcus was able to control himself, yet he wasn’t going to deny that as he looked at Michelle, a certain part of his brain was making up images of her without any effort. Though, he was young and wasn’t looking into going far with a girl anytime soon. His values prohibited him from doing so anyways, if he went far with a girl without caring for his values, he knew that in the end, he was going to regret. He didn’t know Michelle, the only part he knew about her was her name which she had just given to him. Even if a small part of his brain was having images, the rest was focused on examining and finding out if she was a person that was worth being a friend to or anything or if she was just another teenager who had problems with being loyal and sticking up for her own thoughts without the fear of rejection from the ‘cool’ group. “Would it be too upfront if I asked you, how has your day been?” Marcus offered her a small nervous smile, one that showed that he was friendly and didn’t mean any sarcasm or pitiful pickup line yet one where he was uncertain of how she’d react. Adding to the fact that the discussion had begun and that he had been the one to begin it, in some way it was his responsibility to make sure that it had some sense or depth to it than a simple quick name presentation.

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